- assert_equal("Weirdos", sanitizer.sanitize("Wei<a onclick='alert(document.cookie);'/>rdos"))
- assert_equal("This is a test.", sanitizer.sanitize("This is a test."))
- assert_equal(
- %{This is a test.\n\n\nIt no longer contains any HTML.\n}, sanitizer.sanitize(
- %{This is a test.\n\n\n\n
It no longer contains any HTML.
- assert_equal "This has a here.", sanitizer.sanitize("This has a here.")
- assert_equal "This has a here.", sanitizer.sanitize("This has a ]]> here.")
- assert_equal "This has an unclosed ", sanitizer.sanitize("This has an unclosed ]] here...")
- [nil, '', ' '].each { |blank| assert_equal blank, sanitizer.sanitize(blank) }
- end
- def test_strip_links
- sanitizer = HTML::LinkSanitizer.new
- assert_equal "Dont touch me", sanitizer.sanitize("Dont touch me")
- assert_equal "on my mind\nall day long", sanitizer.sanitize("on my mind\nall day long")
- assert_equal "0wn3d", sanitizer.sanitize("0wn3d")
- assert_equal "Magic", sanitizer.sanitize("Magic")
- assert_equal "FrrFox", sanitizer.sanitize("FrrFox")
- assert_equal "My mind\nall day long", sanitizer.sanitize("My mind\nall day long")
- assert_equal "all day long", sanitizer.sanitize("<a href='hello'>all day long</a>")
- assert_equal "", ''
- end
- def test_sanitize_plaintext
- raw = "foo"
- assert_sanitized raw, "foo"
- end
- def test_sanitize_script
- assert_sanitized "a b cd e f", "a b cd e f"
- end
- # fucked
- def test_sanitize_js_handlers
- raw = %{onthis="do that" hello}
- assert_sanitized raw, %{onthis="do that" hello}
- end
- def test_sanitize_javascript_href
- raw = %{href="javascript:bang" foo, bar}
- assert_sanitized raw, %{href="javascript:bang" foo, bar}
- end
- def test_sanitize_image_src
- raw = %{src="javascript:bang" foo, bar}
- assert_sanitized raw, %{src="javascript:bang" foo, bar}
- end
- HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.allowed_tags.each do |tag_name|
- define_method "test_should_allow_#{tag_name}_tag" do
- assert_sanitized "start <#{tag_name} title=\"1\" onclick=\"foo\">foo bar baz#{tag_name}> end", %(start <#{tag_name} title="1">foo bar baz#{tag_name}> end)
- end
- end
- def test_should_allow_anchors
- assert_sanitized %(), %()
- end
- # RFC 3986, sec 4.2
- def test_allow_colons_in_path_component
- assert_sanitized("foo")
- end
- %w(src width height alt).each do |img_attr|
- define_method "test_should_allow_image_#{img_attr}_attribute" do
- assert_sanitized %(), %()
- end
- end
- def test_should_handle_non_html
- assert_sanitized 'abc'
- end
- def test_should_handle_blank_text
- assert_sanitized nil
- assert_sanitized ''
- end
- def test_should_allow_custom_tags
- text = "foo"
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- assert_equal(text, sanitizer.sanitize(text, :tags => %w(u)))
- end
- def test_should_allow_only_custom_tags
- text = "foo with bar"
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- assert_equal("foo with bar", sanitizer.sanitize(text, :tags => %w(u)))
- end
- def test_should_allow_custom_tags_with_attributes
- text = %(
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- assert_equal(text, sanitizer.sanitize(text))
- end
- def test_should_allow_custom_tags_with_custom_attributes
- text = %(
Lorem ipsum
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- assert_equal(text, sanitizer.sanitize(text, :attributes => ['foo']))
- end
- [%w(img src), %w(a href)].each do |(tag, attr)|
- define_method "test_should_strip_#{attr}_attribute_in_#{tag}_with_bad_protocols" do
- assert_sanitized %(<#{tag} #{attr}="javascript:bang" title="1">boo#{tag}>), %(<#{tag} title="1">boo#{tag}>)
- end
- end
- def test_should_flag_bad_protocols
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- %w(about chrome data disk hcp help javascript livescript lynxcgi lynxexec ms-help ms-its mhtml mocha opera res resource shell vbscript view-source vnd.ms.radio wysiwyg).each do |proto|
- assert sanitizer.send(:contains_bad_protocols?, 'src', "#{proto}://bad")
- end
- end
- def test_should_accept_good_protocols
- sanitizer = HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.new
- HTML::WhiteListSanitizer.allowed_protocols.each do |proto|
- assert !sanitizer.send(:contains_bad_protocols?, 'src', "#{proto}://good")
- end
- end
- def test_should_reject_hex_codes_in_protocol
- assert_sanitized %(1), "1"
- assert @sanitizer.send(:contains_bad_protocols?, 'src', "%6A%61%76%61%73%63%72%69%70%74%3A%61%6C%65%72%74%28%22%58%53%53%22%29")
- end
- def test_should_block_script_tag
- assert_sanitized %(), ""
- end
- [%(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(">),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %(),
- %()].each_with_index do |img_hack, i|
- define_method "test_should_not_fall_for_xss_image_hack_#{i+1}" do
- assert_sanitized img_hack, ""
- end
- end
- def test_should_sanitize_tag_broken_up_by_null
- assert_sanitized %(alert(\"XSS\")), "alert(\"XSS\")"
- end
- def test_should_sanitize_invalid_script_tag
- assert_sanitized %(), ""
- end
- def test_should_sanitize_script_tag_with_multiple_open_brackets
- assert_sanitized %(<), "<"
- assert_sanitized %(