path: root/railties/test/generators
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/test/generators')
32 files changed, 6921 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af475400a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator"
+require "env_helpers"
+class ActionsTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ include EnvHelpers
+ tests Rails::Generators::AppGenerator
+ arguments [destination_root]
+ def setup
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application
+ super
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application.instance
+ end
+ def test_invoke_other_generator_with_shortcut
+ action :invoke, "model", ["my_model"]
+ assert_file "app/models/my_model.rb", /MyModel/
+ end
+ def test_invoke_other_generator_with_full_namespace
+ action :invoke, "rails:model", ["my_model"]
+ assert_file "app/models/my_model.rb", /MyModel/
+ end
+ def test_create_file_should_write_data_to_file_path
+ action :create_file, "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data"
+ assert_file "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data"
+ end
+ def test_create_file_should_write_block_contents_to_file_path
+ action(:create_file, "lib/test_file.rb") { "heres block data" }
+ assert_file "lib/test_file.rb", "heres block data"
+ end
+ def test_add_source_adds_source_to_gemfile
+ run_generator
+ action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /source 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com'/
+ end
+ def test_add_source_with_block_adds_source_to_gemfile_with_gem
+ run_generator
+ action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com" do
+ gem "rspec-rails"
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /source 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com' do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend/
+ end
+ def test_add_source_with_block_adds_source_to_gemfile_after_gem
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "will-paginate"
+ action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com" do
+ gem "rspec-rails"
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'will-paginate'\nsource 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com' do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend/
+ end
+ def test_gem_should_put_gem_dependency_in_gemfile
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "will-paginate"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'will\-paginate'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_version_should_include_version_in_gemfile
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "rspec", ">= 2.0.0.a5"
+ action :gem, "RedCloth", ">= 4.1.0", "< 4.2.0"
+ action :gem, "nokogiri", version: ">= 1.4.2"
+ action :gem, "faker", version: [">= 0.1.0", "< 0.3.0"]
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_match(/gem 'rspec', '>= 2\.0\.0\.a5'/, content)
+ assert_match(/gem 'RedCloth', '>= 4\.1\.0', '< 4\.2\.0'/, content)
+ assert_match(/gem 'nokogiri', '>= 1\.4\.2'/, content)
+ assert_match(/gem 'faker', '>= 0\.1\.0', '< 0\.3\.0'/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_gem_should_insert_on_separate_lines
+ run_generator
+ File.open("Gemfile", "a") { |f| f.write("# Some content...") }
+ action :gem, "rspec"
+ action :gem, "rspec-rails"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec'$/
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec-rails'$/
+ end
+ def test_gem_should_include_options
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "rspec", github: "dchelimsky/rspec", tag: "1.2.9.rc1"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'rspec', github: 'dchelimsky\/rspec', tag: '1\.2\.9\.rc1'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_non_string_options
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "rspec", require: false
+ action :gem, "rspec-rails", group: [:development, :test]
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec', require: false$/
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec-rails', group: \[:development, :test\]$/
+ end
+ def test_gem_falls_back_to_inspect_if_string_contains_single_quote
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, "rspec", ">=2.0'0"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec', ">=2\.0'0"$/
+ end
+ def test_gem_works_even_if_frozen_string_is_passed_as_argument
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, -"frozen_gem", -"1.0.0"
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'frozen_gem', '1.0.0'$/
+ end
+ def test_gem_group_should_wrap_gems_in_a_group
+ run_generator
+ action :gem_group, :development, :test do
+ gem "rspec-rails"
+ end
+ action :gem_group, :test do
+ gem "fakeweb"
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /\ngroup :development, :test do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend\n\ngroup :test do\n gem 'fakeweb'\nend/
+ end
+ def test_github_should_create_an_indented_block
+ run_generator
+ action :github, "user/repo" do
+ gem "foo"
+ gem "bar"
+ gem "baz"
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /\ngithub 'user\/repo' do\n gem 'foo'\n gem 'bar'\n gem 'baz'\nend/
+ end
+ def test_github_should_create_an_indented_block_with_options
+ run_generator
+ action :github, "user/repo", a: "correct", other: true do
+ gem "foo"
+ gem "bar"
+ gem "baz"
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /\ngithub 'user\/repo', a: 'correct', other: true do\n gem 'foo'\n gem 'bar'\n gem 'baz'\nend/
+ end
+ def test_github_should_create_an_indented_block_within_a_group
+ run_generator
+ action :gem_group, :magic do
+ github "user/repo", a: "correct", other: true do
+ gem "foo"
+ gem "bar"
+ gem "baz"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /\ngroup :magic do\n github 'user\/repo', a: 'correct', other: true do\n gem 'foo'\n gem 'bar'\n gem 'baz'\n end\nend\n/
+ end
+ def test_environment_should_include_data_in_environment_initializer_block
+ run_generator
+ autoload_paths = 'config.autoload_paths += %w["#{Rails.root}/app/extras"]'
+ action :environment, autoload_paths
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", / class Application < Rails::Application\n #{Regexp.escape(autoload_paths)}\n/
+ end
+ def test_environment_should_include_data_in_environment_initializer_block_with_env_option
+ run_generator
+ autoload_paths = 'config.autoload_paths += %w["#{Rails.root}/app/extras"]'
+ action :environment, autoload_paths, env: "development"
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb", /Rails\.application\.configure do\n #{Regexp.escape(autoload_paths)}\n/
+ end
+ def test_environment_with_block_should_include_block_contents_in_environment_initializer_block
+ run_generator
+ action :environment do
+ _ = "# This wont be added"# assignment to silence parse-time warning "unused literal ignored"
+ "# This will be added"
+ end
+ assert_file "config/application.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/# This will be added/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/# This wont be added/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_environment_with_block_should_include_block_contents_with_multiline_data_in_environment_initializer_block
+ run_generator
+ data = <<-RUBY
+ config.encoding = "utf-8"
+ config.time_zone = "UTC"
+ action(:environment) { data }
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", / class Application < Rails::Application\n#{Regexp.escape(data.strip_heredoc.indent(4))}/
+ end
+ def test_environment_should_include_block_contents_with_multiline_data_in_environment_initializer_block_with_env_option
+ run_generator
+ data = <<-RUBY
+ config.encoding = "utf-8"
+ config.time_zone = "UTC"
+ action(:environment, nil, env: "development") { data }
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb", /Rails\.application\.configure do\n#{Regexp.escape(data.strip_heredoc.indent(2))}/
+ end
+ def test_git_with_symbol_should_run_command_using_git_scm
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["git init"]) do
+ action :git, :init
+ end
+ end
+ def test_git_with_hash_should_run_each_command_using_git_scm
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, [ ["git rm README"], ["git add ."] ]) do
+ action :git, rm: "README", add: "."
+ end
+ end
+ def test_vendor_should_write_data_to_file_in_vendor
+ action :vendor, "vendor_file.rb", "# vendor data"
+ assert_file "vendor/vendor_file.rb", "# vendor data\n"
+ end
+ def test_vendor_should_write_data_to_file_with_block_in_vendor
+ code = <<-RUBY
+ puts "one"
+ puts "two"
+ puts "three"
+ action(:vendor, "vendor_file.rb") { code }
+ assert_file "vendor/vendor_file.rb", code.strip_heredoc
+ end
+ def test_lib_should_write_data_to_file_in_lib
+ action :lib, "my_library.rb", "class MyLibrary"
+ assert_file "lib/my_library.rb", "class MyLibrary\n"
+ end
+ def test_lib_should_write_data_to_file_with_block_in_lib
+ code = <<-RUBY
+ class MyLib
+ end
+ action(:lib, "my_library.rb") { code }
+ assert_file "lib/my_library.rb", code.strip_heredoc
+ end
+ def test_rakefile_should_write_date_to_file_in_lib_tasks
+ action :rakefile, "myapp.rake", "task run: [:environment]"
+ assert_file "lib/tasks/myapp.rake", "task run: [:environment]\n"
+ end
+ def test_rakefile_should_write_date_to_file_with_block_in_lib_tasks
+ code = <<-RUBY
+ task rock: :environment do
+ puts "Rockin'"
+ end
+ action(:rakefile, "myapp.rake") { code }
+ assert_file "lib/tasks/myapp.rake", code.strip_heredoc
+ end
+ def test_initializer_should_write_date_to_file_in_config_initializers
+ action :initializer, "constants.rb", "MY_CONSTANT = 42"
+ assert_file "config/initializers/constants.rb", "MY_CONSTANT = 42\n"
+ end
+ def test_initializer_should_write_date_to_file_with_block_in_config_initializers
+ code = <<-RUBY
+ MyLib.configure do |config|
+ config.value = 123
+ end
+ action(:initializer, "constants.rb") { code }
+ assert_file "config/initializers/constants.rb", code.strip_heredoc
+ end
+ def test_generate_should_run_script_generate_with_argument_and_options
+ run_generator
+ action :generate, "model", "MyModel"
+ assert_file "app/models/my_model.rb", /MyModel/
+ end
+ def test_generate_aborts_when_subprocess_fails_if_requested
+ run_generator
+ content = capture(:stderr) do
+ assert_raises SystemExit do
+ action :generate, "model", "MyModel:ADsad", abort_on_failure: true
+ action :generate, "model", "MyModel"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/wrong constant name MyModel:aDsad/, content)
+ assert_no_file "app/models/my_model.rb"
+ end
+ def test_rake_should_run_rake_command_with_default_env
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rake, "log:clear"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_rake_with_env_option_should_run_rake_command_in_env
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ action :rake, "log:clear", env: "production"
+ end
+ end
+ test "rake with RAILS_ENV variable should run rake command in env" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ action :rake, "log:clear"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "env option should win over RAILS_ENV variable when running rake" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env "staging" do
+ action :rake, "log:clear", env: "production"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rake with sudo option should run rake command with sudo" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["sudo rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rake, "log:clear", sudo: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rake command with capture option should run rake command with capture" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false, capture: true]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rake, "log:clear", capture: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rails command should run rails_command with default env" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rails command with env option should run rails_command with same env" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear", env: "production"
+ end
+ end
+ test "rails command with RAILS_ENV variable should run rails_command in env" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_env_option_should_win_over_rails_env_variable_when_running_rails
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env "staging" do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear", env: "production"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rails command with sudo option should run rails_command with sudo" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["sudo rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear", sudo: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "rails command with capture option should run rails_command with capture" do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false, capture: true]) do
+ with_rails_env nil do
+ action :rails_command, "log:clear", capture: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_capify_should_run_the_capify_command
+ content = capture(:stderr) do
+ assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["capify .", verbose: false]) do
+ action :capify!
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/DEPRECATION WARNING: `capify!` is deprecated/, content)
+ end
+ def test_route_should_add_data_to_the_routes_block_in_config_routes
+ run_generator
+ route_command = "route '/login', controller: 'sessions', action: 'new'"
+ action :route, route_command
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /#{Regexp.escape(route_command)}/
+ end
+ def test_route_should_be_idempotent
+ run_generator
+ route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root)
+ # runs first time, not asserting
+ action :route, "root 'welcome#index'"
+ content_1 = File.read(route_path)
+ # runs second time
+ action :route, "root 'welcome#index'"
+ content_2 = File.read(route_path)
+ assert_equal content_1, content_2
+ end
+ def test_route_should_add_data_with_an_new_line
+ run_generator
+ action :route, "root 'welcome#index'"
+ route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root)
+ content = File.read(route_path)
+ # Remove all of the comments and blank lines from the routes file
+ content.gsub!(/^ \#.*\n/, "")
+ content.gsub!(/^\n/, "")
+ File.write(route_path, content)
+ routes = <<-F
+Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ root 'welcome#index'
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", routes
+ action :route, "resources :product_lines"
+ routes = <<-F
+Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ resources :product_lines
+ root 'welcome#index'
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", routes
+ end
+ def test_readme
+ run_generator
+ assert_called(Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, :source_root, times: 2, returns: destination_root) do
+ assert_match "application up and running", action(:readme, "README.md")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_readme_with_quiet
+ generator(default_arguments, quiet: true)
+ run_generator
+ assert_called(Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, :source_root, times: 2, returns: destination_root) do
+ assert_no_match "application up and running", action(:readme, "README.md")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_log
+ assert_equal("YES\n", action(:log, "YES"))
+ end
+ def test_log_with_status
+ assert_equal(" yes YES\n", action(:log, :yes, "YES"))
+ end
+ def test_log_with_quiet
+ generator(default_arguments, quiet: true)
+ assert_equal("", action(:log, "YES"))
+ end
+ def test_log_with_status_with_quiet
+ generator(default_arguments, quiet: true)
+ assert_equal("", action(:log, :yes, "YES"))
+ end
+ private
+ def action(*args, &block)
+ capture(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) }
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/api_app_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/api_app_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b9878187b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/api_app_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator"
+class ApiAppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ tests Rails::Generators::AppGenerator
+ arguments [destination_root, "--api"]
+ def setup
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application
+ super
+ Kernel.silence_warnings do
+ Thor::Base.shell.attr_accessor :always_force
+ @shell = Thor::Base.shell.new
+ @shell.always_force = true
+ end
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application.instance
+ end
+ def test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ default_files.each { |path| assert_file path }
+ skipped_files.each { |path| assert_no_file path }
+ end
+ def test_api_modified_files
+ run_generator
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/\/public\/assets/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/gem 'sass-rails'/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/gem 'web-console'/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/gem 'capybara'/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/gem 'selenium-webdriver'/, content)
+ assert_match(/# gem 'jbuilder'/, content)
+ assert_match(/# gem 'rack-cors'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", /config\.api_only = true/
+ assert_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", /ActionController::API/
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_action_cable_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--api", "--skip-action-cable"]
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/
+ assert_no_file "config/cable.yml"
+ assert_no_file "app/channels"
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/redis/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_action_mailer_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--api", "--skip-action-mailer"]
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_directory "app/mailers"
+ assert_no_directory "test/mailers"
+ assert_no_directory "app/views"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_unnecessary_config_files
+ run_generator
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"],
+ { api: true, update: true }, { destination_root: destination_root, shell: @shell }
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_no_file "config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb"
+ assert_no_file "config/initializers/assets.rb"
+ assert_no_file "config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_unnecessary_bin_files
+ run_generator
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"],
+ { api: true, update: true }, { destination_root: destination_root, shell: @shell }
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_bin_files) }
+ assert_no_file "bin/yarn"
+ end
+ private
+ def default_files
+ %w(.gitignore
+ .ruby-version
+ Gemfile
+ Rakefile
+ config.ru
+ app/channels
+ app/controllers
+ app/mailers
+ app/models
+ app/views/layouts
+ app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
+ app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
+ bin/rails
+ bin/rake
+ bin/setup
+ bin/update
+ config/application.rb
+ config/boot.rb
+ config/cable.yml
+ config/environment.rb
+ config/environments
+ config/environments/development.rb
+ config/environments/production.rb
+ config/environments/test.rb
+ config/initializers
+ config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
+ config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
+ config/initializers/cors.rb
+ config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
+ config/initializers/inflections.rb
+ config/initializers/mime_types.rb
+ config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
+ config/locales
+ config/locales/en.yml
+ config/puma.rb
+ config/routes.rb
+ config/credentials.yml.enc
+ config/spring.rb
+ config/storage.yml
+ db
+ db/seeds.rb
+ lib
+ lib/tasks
+ log
+ test/fixtures
+ test/controllers
+ test/integration
+ test/models
+ tmp
+ vendor
+ )
+ end
+ def skipped_files
+ %w(app/assets
+ app/helpers
+ app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
+ bin/yarn
+ config/initializers/assets.rb
+ config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
+ config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
+ lib/assets
+ test/helpers
+ tmp/cache/assets
+ public/404.html
+ public/422.html
+ public/500.html
+ public/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
+ public/apple-touch-icon.png
+ public/favicon.ico
+ package.json
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..154cd3e80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator"
+require "generators/shared_generator_tests"
+ .gitignore
+ .ruby-version
+ Gemfile
+ Rakefile
+ config.ru
+ app/assets/config/manifest.js
+ app/assets/images
+ app/javascript
+ app/javascript/channels
+ app/javascript/channels/consumer.js
+ app/javascript/channels/index.js
+ app/javascript/packs/application.js
+ app/assets/stylesheets
+ app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
+ app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb
+ app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb
+ app/controllers
+ app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+ app/controllers/concerns
+ app/helpers
+ app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+ app/mailers
+ app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
+ app/models
+ app/models/application_record.rb
+ app/models/concerns
+ app/jobs
+ app/jobs/application_job.rb
+ app/views/layouts
+ app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
+ app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
+ app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
+ bin/rails
+ bin/rake
+ bin/setup
+ bin/update
+ bin/yarn
+ config/application.rb
+ config/boot.rb
+ config/cable.yml
+ config/environment.rb
+ config/environments
+ config/environments/development.rb
+ config/environments/production.rb
+ config/environments/test.rb
+ config/initializers
+ config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
+ config/initializers/assets.rb
+ config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
+ config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
+ config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
+ config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
+ config/initializers/inflections.rb
+ config/initializers/mime_types.rb
+ config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
+ config/locales
+ config/locales/en.yml
+ config/puma.rb
+ config/routes.rb
+ config/credentials.yml.enc
+ config/spring.rb
+ config/storage.yml
+ db
+ db/seeds.rb
+ lib
+ lib/tasks
+ lib/assets
+ log
+ package.json
+ public
+ storage
+ test/application_system_test_case.rb
+ test/test_helper.rb
+ test/fixtures
+ test/fixtures/files
+ test/controllers
+ test/models
+ test/helpers
+ test/mailers
+ test/integration
+ test/system
+ vendor
+ tmp
+ tmp/cache
+ tmp/cache/assets
+ tmp/storage
+class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments [destination_root]
+ # brings setup, teardown, and some tests
+ include SharedGeneratorTests
+ def default_files
+ end
+ def test_skip_bundle
+ assert_not_called(generator([destination_root], skip_bundle: true, skip_webpack_install: true), :bundle_command) do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ # skip_bundle is only about running bundle install, ensure the Gemfile is still
+ # generated.
+ assert_file "Gemfile"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assets
+ run_generator
+ assert_file("app/views/layouts/application.html.erb", /stylesheet_link_tag\s+'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload'/)
+ assert_file("app/views/layouts/application.html.erb", /javascript_pack_tag\s+'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload'/)
+ assert_file("app/assets/stylesheets/application.css")
+ assert_file("app/javascript/packs/application.js")
+ end
+ def test_application_job_file_present
+ run_generator
+ assert_file("app/jobs/application_job.rb")
+ end
+ def test_invalid_application_name_raises_an_error
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "43-things")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid application name 43-things. Please give a name which does not start with numbers.\n", content
+ end
+ def test_invalid_application_name_is_fixed
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "things-43")]
+ assert_file "things-43/config/environment.rb", /Rails\.application\.initialize!/
+ assert_file "things-43/config/application.rb", /^module Things43$/
+ end
+ def test_application_new_exits_with_non_zero_code_on_invalid_application_name
+ quietly { system "rails new test --no-rc" }
+ assert_equal false, $?.success?
+ end
+ def test_application_new_exits_with_message_and_non_zero_code_when_generating_inside_existing_rails_directory
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myfirstapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ output = nil
+ Dir.chdir(app_root) do
+ output = `rails new mysecondapp`
+ end
+ assert_equal "Can't initialize a new Rails application within the directory of another, please change to a non-Rails directory first.\nType 'rails' for help.\n", output
+ assert_equal false, $?.success?
+ end
+ def test_application_new_show_help_message_inside_existing_rails_directory
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myfirstapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_root) do
+ `rails new --help`
+ end
+ assert_match(/rails new APP_PATH \[options\]/, output)
+ assert_equal true, $?.success?
+ end
+ def test_application_name_is_detected_if_it_exists_and_app_folder_renamed
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ app_moved_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp_moved")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ stub_rails_application(app_moved_root) do
+ Rails.application.stub(:is_a?, -> *args { Rails::Application }) do
+ FileUtils.mv(app_root, app_moved_root)
+ # make sure we are in correct dir
+ FileUtils.cd(app_moved_root)
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [],
+ destination_root: app_moved_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_file "myapp_moved/config/environment.rb", /Rails\.application\.initialize!/
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_generates_correct_session_key
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [], destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_new_application_use_json_serialzier
+ run_generator
+ assert_file("config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb", /Rails\.application\.config\.action_dispatch\.cookies_serializer = :json/)
+ end
+ def test_new_application_not_include_api_initializers
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "config/initializers/cors.rb"
+ end
+ def test_new_application_doesnt_need_defaults
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb"
+ end
+ def test_new_application_load_defaults
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myfirstapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ output = nil
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/application.rb", /\s+config\.load_defaults #{Rails::VERSION::STRING.to_f}/
+ Dir.chdir(app_root) do
+ output = `SKIP_REQUIRE_WEBPACKER=true ./bin/rails r "puts Rails.application.config.assets.unknown_asset_fallback"`
+ end
+ assert_equal "false\n", output
+ end
+ def test_csp_initializer_include_connect_src_example
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/# policy\.connect_src/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_keep_the_cookie_serializer_if_it_is_already_configured
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [], destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_file("#{app_root}/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb", /Rails\.application\.config\.action_dispatch\.cookies_serializer = :json/)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_set_the_cookie_serializer_to_marshal_if_it_is_not_already_configured
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ FileUtils.rm("#{app_root}/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb")
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [], destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_file("#{app_root}/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb",
+ /Valid options are :json, :marshal, and :hybrid\.\nRails\.application\.config\.action_dispatch\.cookies_serializer = :marshal/)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_create_new_framework_defaults
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb"
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], { update: true }, { destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell }
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_create_rack_cors
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [], destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/initializers/cors.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_remove_rack_cors_if_already_present
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root]
+ FileUtils.touch("#{app_root}/config/initializers/cors.rb")
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], [], destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/initializers/cors.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_yarn_contents_when_bin_yarn_is_not_used
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-javascript"]
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], { update: true, skip_javascript: true }, { destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell }
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_bin_files) }
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/bin/yarn"
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/bin/setup" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/system\('bin\/yarn'\)/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/bin/update" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/system\('bin\/yarn'\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_assets_initializer_when_skip_sprockets_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-sprockets"]
+ stub_rails_application(app_root) do
+ generator = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new ["rails"], { update: true, skip_sprockets: true }, { destination_root: app_root, shell: @shell }
+ generator.send(:app_const)
+ quietly { generator.send(:update_config_files) }
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/initializers/assets.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_spring_contents_when_skip_spring_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-spring"]
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/spring.rb"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_action_cable_contents_when_skip_action_cable_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-action-cable"]
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/cable.yml"
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_cable/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_bootsnap_contents_when_skip_bootsnap_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-bootsnap"]
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/boot.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/require 'bootsnap\/setup'/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_gem_for_active_storage
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^# gem 'image_processing'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_for_active_storage_when_skip_active_storage_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-active-storage"]
+ assert_no_gem "image_processing"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_active_storage_contents_when_skip_active_storage_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-active-storage"]
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/storage.yml"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_generate_active_storage_contents_when_skip_active_record_is_given
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "myapp")
+ run_generator [app_root, "--skip-active-record"]
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{app_root}/config/storage.yml"
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_change_config_target_version
+ run_generator
+ FileUtils.cd(destination_root) do
+ config = "config/application.rb"
+ content = File.read(config)
+ File.write(config, content.gsub(/config\.load_defaults #{Rails::VERSION::STRING.to_f}/, "config.load_defaults 5.1"))
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", /\s+config\.load_defaults 5\.1/
+ end
+ def test_app_update_does_not_change_app_name_when_app_name_is_hyphenated_name
+ app_root = File.join(destination_root, "hyphenated-app")
+ run_generator [app_root, "-d", "postgresql"]
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/database.yml" do |content|
+ assert_match(/hyphenated_app_development/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/hyphenated-app_development/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/cable.yml" do |content|
+ assert_match(/hyphenated_app/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/hyphenated-app/, content)
+ end
+ FileUtils.cd(app_root) do
+ quietly { system("bin/rails app:update") }
+ end
+ assert_file "#{app_root}/config/cable.yml" do |content|
+ assert_match(/hyphenated_app/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/hyphenated-app/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_application_names_are_not_singularized
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "hats")]
+ assert_file "hats/config/environment.rb", /Rails\.application\.initialize!/
+ end
+ def test_gemfile_has_no_whitespace_errors
+ run_generator
+ absolute = File.expand_path("Gemfile", destination_root)
+ File.open(absolute, "r") do |f|
+ f.each_line do |line|
+ assert_no_match %r{/^[ \t]+$/}, line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_config_database_is_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /sqlite3/
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter"
+ else
+ assert_gem "sqlite3"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_config_mysql_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "mysql"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /mysql/
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter"
+ else
+ assert_gem "mysql2", "'>= 0.4.4'"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_config_database_app_name_with_period
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "common.usage.com"), "-d", "postgresql"]
+ assert_file "common.usage.com/config/database.yml", /common_usage_com/
+ end
+ def test_config_postgresql_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "postgresql"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /postgresql/
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter"
+ else
+ assert_gem "pg", "'>= 0.18', '< 2.0'"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_config_jdbcmysql_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbcmysql"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /mysql/
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter"
+ end
+ def test_config_jdbcsqlite3_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbcsqlite3"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /sqlite3/
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter"
+ end
+ def test_config_jdbcpostgresql_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbcpostgresql"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /postgresql/
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter"
+ end
+ def test_config_jdbc_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbc"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /jdbc/
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /mssql/
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbc-adapter"
+ end
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ def test_config_jdbc_database_when_no_option_given
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /sqlite3/
+ assert_gem "activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_defaults_to_puma_version
+ run_generator [destination_root]
+ assert_gem "puma", "'~> 3.11'"
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_puma_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-puma"]
+ assert_no_file "config/puma.rb"
+ assert_no_gem "puma"
+ end
+ def test_generator_has_assets_gems
+ run_generator
+ assert_gem "sass-rails"
+ end
+ def test_action_cable_redis_gems
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^# gem 'redis'/
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_test_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test"]
+ assert_file "config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/
+ assert_no_gem "capybara"
+ assert_no_gem "selenium-webdriver"
+ assert_no_gem "chromedriver-helper"
+ assert_no_directory("test")
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_system_test_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-system-test"]
+ assert_no_gem "capybara"
+ assert_no_gem "selenium-webdriver"
+ assert_no_gem "chromedriver-helper"
+ assert_directory("test")
+ assert_no_directory("test/system")
+ end
+ def test_does_not_generate_system_test_files_if_skip_system_test_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-system-test"]
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) do
+ quietly { `./bin/rails g scaffold User` }
+ assert_no_file("test/application_system_test_case.rb")
+ assert_no_file("test/system/users_test.rb")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_javascript_is_skipped_if_required
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-javascript"]
+ assert_no_file "app/javascript"
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/stylesheet_link_tag\s+'application', media: 'all' %>/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/javascript_pack_tag\s+'application'/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_jbuilder
+ run_generator
+ assert_gem "jbuilder"
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_a_debugger
+ run_generator
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) || RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
+ assert_no_gem "byebug"
+ else
+ assert_gem "byebug"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_listen_related_configuration_by_default
+ run_generator
+ if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin|linux/
+ assert_listen_related_configuration
+ else
+ assert_no_listen_related_configuration
+ end
+ end
+ def test_non_inclusion_of_listen_related_configuration_if_skip_listen
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-listen"]
+ assert_no_listen_related_configuration
+ end
+ def test_evented_file_update_checker_config
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin|linux/
+ assert_match(/^\s*config\.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker/, content)
+ else
+ assert_match(/^\s*# config\.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_template_from_dir_pwd
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ assert_match(/It works from file!/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"]))
+ end
+ def test_usage_read_from_file
+ assert_called(File, :read, returns: "USAGE FROM FILE") do
+ assert_equal "USAGE FROM FILE", Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.desc
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_usage
+ assert_called(Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, :usage_path, returns: nil) do
+ assert_match(/Create rails files for app generator/, Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.desc)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_namespace
+ assert_match "rails:app", Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.namespace
+ end
+ def test_file_is_added_for_backwards_compatibility
+ action :file, "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data"
+ assert_file "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data"
+ end
+ def test_pretend_option
+ output = run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "myapp"), "--pretend"]
+ assert_no_match(/run bundle install/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/run git init/, output)
+ end
+ def test_quiet_option
+ output = run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "myapp"), "--quiet"]
+ assert_empty output
+ end
+ def test_force_option_overwrites_every_file_except_master_key
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "myapp")]
+ output = run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "myapp"), "--force"]
+ assert_match(/force/, output)
+ assert_no_match("force config/master.key", output)
+ end
+ def test_application_name_with_spaces
+ path = File.join(destination_root, "foo bar")
+ # This also applies to MySQL apps but not with SQLite
+ run_generator [path, "-d", "postgresql"]
+ assert_file "foo bar/config/database.yml", /database: foo_bar_development/
+ end
+ def test_web_console
+ run_generator
+ assert_gem "web-console"
+ end
+ def test_web_console_with_dev_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dev", "--skip-bundle"]
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_match(/gem 'web-console',\s+github: 'rails\/web-console'/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/\Agem 'web-console', '>= 3\.3\.0'\z/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_web_console_with_edge_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--edge"]
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_match(/gem 'web-console',\s+github: 'rails\/web-console'/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/\Agem 'web-console', '>= 3\.3\.0'\z/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generation_runs_bundle_install
+ generator([destination_root], skip_webpack_install: true)
+ assert_bundler_command_called("install")
+ end
+ def test_dev_option
+ generator([destination_root], dev: true, skip_webpack_install: true)
+ assert_bundler_command_called("install")
+ rails_path = File.expand_path("../../..", Rails.root)
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem\s+["']rails["'],\s+path:\s+["']#{Regexp.escape(rails_path)}["']$/
+ end
+ def test_edge_option
+ generator([destination_root], edge: true, skip_webpack_install: true)
+ assert_bundler_command_called("install")
+ assert_file "Gemfile", %r{^gem\s+["']rails["'],\s+github:\s+["']#{Regexp.escape("rails/rails")}["']$}
+ end
+ def test_spring
+ run_generator
+ assert_gem "spring"
+ end
+ def test_bundler_binstub
+ generator([destination_root], skip_webpack_install: true)
+ assert_bundler_command_called("binstubs bundler")
+ end
+ def test_spring_binstubs
+ jruby_skip "spring doesn't run on JRuby"
+ generator([destination_root], skip_webpack_install: true)
+ assert_bundler_command_called("exec spring binstub --all")
+ end
+ def test_spring_no_fork
+ jruby_skip "spring doesn't run on JRuby"
+ assert_called_with(Process, :respond_to?, [[:fork], [:fork]], returns: false) do
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_gem "spring"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skip_spring
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-spring"]
+ assert_no_file "config/spring.rb"
+ assert_no_gem "spring"
+ end
+ def test_spring_with_dev_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dev", "--skip-bundle"]
+ assert_no_gem "spring"
+ end
+ def test_skip_javascript_option
+ command_check = -> command, *_ do
+ @called ||= 0
+ if command == "webpacker:install"
+ @called += 1
+ assert_equal 0, @called, "webpacker:install expected not to be called, but was called #{@called} times."
+ end
+ end
+ generator([destination_root], skip_javascript: true).stub(:rails_command, command_check) do
+ generator.stub :bundle_command, nil do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
+ assert_no_gem "webpacker"
+ assert_file "config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/policy\.connect_src/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_webpack_option_with_js_framework
+ command_check = -> command, *_ do
+ case command
+ when "webpacker:install"
+ @webpacker ||= 0
+ @webpacker += 1
+ assert_equal 1, @webpacker, "webpacker:install expected to be called once, but was called #{@webpacker} times."
+ when "webpacker:install:react"
+ @react ||= 0
+ @react += 1
+ assert_equal 1, @react, "webpacker:install:react expected to be called once, but was called #{@react} times."
+ end
+ end
+ generator([destination_root], webpack: "react").stub(:rails_command, command_check) do
+ generator.stub :bundle_command, nil do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
+ assert_gem "webpacker"
+ end
+ def test_skip_webpack_install
+ command_check = -> command do
+ if command == "webpacker:install"
+ assert false, "webpacker:install expected not to be called."
+ end
+ end
+ generator([destination_root], skip_webpack_install: true).stub(:rails_command, command_check) do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ assert_gem "webpacker"
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_turbolinks_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-turbolinks"]
+ assert_no_gem "turbolinks"
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/data-turbolinks-track/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/javascript/packs/application.js" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/turbolinks/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_bootsnap
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--no-skip-bootsnap"]
+ unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_gem "bootsnap"
+ assert_file "config/boot.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/require 'bootsnap\/setup'/, content)
+ end
+ else
+ assert_no_gem "bootsnap"
+ assert_file "config/boot.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/require 'bootsnap\/setup'/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skip_bootsnap
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-bootsnap"]
+ assert_no_gem "bootsnap"
+ assert_file "config/boot.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/require 'bootsnap\/setup'/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_bootsnap_with_dev_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dev", "--skip-bundle"]
+ assert_no_gem "bootsnap"
+ assert_file "config/boot.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/require 'bootsnap\/setup'/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_ruby_version
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_match(/ruby '#{RUBY_VERSION}'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file ".ruby-version" do |content|
+ assert_match(/#{ENV["RBENV_VERSION"]}/, content)
+ elsif ENV["rvm_ruby_string"]
+ assert_match(/#{ENV["rvm_ruby_string"]}/, content)
+ else
+ assert_match(/#{RUBY_ENGINE}-#{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION}/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_version_control_initializes_git_repo
+ run_generator [destination_root]
+ assert_directory ".git"
+ end
+ def test_create_keeps
+ run_generator
+ folders_with_keep = %w(
+ app/assets/images
+ app/controllers/concerns
+ app/models/concerns
+ lib/tasks
+ lib/assets
+ log
+ test/fixtures
+ test/fixtures/files
+ test/controllers
+ test/mailers
+ test/models
+ test/helpers
+ test/integration
+ tmp
+ )
+ folders_with_keep.each do |folder|
+ assert_file("#{folder}/.keep")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_psych_gem
+ run_generator
+ gem_regex = /gem 'psych',\s+'~> 2\.0',\s+platforms: :rbx/
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ if defined?(Rubinius)
+ assert_match(gem_regex, content)
+ else
+ assert_no_match(gem_regex, content)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_after_bundle_callback
+ path = "http://example.org/rails_template"
+ template = +%{ after_bundle { run 'echo ran after_bundle' } }
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ check_open = -> *args do
+ assert_equal [ path, "Accept" => "application/x-thor-template" ], args
+ template
+ end
+ sequence = ["git init", "install", "binstubs bundler", "exec spring binstub --all", "webpacker:install", "echo ran after_bundle"]
+ @sequence_step ||= 0
+ ensure_bundler_first = -> command, options = nil do
+ assert_equal sequence[@sequence_step], command, "commands should be called in sequence #{sequence}"
+ @sequence_step += 1
+ end
+ generator([destination_root], template: path).stub(:open, check_open, template) do
+ generator.stub(:bundle_command, ensure_bundler_first) do
+ generator.stub(:run, ensure_bundler_first) do
+ generator.stub(:rails_command, ensure_bundler_first) do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 6, @sequence_step
+ end
+ def test_gitignore
+ run_generator
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\/master\.key/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_system_tests_directory_generated
+ run_generator
+ assert_directory("test/system")
+ assert_file("test/system/.keep")
+ end
+ unless Gem.win_platform?
+ def test_master_key_is_only_readable_by_the_owner
+ run_generator
+ stat = File.stat("config/master.key")
+ assert_equal "100600", sprintf("%o", stat.mode)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def stub_rails_application(root)
+ Rails.application.config.root = root
+ Rails.application.class.stub(:name, "Myapp") do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ def action(*args, &block)
+ capture(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) }
+ end
+ def assert_gem(gem, constraint = nil)
+ if constraint
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^\s*gem\s+["']#{gem}["'], #{constraint}$*/
+ else
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^\s*gem\s+["']#{gem}["']$*/
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_no_gem(gem)
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(gem, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_listen_related_configuration
+ assert_gem "listen"
+ assert_gem "spring-watcher-listen"
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^\s*config\.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_no_listen_related_configuration
+ assert_no_gem "listen"
+ assert_file "config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^\s*# config\.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_bundler_command_called(target_command)
+ command_check = -> (command, env = {}) do
+ @command_called ||= 0
+ case command
+ when target_command
+ @command_called += 1
+ assert_equal 1, @command_called, "#{command} expected to be called once, but was called #{@command_called} times."
+ end
+ end
+ generator.stub :bundle_command, command_check do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/application_record_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/application_record_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c0aa7211b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/application_record_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/application_record/application_record_generator"
+class ApplicationRecordGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def test_application_record_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/models/application_record.rb" do |record|
+ assert_match(/class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base/, record)
+ assert_match(/self\.abstract_class = true/, record)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/argv_scrubber_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/argv_scrubber_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ef61dc978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/argv_scrubber_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "active_support/test_case"
+require "active_support/testing/autorun"
+require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator"
+require "tempfile"
+module Rails
+ module Generators
+ class ARGVScrubberTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+ # Future people who read this... These tests are just to surround the
+ # current behavior of the ARGVScrubber, they do not mean that the class
+ # *must* act this way, I just want to prevent regressions.
+ def test_version
+ ["-v", "--version"].each do |str|
+ scrubber = ARGVScrubber.new [str]
+ output = nil
+ exit_code = nil
+ scrubber.extend(Module.new {
+ define_method(:puts) { |string| output = string }
+ define_method(:exit) { |code| exit_code = code }
+ })
+ scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal "Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}", output
+ assert_equal 0, exit_code
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_help
+ argv = ["zomg", "how", "are", "you"]
+ scrubber = ARGVScrubber.new argv
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal ["--help"] + argv.drop(1), args
+ end
+ def test_prepare_returns_args
+ scrubber = ARGVScrubber.new ["hi mom"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal "--help", args.first
+ end
+ def test_no_mutations
+ scrubber = ARGVScrubber.new ["hi mom"].freeze
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal "--help", args.first
+ end
+ def test_new_command_no_rc
+ scrubber = Class.new(ARGVScrubber) {
+ def self.default_rc_file
+ File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "whatever")
+ end
+ }.new ["new"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal [], args
+ end
+ def test_new_homedir_rc
+ file = Tempfile.new "myrcfile"
+ file.puts "--hello-world"
+ file.flush
+ message = nil
+ scrubber = Class.new(ARGVScrubber) {
+ define_singleton_method(:default_rc_file) do
+ file.path
+ end
+ define_method(:puts) { |msg| message = msg }
+ }.new ["new"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal ["--hello-world"], args
+ assert_match "hello-world", message
+ assert_match file.path, message
+ ensure
+ file.close
+ file.unlink
+ end
+ def test_rc_whitespace_separated
+ file = Tempfile.new "myrcfile"
+ file.puts "--hello --world"
+ file.flush
+ scrubber = Class.new(ARGVScrubber) {
+ define_method(:puts) { |msg| }
+ }.new ["new", "--rc=#{file.path}"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal ["--hello", "--world"], args
+ ensure
+ file.close
+ file.unlink
+ end
+ def test_new_rc_option
+ file = Tempfile.new "myrcfile"
+ file.puts "--hello-world"
+ file.flush
+ message = nil
+ scrubber = Class.new(ARGVScrubber) {
+ define_method(:puts) { |msg| message = msg }
+ }.new ["new", "--rc=#{file.path}"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal ["--hello-world"], args
+ assert_match "hello-world", message
+ assert_match file.path, message
+ ensure
+ file.close
+ file.unlink
+ end
+ def test_new_rc_option_and_custom_options
+ file = Tempfile.new "myrcfile"
+ file.puts "--hello"
+ file.puts "--world"
+ file.flush
+ scrubber = Class.new(ARGVScrubber) {
+ define_method(:puts) { |msg| }
+ }.new ["new", "tenderapp", "--love", "--rc=#{file.path}"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal ["tenderapp", "--hello", "--world", "--love"], args
+ ensure
+ file.close
+ file.unlink
+ end
+ def test_no_rc
+ scrubber = ARGVScrubber.new ["new", "--no-rc"]
+ args = scrubber.prepare!
+ assert_equal [], args
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/assets_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/assets_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83d2429acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/assets_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/assets/assets_generator"
+class AssetsGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(posts)
+ def test_assets
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_skipping_assets
+ run_generator ["posts", "--no-stylesheets"]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/channel_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/channel_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cb8465539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/channel_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/channel/channel_generator"
+class ChannelGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ tests Rails::Generators::ChannelGenerator
+ def test_application_cable_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator ["books"]
+ assert_file "app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb" do |cable|
+ assert_match(/module ApplicationCable\n class Channel < ActionCable::Channel::Base\n/, cable)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb" do |cable|
+ assert_match(/module ApplicationCable\n class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base\n/, cable)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_channel_is_created
+ run_generator ["chat"]
+ assert_file "app/channels/chat_channel.rb" do |channel|
+ assert_match(/class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel/, channel)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel.js" do |channel|
+ assert_match(/import consumer from "\.\/consumer"\s+consumer\.subscriptions\.create\("ChatChannel/, channel)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_channel_with_multiple_actions_is_created
+ run_generator ["chat", "speak", "mute"]
+ assert_file "app/channels/chat_channel.rb" do |channel|
+ assert_match(/class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel/, channel)
+ assert_match(/def speak/, channel)
+ assert_match(/def mute/, channel)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel.js" do |channel|
+ assert_match(/import consumer from "\.\/consumer"\s+consumer\.subscriptions\.create\("ChatChannel/, channel)
+ assert_match(/,\n\n speak/, channel)
+ assert_match(/,\n\n mute: function\(\) \{\n return this\.perform\('mute'\);\n \}\n\}\);/, channel)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_channel_asset_is_not_created_when_skip_assets_is_passed
+ run_generator ["chat", "--skip-assets"]
+ assert_file "app/channels/chat_channel.rb" do |channel|
+ assert_match(/class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel/, channel)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel.js"
+ end
+ def test_consumer_js_is_created_if_not_present_already
+ run_generator ["chat"]
+ FileUtils.rm("#{destination_root}/app/javascript/channels/index.js")
+ FileUtils.rm("#{destination_root}/app/javascript/channels/consumer.js")
+ run_generator ["camp"]
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/index.js"
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/consumer.js"
+ end
+ def test_channel_on_revoke
+ run_generator ["chat"]
+ run_generator ["chat"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_no_file "app/channels/chat_channel.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel.js"
+ assert_file "app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb"
+ assert_file "app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb"
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/index.js"
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/consumer.js"
+ end
+ def test_channel_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator ["chat_channel"]
+ assert_no_file "app/channels/chat_channel_channel.rb"
+ assert_file "app/channels/chat_channel.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel_channel.js"
+ assert_file "app/javascript/channels/chat_channel.js"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/controller_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/controller_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8786756c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/controller_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/controller/controller_generator"
+class ControllerGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(Account foo bar)
+ setup :copy_routes
+ def test_help_does_not_show_invoked_generators_options_if_they_already_exist
+ content = run_generator ["--help"]
+ assert_no_match(/Helper options\:/, content)
+ end
+ def test_controller_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/account_controller.rb", /class AccountController < ApplicationController/
+ end
+ def test_check_class_collision
+ Object.send :const_set, :ObjectController, Class.new
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["object"] }
+ assert_match(/The name 'ObjectController' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ ensure
+ Object.send :remove_const, :ObjectController
+ end
+ def test_invokes_helper
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/helpers/account_helper.rb"
+ end
+ def test_does_not_invoke_helper_if_required
+ run_generator ["account", "--skip-helper"]
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/account_helper.rb"
+ end
+ def test_invokes_assets
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/account.css"
+ end
+ def test_does_not_invoke_assets_if_required
+ run_generator ["account", "--skip-assets"]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/account.css"
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/controllers/account_controller_test.rb"
+ end
+ def test_does_not_invoke_test_framework_if_required
+ run_generator ["account", "--no-test-framework"]
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/account_controller_test.rb"
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/views/account/foo.html.erb", %r(app/views/account/foo\.html\.erb)
+ assert_file "app/views/account/bar.html.erb", %r(app/views/account/bar\.html\.erb)
+ end
+ def test_add_routes
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /^ get 'account\/foo'/, /^ get 'account\/bar'/
+ end
+ def test_skip_routes
+ run_generator ["account", "foo", "--skip-routes"]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |routes|
+ assert_no_match(/get 'account\/foo'/, routes)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine_even_with_no_action
+ run_generator ["account"]
+ assert_file "app/views/account"
+ end
+ def test_template_engine_with_class_path
+ run_generator ["admin/account"]
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/account"
+ end
+ def test_actions_are_turned_into_methods
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/account_controller.rb" do |controller|
+ assert_instance_method :foo, controller
+ assert_instance_method :bar, controller
+ end
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_routes_are_created_in_routes
+ run_generator ["admin/dashboard", "index"]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n get 'dashboard\/index'\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_routes_with_multiple_actions_are_created_in_routes
+ run_generator ["admin/dashboard", "index", "show"]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n get 'dashboard\/index'\n get 'dashboard\/show'\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_does_not_add_routes_when_action_is_not_specified
+ run_generator ["admin/dashboard"]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |routes|
+ assert_no_match(/namespace :admin/, routes)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator ["account_controller"]
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/account_controller_controller.rb"
+ assert_file "app/controllers/account_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/account_controller/"
+ assert_file "app/views/account/"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/account_controller_controller_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/controllers/account_controller_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/account_controller_helper.rb"
+ assert_file "app/helpers/account_helper.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/account_controller.css"
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/account.css"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/create_migration_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/create_migration_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ae38045c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/create_migration_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/migration/migration_generator"
+class CreateMigrationTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ class Migrator < Rails::Generators::MigrationGenerator
+ include Rails::Generators::Migration
+ def self.next_migration_number(dirname)
+ current_migration_number(dirname) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ tests Migrator
+ def default_destination_path
+ "db/migrate/create_articles.rb"
+ end
+ def create_migration(destination_path = default_destination_path, config = {}, generator_options = {}, &block)
+ migration_name = File.basename(destination_path, ".rb")
+ generator([migration_name], generator_options)
+ generator.set_migration_assigns!(destination_path)
+ dir, base = File.split(destination_path)
+ timestamped_destination_path = File.join(dir, ["%migration_number%", base].join("_"))
+ @migration = Rails::Generators::Actions::CreateMigration.new(generator, timestamped_destination_path, block || "contents", config)
+ end
+ def migration_exists!(*args)
+ @existing_migration = create_migration(*args)
+ invoke!
+ @generator = nil
+ end
+ def invoke!
+ capture(:stdout) { @migration.invoke! }
+ end
+ def revoke!
+ capture(:stdout) { @migration.revoke! }
+ end
+ def test_invoke
+ create_migration
+ assert_match(/create db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, invoke!)
+ assert_file @migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_invoke_pretended
+ create_migration(default_destination_path, {}, { pretend: true })
+ assert_no_file @migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_invoke_when_exists
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration
+ assert_equal @existing_migration.destination, @migration.existing_migration
+ end
+ def test_invoke_when_exists_identical
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration
+ assert_match(/identical db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, invoke!)
+ assert_predicate @migration, :identical?
+ end
+ def test_invoke_when_exists_not_identical
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration { "different content" }
+ assert_raise(Rails::Generators::Error) { invoke! }
+ end
+ def test_invoke_forced_when_exists_not_identical
+ dest = "db/migrate/migration.rb"
+ migration_exists!(dest)
+ create_migration(dest, force: true) { "different content" }
+ stdout = invoke!
+ assert_match(/remove db\/migrate\/1_migration\.rb\n/, stdout)
+ assert_match(/create db\/migrate\/2_migration\.rb\n/, stdout)
+ assert_file @migration.destination
+ assert_no_file @existing_migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_invoke_forced_pretended_when_exists_not_identical
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration(default_destination_path, { force: true }, { pretend: true }) do
+ "different content"
+ end
+ stdout = invoke!
+ assert_match(/remove db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, stdout)
+ assert_match(/create db\/migrate\/2_create_articles\.rb\n/, stdout)
+ assert_no_file @migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_invoke_skipped_when_exists_not_identical
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration(default_destination_path, {}, { skip: true }) { "different content" }
+ assert_match(/skip db\/migrate\/2_create_articles\.rb\n/, invoke!)
+ assert_no_file @migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_revoke
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration
+ assert_match(/remove db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, revoke!)
+ assert_no_file @existing_migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_revoke_pretended
+ migration_exists!
+ create_migration(default_destination_path, {}, { pretend: true })
+ assert_match(/remove db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, revoke!)
+ assert_file @existing_migration.destination
+ end
+ def test_revoke_when_no_exists
+ create_migration
+ assert_match(/remove db\/migrate\/1_create_articles\.rb\n/, revoke!)
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/generated_attribute_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/generated_attribute_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..772b4f6f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/generated_attribute_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/generated_attribute"
+class GeneratedAttributeTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def test_field_type_returns_number_field
+ assert_field_type :integer, :number_field
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_text_field
+ %w(float decimal string).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_type attribute_type, :text_field
+ end
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_datetime_select
+ %w(datetime timestamp).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_type attribute_type, :datetime_select
+ end
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_time_select
+ assert_field_type :time, :time_select
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_date_select
+ assert_field_type :date, :date_select
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_text_area
+ assert_field_type :text, :text_area
+ end
+ def test_field_type_returns_check_box
+ assert_field_type :boolean, :check_box
+ end
+ def test_field_type_with_unknown_type_returns_text_field
+ %w(foo bar baz).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_type attribute_type, :text_field
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_integer
+ assert_field_default_value :integer, 1
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_float
+ assert_field_default_value :float, 1.5
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_decimal
+ assert_field_default_value :decimal, "9.99"
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_datetime
+ %w(datetime timestamp time).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_default_value attribute_type, Time.now.to_s(:db)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_date
+ assert_field_default_value :date, Date.today.to_s(:db)
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_string
+ assert_field_default_value :string, "MyString"
+ end
+ def test_default_value_for_type
+ att = Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute.parse("type:string")
+ assert_equal("", att.default)
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_text
+ assert_field_default_value :text, "MyText"
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_boolean
+ assert_field_default_value :boolean, false
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_nil
+ %w(references belongs_to).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_default_value attribute_type, nil
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_value_is_empty_string
+ %w(foo bar baz).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_field_default_value attribute_type, ""
+ end
+ end
+ def test_human_name
+ assert_equal(
+ "Full name",
+ create_generated_attribute(:string, "full_name").human_name
+ )
+ end
+ def test_reference_is_true
+ %w(references belongs_to).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_predicate create_generated_attribute(attribute_type), :reference?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_reference_is_false
+ %w(foo bar baz).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_not_predicate create_generated_attribute(attribute_type), :reference?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_reference_is_true
+ %w(references belongs_to).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_predicate create_generated_attribute("#{attribute_type}{polymorphic}"), :polymorphic?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_reference_is_false
+ %w(foo bar baz).each do |attribute_type|
+ assert_not_predicate create_generated_attribute("#{attribute_type}{polymorphic}"), :polymorphic?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_blank_type_defaults_to_string_raises_exception
+ assert_equal :string, create_generated_attribute(nil, "title").type
+ assert_equal :string, create_generated_attribute("", "title").type
+ end
+ def test_handles_index_names_for_references
+ assert_equal "post", create_generated_attribute("string", "post").index_name
+ assert_equal "post_id", create_generated_attribute("references", "post").index_name
+ assert_equal "post_id", create_generated_attribute("belongs_to", "post").index_name
+ assert_equal ["post_id", "post_type"], create_generated_attribute("references{polymorphic}", "post").index_name
+ end
+ def test_handles_column_names_for_references
+ assert_equal "post", create_generated_attribute("string", "post").column_name
+ assert_equal "post_id", create_generated_attribute("references", "post").column_name
+ assert_equal "post_id", create_generated_attribute("belongs_to", "post").column_name
+ end
+ def test_parse_required_attribute_with_index
+ att = Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute.parse("supplier:references{required}:index")
+ assert_equal "supplier", att.name
+ assert_equal :references, att.type
+ assert_predicate att, :has_index?
+ assert_predicate att, :required?
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/generator_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/generator_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaa964cabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/generator_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/generator/generator_generator"
+class GeneratorGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(awesome)
+ def test_generator_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ %w(
+ lib/generators/awesome
+ lib/generators/awesome/USAGE
+ lib/generators/awesome/templates
+ ).each { |path| assert_file path }
+ assert_file "lib/generators/awesome/awesome_generator.rb",
+ /class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase/
+ assert_file "test/lib/generators/awesome_generator_test.rb",
+ /class AwesomeGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase/,
+ /require 'generators\/awesome\/awesome_generator'/
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_generator_skeleton
+ run_generator ["rails/awesome"]
+ %w(
+ lib/generators/rails/awesome
+ lib/generators/rails/awesome/USAGE
+ lib/generators/rails/awesome/templates
+ ).each { |path| assert_file path }
+ assert_file "lib/generators/rails/awesome/awesome_generator.rb",
+ /class Rails::AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase/
+ assert_file "test/lib/generators/rails/awesome_generator_test.rb",
+ /class Rails::AwesomeGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase/,
+ /require 'generators\/rails\/awesome\/awesome_generator'/
+ end
+ def test_generator_skeleton_is_created_without_file_name_namespace
+ run_generator ["awesome", "--namespace", "false"]
+ %w(
+ lib/generators/
+ lib/generators/USAGE
+ lib/generators/templates
+ ).each { |path| assert_file path }
+ assert_file "lib/generators/awesome_generator.rb",
+ /class AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase/
+ assert_file "test/lib/generators/awesome_generator_test.rb",
+ /class AwesomeGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase/,
+ /require 'generators\/awesome_generator'/
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_generator_skeleton_without_file_name_namespace
+ run_generator ["rails/awesome", "--namespace", "false"]
+ %w(
+ lib/generators/rails
+ lib/generators/rails/USAGE
+ lib/generators/rails/templates
+ ).each { |path| assert_file path }
+ assert_file "lib/generators/rails/awesome_generator.rb",
+ /class Rails::AwesomeGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase/
+ assert_file "test/lib/generators/rails/awesome_generator_test.rb",
+ /class Rails::AwesomeGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase/,
+ /require 'generators\/rails\/awesome_generator'/
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f7daf5ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "active_support/test_case"
+require "active_support/testing/autorun"
+require "rails/generators/app_base"
+module Rails
+ module Generators
+ class GeneratorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def make_builder_class
+ Class.new(AppBase) do
+ add_shared_options_for "application"
+ # include a module to get around thor's method_added hook
+ include(Module.new {
+ def gemfile_entries; super; end
+ def invoke_all; super; self; end
+ def add_gem_entry_filter; super; end
+ def gemfile_entry(*args); super; end
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_construction
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ assert klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ end
+ def test_add_gem
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ generator.gemfile_entry "tenderlove"
+ assert_includes generator.gemfile_entries.map(&:name), "tenderlove"
+ end
+ def test_add_gem_with_version
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ generator.gemfile_entry "tenderlove", "2.0.0"
+ assert generator.gemfile_entries.find { |gfe|
+ gfe.name == "tenderlove" && gfe.version == "2.0.0"
+ }
+ end
+ def test_add_github_gem
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ generator.gemfile_entry "tenderlove", github: "hello world"
+ assert generator.gemfile_entries.find { |gfe|
+ gfe.name == "tenderlove" && gfe.options[:github] == "hello world"
+ }
+ end
+ def test_add_path_gem
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ generator.gemfile_entry "tenderlove", path: "hello world"
+ assert generator.gemfile_entries.find { |gfe|
+ gfe.name == "tenderlove" && gfe.options[:path] == "hello world"
+ }
+ end
+ def test_filter
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ gems = generator.gemfile_entries
+ generator.add_gem_entry_filter { |gem|
+ gem.name != gems.first.name
+ }
+ assert_equal gems.drop(1), generator.gemfile_entries
+ end
+ def test_two_filters
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ gems = generator.gemfile_entries
+ generator.add_gem_entry_filter { |gem|
+ gem.name != gems.first.name
+ }
+ generator.add_gem_entry_filter { |gem|
+ gem.name != gems[1].name
+ }
+ assert_equal gems.drop(2), generator.gemfile_entries
+ end
+ def test_recommended_rails_versions
+ klass = make_builder_class
+ generator = klass.start(["new", "blah"])
+ specifier_for = -> v { generator.send(:rails_version_specifier, Gem::Version.new(v)) }
+ assert_equal "~> 4.1.13", specifier_for["4.1.13"]
+ assert_equal "~> 4.1.6.rc1", specifier_for["4.1.6.rc1"]
+ assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""]
+ assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""]
+ assert_equal ["~> 4.1.7", ">="], specifier_for[""]
+ assert_equal "~> 4.2.0.beta1", specifier_for["4.2.0.beta1"]
+ assert_equal "~> 5.0.0.beta1", specifier_for["5.0.0.beta1"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/generators_test_helper.rb b/railties/test/generators/generators_test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25d5dba1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/generators_test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method"
+require "active_support/testing/stream"
+require "active_support/testing/method_call_assertions"
+require "rails/generators"
+require "rails/generators/test_case"
+module Rails
+ class << self
+ remove_possible_method :root
+ def root
+ @root ||= Pathname.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures", __dir__))
+ end
+ end
+Rails.application.config.root = Rails.root
+Rails.application.config.generators.templates = [File.join(Rails.root, "lib", "templates")]
+# Call configure to load the settings from
+# Rails.application.config.generators to Rails::Generators
+require "active_record"
+require "action_dispatch"
+require "action_view"
+module GeneratorsTestHelper
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.class_eval do
+ destination File.join(Rails.root, "tmp")
+ setup :prepare_destination
+ begin
+ base.tests Rails::Generators.const_get(base.name.sub(/Test$/, ""))
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def with_secondary_database_configuration
+ original_configurations = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations
+ ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = {
+ test: {
+ secondary: {
+ database: "db/secondary.sqlite3",
+ migrations_paths: "db/secondary_migrate",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = original_configurations
+ end
+ def copy_routes
+ routes = File.expand_path("../../lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb.tt", __dir__)
+ destination = File.join(destination_root, "config")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination)
+ FileUtils.cp routes, File.join(destination, "routes.rb")
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/helper_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/helper_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..192839799e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/helper_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/helper/helper_generator"
+ObjectHelper = Class.new
+AnotherObjectHelperTest = Class.new
+class HelperGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(admin)
+ def test_helper_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/helpers/admin_helper.rb", /module AdminHelper/
+ end
+ def test_check_class_collision
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["object"] }
+ assert_match(/The name 'ObjectHelper' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_and_not_namespaced_helpers
+ run_generator ["products"]
+ # We have to require the generated helper to show the problem because
+ # the test helpers just check for generated files and contents but
+ # do not actually load them. But they have to be loaded (as in a real environment)
+ # to make the second generator run fail
+ require "#{destination_root}/app/helpers/products_helper"
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ run_generator ["admin::products"]
+ ensure
+ # cleanup
+ Object.send(:remove_const, :ProductsHelper)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_helper_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator %w(products_helper)
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/products_helper_helper.rb"
+ assert_file "app/helpers/products_helper.rb"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/integration_test_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/integration_test_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ec4895096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/integration_test_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/integration_test/integration_test_generator"
+class IntegrationTestGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def test_integration_test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator %w(integration)
+ assert_file "test/integration/integration_test.rb", /class IntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_integration_test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator %w(iguchi/integration)
+ assert_file "test/integration/iguchi/integration_test.rb", /class Iguchi::IntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ end
+ def test_test_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator %w(integration_test)
+ assert_no_file "test/integration/integration_test_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/integration/integration_test.rb"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/job_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/job_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..234ba6dad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/job_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/job/job_generator"
+class JobGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def test_job_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator ["refresh_counters"]
+ assert_file "app/jobs/refresh_counters_job.rb" do |job|
+ assert_match(/class RefreshCountersJob < ApplicationJob/, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_job_queue_param
+ run_generator ["refresh_counters", "--queue", "important"]
+ assert_file "app/jobs/refresh_counters_job.rb" do |job|
+ assert_match(/class RefreshCountersJob < ApplicationJob/, job)
+ assert_match(/queue_as :important/, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_job_namespace
+ run_generator ["admin/refresh_counters", "--queue", "admin"]
+ assert_file "app/jobs/admin/refresh_counters_job.rb" do |job|
+ assert_match(/class Admin::RefreshCountersJob < ApplicationJob/, job)
+ assert_match(/queue_as :admin/, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_application_job_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator ["refresh_counters"]
+ assert_file "app/jobs/application_job.rb" do |job|
+ assert_match(/class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_job_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator ["notifier_job"]
+ assert_no_file "app/jobs/notifier_job_job.rb"
+ assert_file "app/jobs/notifier_job.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/jobs/notifier_job_job_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/jobs/notifier_job_test.rb"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/mailer_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/mailer_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddac6e1a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/mailer_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/mailer/mailer_generator"
+class MailerGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(notifier foo bar)
+ def test_mailer_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/mailers/notifier_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/class NotifierMailer < ApplicationMailer/, mailer)
+ assert_no_match(/default from: "from@example\.com"/, mailer)
+ assert_no_match(/layout :mailer_notifier/, mailer)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/mailers/application_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/default from: 'from@example\.com'/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/layout 'mailer'/, mailer)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_mailer_with_i18n_helper
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/mailers/notifier_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/en\.notifier_mailer\.foo\.subject/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/en\.notifier_mailer\.bar\.subject/, mailer)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_check_class_collision
+ Object.send :const_set, :NotifierMailer, Class.new
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator }
+ assert_match(/The name 'NotifierMailer' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ ensure
+ Object.send :remove_const, :NotifierMailer
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/mailers/notifier_mailer_test.rb" do |test|
+ assert_match(/class NotifierMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase/, test)
+ assert_match(/test "foo"/, test)
+ assert_match(/test "bar"/, test)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/mailers/previews/notifier_mailer_preview.rb" do |preview|
+ assert_match(/\# Preview all emails at http:\/\/localhost\:3000\/rails\/mailers\/notifier_mailer/, preview)
+ assert_match(/class NotifierMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview/, preview)
+ assert_match(/\# Preview this email at http:\/\/localhost\:3000\/rails\/mailers\/notifier_mailer\/foo/, preview)
+ assert_instance_method :foo, preview do |foo|
+ assert_match(/NotifierMailer\.foo/, foo)
+ end
+ assert_match(/\# Preview this email at http:\/\/localhost\:3000\/rails\/mailers\/notifier_mailer\/bar/, preview)
+ assert_instance_method :bar, preview do |bar|
+ assert_match(/NotifierMailer\.bar/, bar)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_check_test_class_collision
+ Object.send :const_set, :NotifierMailerTest, Class.new
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator }
+ assert_match(/The name 'NotifierMailerTest' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ ensure
+ Object.send :remove_const, :NotifierMailerTest
+ end
+ def test_check_preview_class_collision
+ Object.send :const_set, :NotifierMailerPreview, Class.new
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator }
+ assert_match(/The name 'NotifierMailerPreview' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ ensure
+ Object.send :remove_const, :NotifierMailerPreview
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_text_template_engine
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer/foo.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(\sapp/views/notifier_mailer/foo\.text\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer/bar.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(\sapp/views/notifier_mailer/bar\.text\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(/<%= yield %>/, view)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_html_template_engine
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer/foo.html.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(\sapp/views/notifier_mailer/foo\.html\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer/bar.html.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(\sapp/views/notifier_mailer/bar\.html\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r{<body>\n <%= yield %>\n </body>}, view)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine_even_with_no_action
+ run_generator ["notifier"]
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer"
+ end
+ def test_logs_if_the_template_engine_cannot_be_found
+ content = run_generator ["notifier", "foo", "bar", "--template-engine=haml"]
+ assert_match(/haml \[not found\]/, content)
+ end
+ def test_mailer_with_namedspaced_mailer
+ run_generator ["Farm::Animal", "moos"]
+ assert_file "app/mailers/farm/animal_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/class Farm::AnimalMailer < ApplicationMailer/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/en\.farm\.animal_mailer\.moos\.subject/, mailer)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/mailers/previews/farm/animal_mailer_preview.rb" do |preview|
+ assert_match(/\# Preview all emails at http:\/\/localhost\:3000\/rails\/mailers\/farm\/animal_mailer/, preview)
+ assert_match(/class Farm::AnimalMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview/, preview)
+ assert_match(/\# Preview this email at http:\/\/localhost\:3000\/rails\/mailers\/farm\/animal_mailer\/moos/, preview)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/farm/animal_mailer/moos.text.erb"
+ assert_file "app/views/farm/animal_mailer/moos.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_actions_are_turned_into_methods
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/mailers/notifier_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_instance_method :foo, mailer do |foo|
+ assert_match(/mail to: "to@example\.org"/, foo)
+ assert_match(/@greeting = "Hi"/, foo)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :bar, mailer do |bar|
+ assert_match(/mail to: "to@example\.org"/, bar)
+ assert_match(/@greeting = "Hi"/, bar)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_mailer_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ run_generator ["notifier"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_no_file "app/mailers/notifier.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/notifier/foo.text.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/notifier/bar.text.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/notifier/foo.html.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/notifier/bar.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_mailer_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator ["notifier_mailer"]
+ assert_no_file "app/mailers/notifier_mailer_mailer.rb"
+ assert_file "app/mailers/notifier_mailer.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/notifier_mailer_mailer/"
+ assert_file "app/views/notifier_mailer/"
+ assert_no_file "test/mailers/notifier_mailer_mailer_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/mailers/notifier_mailer_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/mailers/previews/notifier_mailer_mailer_preview.rb"
+ assert_file "test/mailers/previews/notifier_mailer_preview.rb"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/migration_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/migration_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5812cbdfc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/migration_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/migration/migration_generator"
+class MigrationGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def test_migration
+ migration = "change_title_body_from_posts"
+ run_generator [migration]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb", /class ChangeTitleBodyFromPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ end
+ def test_migrations_generated_simultaneously
+ migrations = ["change_title_body_from_posts", "change_email_from_comments"]
+ first_migration_number, second_migration_number = migrations.collect do |migration|
+ run_generator [migration]
+ file_name = migration_file_name "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb"
+ File.basename(file_name).split("_").first
+ end
+ assert_not_equal first_migration_number, second_migration_number
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_class_name
+ migration = "ChangeTitleBodyFromPosts"
+ run_generator [migration]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/change_title_body_from_posts.rb", /class #{migration} < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_invalid_file_name
+ migration = "add_something:datetime"
+ assert_raise ActiveRecord::IllegalMigrationNameError do
+ run_generator [migration]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes
+ migration = "add_title_body_to_posts"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string", "body:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :body, :text/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_table_having_from_in_title
+ migration = "add_email_address_to_excluded_from_campaign"
+ run_generator [migration, "email_address:string"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :excluded_from_campaigns, :email_address, :string/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_remove_migration_with_indexed_attribute
+ migration = "remove_title_body_from_posts"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string:index", "body:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/remove_column :posts, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/remove_column :posts, :body, :text/, change)
+ assert_match(/remove_index :posts, :title/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_remove_migration_with_attributes
+ migration = "remove_title_body_from_posts"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string", "body:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/remove_column :posts, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/remove_column :posts, :body, :text/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_remove_migration_with_table_having_to_in_title
+ migration = "remove_email_address_from_sent_to_user"
+ run_generator [migration, "email_address:string"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/remove_column :sent_to_users, :email_address, :string/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_remove_migration_with_references_options
+ migration = "remove_references_from_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "author:belongs_to", "distributor:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/remove_reference :books, :author/, change)
+ assert_match(/remove_reference :books, :distributor, polymorphic: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_remove_migration_with_references_removes_foreign_keys
+ migration = "remove_references_from_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "author:belongs_to", "distributor:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/remove_reference :books, :author,.*\sforeign_key: true/, change)
+ assert_match(/remove_reference :books, :distributor/, change) # sanity check
+ assert_no_match(/remove_reference :books, :distributor,.*\sforeign_key: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes_and_indices
+ migration = "add_title_with_index_and_body_to_posts"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string:index", "body:text", "user_id:integer:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :body, :text/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :user_id, :integer/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :posts, :title/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :posts, :user_id, unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes_and_wrong_index_declaration
+ migration = "add_title_and_content_to_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string:inex", "content:text", "user_id:integer:unik"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :content, :text/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :user_id, :integer/, change)
+ end
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :books, :title/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :books, :user_id/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes_without_type_and_index
+ migration = "add_title_with_index_and_body_to_posts"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:index", "body:text", "user_uuid:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :title, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :body, :text/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :posts, :user_uuid, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :posts, :title/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :posts, :user_uuid, unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes_index_declaration_and_attribute_options
+ migration = "add_title_and_content_to_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string{40}:index", "content:string{255}", "price:decimal{1,2}:index", "discount:decimal{3.4}:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :title, :string, limit: 40/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :content, :string, limit: 255/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :price, :decimal, precision: 1, scale: 2/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_column :books, :discount, :decimal, precision: 3, scale: 4/, change)
+ end
+ assert_match(/add_index :books, :title/, content)
+ assert_match(/add_index :books, :price/, content)
+ assert_match(/add_index :books, :discount, unique: true/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_references_options
+ migration = "add_references_to_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "author:belongs_to", "distributor:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :author/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :distributor, polymorphic: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_required_references
+ migration = "add_references_to_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "author:belongs_to{required}", "distributor:references{polymorphic,required}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :author, null: false/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :distributor, polymorphic: true, null: false/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_references_adds_foreign_keys
+ migration = "add_references_to_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "author:belongs_to", "distributor:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :author,.*\sforeign_key: true/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_reference :books, :distributor/, change) # sanity check
+ assert_no_match(/add_reference :books, :distributor,.*\sforeign_key: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_join_table_migration
+ migration = "add_media_join_table"
+ run_generator [migration, "artist_id", "musics:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_join_table :artists, :musics/, change)
+ assert_match(/# t\.index \[:artist_id, :music_id\]/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.index \[:music_id, :artist_id\], unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_table_migration
+ run_generator ["create_books", "title:string", "content:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_books.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :books/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.string :title/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.text :content/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_uuid_to_create_table_migration
+ run_generator ["create_books", "--primary_key_type=uuid"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_books.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :books, id: :uuid/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_database_puts_migrations_in_configured_folder
+ with_secondary_database_configuration do
+ run_generator ["create_books", "--database=secondary"]
+ assert_migration "db/secondary_migrate/create_books.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :books/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_create_empty_migrations_if_name_not_start_with_add_or_remove_or_create
+ migration = "delete_books"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string", "content:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/^\s*$/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_properly_identifies_usage_file
+ assert generator_class.send(:usage_path)
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_singular_table_name
+ with_singular_table_name do
+ migration = "add_title_body_to_post"
+ run_generator [migration, "title:string"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :post, :title, :string/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_join_table_migration_with_singular_table_name
+ with_singular_table_name do
+ migration = "add_media_join_table"
+ run_generator [migration, "artist_id", "music:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_join_table :artist, :music/, change)
+ assert_match(/# t\.index \[:artist_id, :music_id\]/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.index \[:music_id, :artist_id\], unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_table_migration_with_singular_table_name
+ with_singular_table_name do
+ run_generator ["create_book", "title:string", "content:text"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_book.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :book/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.string :title/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.text :content/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_table_migration_with_token_option
+ run_generator ["create_users", "token:token", "auth_token:token"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_users.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :users/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.string :token/, change)
+ assert_match(/ t\.string :auth_token/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :users, :token, unique: true/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :users, :auth_token, unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_token_option
+ migration = "add_token_to_users"
+ run_generator [migration, "auth_token:token"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/#{migration}.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/add_column :users, :auth_token, :string/, change)
+ assert_match(/add_index :users, :auth_token, unique: true/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_to_configured_path
+ old_paths = Rails.application.config.paths["db/migrate"]
+ Rails.application.config.paths.add "db/migrate", with: "db2/migrate"
+ migration = "migration_in_custom_path"
+ run_generator [migration]
+ assert_migration "db2/migrate/#{migration}.rb", /.*/
+ ensure
+ Rails.application.config.paths["db/migrate"] = old_paths
+ end
+ private
+ def with_singular_table_name
+ old_state = ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = old_state
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/model_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/model_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b06db6dd8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/model_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/model/model_generator"
+class ModelGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(Account name:string age:integer)
+ def setup
+ super
+ Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers.skip_warn = false
+ end
+ def test_help_shows_invoked_generators_options
+ content = run_generator ["--help"]
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord options:/, content)
+ assert_match(/TestUnit options:/, content)
+ end
+ def test_model_with_missing_attribute_type
+ run_generator ["post", "title", "body:text", "author"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_posts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.string :title/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.text :body/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :author/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_orm
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /class Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_parent_option
+ run_generator ["account", "--parent", "Admin::Account"]
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /class Account < Admin::Account/
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb"
+ end
+ def test_plural_names_are_singularized
+ content = run_generator ["accounts"]
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /class Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/account_test.rb", /class AccountTest/
+ assert_match(/\[WARNING\] The model name 'accounts' was recognized as a plural, using the singular 'account' instead\. Override with --force-plural or setup custom inflection rules for this noun before running the generator\./, content)
+ end
+ def test_unknown_inflection_rule_are_warned
+ content = run_generator ["porsche"]
+ assert_match("[WARNING] Rails cannot recover singular form from its plural form 'porsches'.\nPlease setup custom inflection rules for this noun before running the generator in config/initializers/inflections.rb.", content)
+ assert_file "app/models/porsche.rb", /class Porsche < ApplicationRecord/
+ uncountable_content = run_generator ["sheep"]
+ assert_no_match("[WARNING] Rails cannot recover singular form from its plural form", uncountable_content)
+ regular_content = run_generator ["account"]
+ assert_no_match("[WARNING] Rails cannot recover singular form from its plural form", regular_content)
+ end
+ def test_model_with_underscored_parent_option
+ run_generator ["account", "--parent", "admin/account"]
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /class Account < Admin::Account/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_namespace
+ run_generator ["admin/account"]
+ assert_file "app/models/admin.rb", /module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/admin.rb", /def self\.table_name_prefix/
+ assert_file "app/models/admin.rb", /'admin_'/
+ assert_file "app/models/admin/account.rb", /class Admin::Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ end
+ def test_migration
+ run_generator
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb", /class CreateAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_namespace
+ run_generator ["Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images", /class CreateGalleryImages < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_images"
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_nested_namespace
+ run_generator ["Admin::Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_gallery_images", /class CreateAdminGalleryImages < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_gallery_images", /create_table :admin_gallery_images/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_nested_namespace_without_pluralization
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ run_generator ["Admin::Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_gallery_images"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_gallery_image", /class CreateAdminGalleryImage < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_gallery_image", /create_table :admin_gallery_image/
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_namespaces_in_model_name_without_plurization
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ run_generator ["Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_image", /class CreateGalleryImage < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images"
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ end
+ def test_migration_without_pluralization
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ run_generator
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_account", /class CreateAccount < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts"
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ end
+ def test_migration_is_skipped
+ run_generator ["account", "--no-migration"]
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb"
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_attributes
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier_id:integer"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/create_table :products/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :supplier_id/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_attributes_and_with_index
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string:index", "supplier_id:integer:index", "user_id:integer:uniq", "order_id:uniq"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/create_table :products/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :user_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :order_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :user_id, unique: true/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :order_id, unique: true/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_attributes_and_with_wrong_index_declaration
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier_id:integer:inex", "user_id:integer:unqu"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/create_table :products/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :user_id/, up)
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :products, :name/, up)
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :products, :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :products, :user_id/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_missing_attribute_type_and_with_index
+ run_generator ["product", "name:index", "supplier_id:integer:index", "year:integer"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/create_table :products/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.integer :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :supplier_id/, up)
+ assert_no_match(/add_index :products, :year/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_migration_with_attributes_index_declaration_and_attribute_options
+ run_generator ["product", "title:string{40}:index", "content:string{255}", "price:decimal{5,2}:index", "discount:decimal{5,2}:uniq", "supplier:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |up|
+ assert_match(/create_table :products/, up)
+ assert_match(/t.string :title, limit: 40/, up)
+ assert_match(/t.string :content, limit: 255/, up)
+ assert_match(/t.decimal :price, precision: 5, scale: 2/, up)
+ assert_match(/t.references :supplier, polymorphic: true/, up)
+ end
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :title/, content)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :price/, content)
+ assert_match(/add_index :products, :discount, unique: true/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_without_timestamps
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = false
+ run_generator ["account"]
+ assert_file "db/migrate/001_create_accounts.rb", /class CreateAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ run_generator ["project"]
+ assert_file "db/migrate/002_create_projects.rb", /class CreateProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = true
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_configured_path
+ old_paths = Rails.application.config.paths["db/migrate"]
+ Rails.application.config.paths.add "db/migrate", with: "db2/migrate"
+ run_generator
+ assert_migration "db2/migrate/create_accounts.rb", /class CreateAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ ensure
+ Rails.application.config.paths["db/migrate"] = old_paths
+ end
+ def test_model_with_references_attribute_generates_belongs_to_associations
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier:references"]
+ assert_file "app/models/product.rb", /belongs_to :supplier/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_belongs_to_attribute_generates_belongs_to_associations
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier:belongs_to"]
+ assert_file "app/models/product.rb", /belongs_to :supplier/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_polymorphic_references_attribute_generates_belongs_to_associations
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_file "app/models/product.rb", /belongs_to :supplier, polymorphic: true/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_polymorphic_belongs_to_attribute_generates_belongs_to_associations
+ run_generator ["product", "name:string", "supplier:belongs_to{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_file "app/models/product.rb", /belongs_to :supplier, polymorphic: true/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_timestamps
+ run_generator
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb", /t\.timestamps/
+ end
+ def test_migration_timestamps_are_skipped
+ run_generator ["account", "--no-timestamps"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_no_match(/t\.timestamps/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_is_skipped_with_skip_option
+ run_generator
+ output = run_generator ["Account", "--skip"]
+ assert_match %r{skip\s+db/migrate/\d+_create_accounts\.rb}, output
+ end
+ def test_migration_is_ignored_as_identical_with_skip_option
+ run_generator ["Account"]
+ output = run_generator ["Account", "--skip"]
+ assert_match %r{identical\s+db/migrate/\d+_create_accounts\.rb}, output
+ end
+ def test_migration_is_skipped_on_skip_behavior
+ run_generator
+ output = run_generator ["Account"], behavior: :skip
+ assert_match %r{skip\s+db/migrate/\d+_create_accounts\.rb}, output
+ end
+ def test_migration_error_is_not_shown_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ error = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["Account"], behavior: :revoke }
+ assert_no_match(/Another migration is already named create_accounts/, error)
+ end
+ def test_migration_is_removed_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ run_generator ["Account"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb"
+ end
+ def test_existing_migration_is_removed_on_force
+ run_generator
+ old_migration = Dir["#{destination_root}/db/migrate/*_create_accounts.rb"].first
+ error = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["Account", "--force"] }
+ assert_no_match(/Another migration is already named create_accounts/, error)
+ assert_no_file old_migration
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb"
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/models/account_test.rb", /class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/accounts.yml", /name: MyString/, /age: 1/
+ assert_generated_fixture("test/fixtures/accounts.yml",
+ "one" => { "name" => "MyString", "age" => 1 }, "two" => { "name" => "MyString", "age" => 1 })
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_use_the_references_ids
+ run_generator ["LineItem", "product:references", "cart:belongs_to"]
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/line_items.yml", /product: one\n cart: one/
+ assert_generated_fixture("test/fixtures/line_items.yml",
+ "one" => { "product" => "one", "cart" => "one" }, "two" => { "product" => "two", "cart" => "two" })
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_use_the_references_ids_and_type
+ run_generator ["LineItem", "product:references{polymorphic}", "cart:belongs_to"]
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/line_items.yml", /product: one\n product_type: Product\n cart: one/
+ assert_generated_fixture("test/fixtures/line_items.yml",
+ "one" => { "product" => "one", "product_type" => "Product", "cart" => "one" },
+ "two" => { "product" => "two", "product_type" => "Product", "cart" => "two" })
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_respect_reserved_yml_keywords
+ run_generator ["LineItem", "no:integer", "Off:boolean", "ON:boolean"]
+ assert_generated_fixture("test/fixtures/line_items.yml",
+ "one" => { "no" => 1, "Off" => false, "ON" => false }, "two" => { "no" => 1, "Off" => false, "ON" => false })
+ end
+ def test_fixture_is_skipped
+ run_generator ["account", "--skip-fixture"]
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/accounts.yml"
+ end
+ def test_fixture_is_skipped_if_fixture_replacement_is_given
+ content = run_generator ["account", "-r", "factory_girl"]
+ assert_match(/factory_girl \[not found\]/, content)
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/accounts.yml"
+ end
+ def test_fixture_without_pluralization
+ original_pluralize_table_name = ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ run_generator
+ assert_generated_fixture("test/fixtures/account.yml",
+ "one" => { "name" => "MyString", "age" => 1 }, "two" => { "name" => "MyString", "age" => 1 })
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = original_pluralize_table_name
+ end
+ def test_check_class_collision
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["object"] }
+ assert_match(/The name 'Object' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content)
+ end
+ def test_index_is_skipped_for_belongs_to_association
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:belongs_to", "--no-indexes"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_no_match(/index: true/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_is_skipped_for_references_association
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:references", "--no-indexes"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_no_match(/index: true/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_uuid_to_create_table_migration
+ run_generator ["account", "--primary_key_type=uuid"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :accounts, id: :uuid/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_database_puts_migrations_in_configured_folder
+ with_secondary_database_configuration do
+ run_generator ["account", "--database=secondary"]
+ assert_migration "db/secondary_migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |content|
+ assert_method :change, content do |change|
+ assert_match(/create_table :accounts/, change)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_required_belongs_to_adds_required_association
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:references{required}"]
+ expected_file = <<~FILE
+ class Account < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :supplier, required: true
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", expected_file
+ end
+ def test_required_polymorphic_belongs_to_generages_correct_model
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:references{required,polymorphic}"]
+ expected_file = <<~FILE
+ class Account < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :supplier, polymorphic: true, required: true
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", expected_file
+ end
+ def test_required_and_polymorphic_are_order_independent
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:references{polymorphic.required}"]
+ expected_file = <<~FILE
+ class Account < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :supplier, polymorphic: true, required: true
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", expected_file
+ end
+ def test_required_adds_null_false_to_column
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:references{required}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.references :supplier,.*\snull: false/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_foreign_key_is_not_added_for_non_references
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:string"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_no_match(/foreign_key/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_foreign_key_is_added_for_references
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:belongs_to", "user:references"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.belongs_to :supplier,.*\sforeign_key: true/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.references :user,.*\sforeign_key: true/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_foreign_key_is_skipped_for_polymorphic_references
+ run_generator ["account", "supplier:belongs_to{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_no_match(/foreign_key/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_token_option_adds_has_secure_token
+ run_generator ["user", "token:token", "auth_token:token"]
+ expected_file = <<~FILE
+ class User < ApplicationRecord
+ has_secure_token
+ has_secure_token :auth_token
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/user.rb", expected_file
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_generated_fixture(path, parsed_contents)
+ fixture_file = File.new File.expand_path(path, destination_root)
+ assert_equal(parsed_contents, YAML.load(fixture_file))
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/named_base_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/named_base_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e61b660d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/named_base_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/scaffold_controller_generator"
+class NamedBaseTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ tests Rails::Generators::ScaffoldControllerGenerator
+ def test_named_generator_with_underscore
+ g = generator ["line_item"]
+ assert_name g, "line_item", :name
+ assert_name g, %w(), :class_path
+ assert_name g, "LineItem", :class_name
+ assert_name g, "line_item", :file_path
+ assert_name g, "line_item", :file_name
+ assert_name g, "Line item", :human_name
+ assert_name g, "line_item", :singular_name
+ assert_name g, "line_items", :plural_name
+ assert_name g, "line_item", :i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "line_items", :table_name
+ end
+ def test_named_generator_attributes
+ g = generator ["admin/foo"]
+ assert_name g, "admin/foo", :name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foo", :class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foo", :file_path
+ assert_name g, "foo", :file_name
+ assert_name g, "Foo", :human_name
+ assert_name g, "foo", :singular_name
+ assert_name g, "foos", :plural_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foo", :i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :table_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :controller_class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_file_path
+ assert_name g, "foos", :controller_file_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foos", :controller_i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "admin_foo", :singular_route_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :plural_route_name
+ assert_name g, "@admin_foo", :redirect_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foo", :model_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_named_generator_attributes_as_ruby
+ g = generator ["Admin::Foo"]
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foo", :name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foo", :class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foo", :file_path
+ assert_name g, "foo", :file_name
+ assert_name g, "foo", :singular_name
+ assert_name g, "Foo", :human_name
+ assert_name g, "foos", :plural_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foo", :i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :table_name
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :controller_class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_file_path
+ assert_name g, "foos", :controller_file_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foos", :controller_i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "admin_foo", :singular_route_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :plural_route_name
+ assert_name g, "@admin_foo", :redirect_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foo", :model_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_foos", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_named_generator_attributes_without_pluralized
+ original_pluralize_table_names = ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ g = generator ["admin/foo"]
+ assert_name g, "admin_foo", :table_name
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = original_pluralize_table_names
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_scaffold_plural_names
+ g = generator ["admin/foo"]
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :controller_class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_file_path
+ assert_name g, "foos", :controller_file_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foos", :controller_i18n_scope
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_scaffold_plural_names_as_ruby
+ g = generator ["Admin::Foo"]
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :controller_class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_file_path
+ assert_name g, "foos", :controller_file_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foos", :controller_i18n_scope
+ end
+ def test_application_name
+ g = generator ["Admin::Foo"]
+ Rails.stub(:application, Object.new) do
+ assert_name g, "object", :application_name
+ end
+ Rails.stub(:application, nil) do
+ assert_name g, "application", :application_name
+ end
+ end
+ def test_index_helper
+ g = generator ["Post"]
+ assert_name g, "posts", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_index_helper_to_pluralize_once
+ g = generator ["Stadium"]
+ assert_name g, "stadia", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_index_helper_with_uncountable
+ g = generator ["Sheep"]
+ assert_name g, "sheep_index", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_hide_namespace
+ g = generator ["Hidden"]
+ g.class.stub(:namespace, "hidden") do
+ assert_not_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "hidden"
+ g.class.hide!
+ assert_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "hidden"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_plural_names_with_model_name_option
+ g = generator ["Admin::Foo"], model_name: "User"
+ assert_name g, "user", :singular_name
+ assert_name g, "User", :name
+ assert_name g, "user", :file_path
+ assert_name g, "User", :class_name
+ assert_name g, "user", :file_name
+ assert_name g, "User", :human_name
+ assert_name g, "users", :plural_name
+ assert_name g, "user", :i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "users", :table_name
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_name
+ assert_name g, %w(admin), :controller_class_path
+ assert_name g, "Admin::Foos", :controller_class_name
+ assert_name g, "admin/foos", :controller_file_path
+ assert_name g, "foos", :controller_file_name
+ assert_name g, "admin.foos", :controller_i18n_scope
+ assert_name g, "admin_user", :singular_route_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_users", :plural_route_name
+ assert_name g, "[:admin, @user]", :redirect_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "[:admin, user]", :model_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "admin_users", :index_helper
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_plural_names
+ g = generator ["User"]
+ assert_name g, "@user", :redirect_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "user", :model_resource_name
+ assert_name g, "user", :singular_route_name
+ assert_name g, "users", :plural_route_name
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_name(generator, value, method)
+ assert_equal value, generator.send(method)
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/namespaced_generators_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/namespaced_generators_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b75a31f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/namespaced_generators_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/controller/controller_generator"
+require "rails/generators/rails/model/model_generator"
+require "rails/generators/mailer/mailer_generator"
+require "rails/generators/rails/scaffold/scaffold_generator"
+require "rails/generators/rails/application_record/application_record_generator"
+class NamespacedGeneratorTestCase < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ def setup
+ super
+ Rails::Generators.namespace = TestApp
+ end
+class NamespacedControllerGeneratorTest < NamespacedGeneratorTestCase
+ arguments %w(Account foo bar)
+ tests Rails::Generators::ControllerGenerator
+ setup :copy_routes
+ def test_namespaced_controller_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/account_controller.rb",
+ /require_dependency "test_app\/application_controller"/,
+ /module TestApp/,
+ / class AccountController < ApplicationController/
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/account_controller_test.rb",
+ /module TestApp/,
+ / class AccountControllerTest/
+ end
+ def test_skipping_namespace
+ run_generator ["Account", "--skip-namespace"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/account_controller.rb", /class AccountController < ApplicationController/
+ assert_file "app/helpers/account_helper.rb", /module AccountHelper/
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_controller_with_additional_namespace
+ run_generator ["admin/account"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/account_controller.rb", /module TestApp/, / class Admin::AccountController < ApplicationController/ do |contents|
+ assert_match %r(require_dependency "test_app/application_controller"), contents
+ end
+ end
+ def test_helper_is_also_namespaced
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/helpers/test_app/account_helper.rb", /module TestApp/, / module AccountHelper/
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/account_controller_test.rb"
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/account/foo.html.erb", %r(app/views/test_app/account/foo\.html\.erb)
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/account/bar.html.erb", %r(app/views/test_app/account/bar\.html\.erb)
+ end
+ def test_routes_should_not_be_namespaced
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /get 'account\/foo'/, /get 'account\/bar'/
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine_even_with_no_action
+ run_generator ["account"]
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/account"
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_controller_dont_indent_blank_lines
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/account_controller.rb" do |content|
+ content.split("\n").each do |line|
+ assert_no_match(/^\s+$/, line, "Don't indent blank lines")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class NamespacedModelGeneratorTest < NamespacedGeneratorTestCase
+ arguments %w(Account name:string age:integer)
+ tests Rails::Generators::ModelGenerator
+ def test_module_file_is_not_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "app/models/test_app.rb"
+ end
+ def test_adds_namespace_to_model
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/account.rb", /module TestApp/, / class Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ end
+ def test_model_with_namespace
+ run_generator ["admin/account"]
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb", /module TestApp/, /module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb", /def self\.table_name_prefix/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb", /'test_app_admin_'/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/account.rb", /module TestApp/, /class Admin::Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ end
+ def test_migration
+ run_generator
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_accounts.rb", /create_table :test_app_accounts/, /class CreateTestAppAccounts < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_namespace
+ run_generator ["Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_gallery_images", /class CreateTestAppGalleryImages < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_images"
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_nested_namespace
+ run_generator ["Admin::Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_gallery_images", /class CreateTestAppAdminGalleryImages < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_gallery_images", /create_table :test_app_admin_gallery_images/
+ end
+ def test_migration_with_nested_namespace_without_pluralization
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ run_generator ["Admin::Gallery::Image"]
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_gallery_images"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_gallery_images"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_gallery_image", /class CreateTestAppAdminGalleryImage < ActiveRecord::Migration\[[0-9.]+\]/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_gallery_image", /create_table :test_app_admin_gallery_image/
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/models/test_app/account_test.rb", /module TestApp/, /class AccountTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/test_app/accounts.yml", /name: MyString/, /age: 1/
+ end
+class NamespacedMailerGeneratorTest < NamespacedGeneratorTestCase
+ arguments %w(notifier foo bar)
+ tests Rails::Generators::MailerGenerator
+ def test_mailer_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/mailers/test_app/notifier_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/module TestApp/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/class NotifierMailer < ApplicationMailer/, mailer)
+ assert_no_match(/default from: "from@example\.com"/, mailer)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_mailer_with_i18n_helper
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/mailers/test_app/notifier_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/en\.notifier_mailer\.foo\.subject/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/en\.notifier_mailer\.bar\.subject/, mailer)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_test_framework
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/mailers/test_app/notifier_mailer_test.rb" do |test|
+ assert_match(/module TestApp/, test)
+ assert_match(/class NotifierMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase/, test)
+ assert_match(/test "foo"/, test)
+ assert_match(/test "bar"/, test)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/notifier_mailer/foo.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(app/views/test_app/notifier_mailer/foo\.text\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/notifier_mailer/bar.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r(app/views/test_app/notifier_mailer/bar\.text\.erb), view)
+ assert_match(/<%= @greeting %>/, view)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invokes_default_template_engine_even_with_no_action
+ run_generator ["notifier"]
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/notifier_mailer"
+ end
+class NamespacedScaffoldGeneratorTest < NamespacedGeneratorTestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(product_line title:string price:integer)
+ tests Rails::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator
+ setup :copy_routes
+ def test_scaffold_on_invoke
+ run_generator
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/product_line.rb", /module TestApp\n class ProductLine < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/test_app/product_line_test.rb", /module TestApp\n class ProductLineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/test_app/product_lines.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_product_lines.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/resources :product_lines$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/product_lines_controller.rb",
+ /require_dependency "test_app\/application_controller"/,
+ /module TestApp/,
+ /class ProductLinesController < ApplicationController/
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/product_lines_controller_test.rb",
+ /module TestApp\n class ProductLinesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ # Views
+ %w(index edit new show _form).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/product_lines/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/test_app/product_lines.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_file "app/helpers/test_app/product_lines_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ run_generator ["product_line"], behavior: :revoke
+ # Model
+ assert_no_file "app/models/test_app/product_line.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/models/test_app/product_line_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/test_app/product_lines.yml"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_product_lines.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/resources :product_lines$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/test_app/product_lines_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/test_app/product_lines_controller_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/test_app/product_lines"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/test_app/layouts/product_lines.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/test_app/product_lines_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets (should not be removed)
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_namespace_on_invoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb", /module TestApp\n module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/role.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::Role < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/test_app/admin/role_test.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::RoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/test_app/admin/roles.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n resources :roles\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/module TestApp\n class Admin::RolesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_match(%r(require_dependency "test_app/application_controller"), content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller_test.rb",
+ /module TestApp\n class Admin::RolesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ # Views
+ %w(index edit new show _form).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/admin/roles/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/admin/roles.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_file "app/helpers/test_app/admin/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_namespace_on_revoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ run_generator [ "admin/role" ], behavior: :revoke
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb" # ( should not be remove )
+ assert_no_file "app/models/test_app/admin/role.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/models/test_app/admin/role_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/test_app/admin/roles.yml"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n resources :roles\n end$$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/test_app/admin/roles"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/test_app/admin/roles.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/test_app/admin/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets (should not be removed)
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_nested_namespace_on_invoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/user/special/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/user/special.rb", /module TestApp\n module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/user/special/role.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::User::Special::Role < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/test_app/admin/user/special/role_test.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::User::Special::RoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/test_app/admin/user/special/roles.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_user_special_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n namespace :user do\n namespace :special do\n resources :roles\n end\n end\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/module TestApp\n class Admin::User::Special::RolesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_controller_test.rb",
+ /module TestApp\n class Admin::User::Special::RolesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ # Views
+ %w(index edit new show _form).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/test_app/admin/user/special/roles/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/admin/user/special/roles.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_file "app/helpers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_nested_namespace_on_revoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/user/special/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ run_generator [ "admin/user/special/role" ], behavior: :revoke
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/user/special.rb" # ( should not be remove )
+ assert_no_file "app/models/test_app/admin/user/special/role.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/models/test_app/admin/user/special/role_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/test_app/admin/user/special/roles.yml"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_user_special_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n namespace :user do\n namespace :special do\n resources :roles\n end\n end\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_controller_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/test_app/admin/user/special/roles"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/test_app/admin/user/special/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Stylesheets (should not be removed)
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ end
+ def test_api_scaffold_with_namespace_on_invoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string", "--api" ]
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin.rb", /module TestApp\n module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/admin/role.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::Role < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/test_app/admin/role_test.rb", /module TestApp\n class Admin::RoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/test_app/admin/roles.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_test_app_admin_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n resources :roles\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/module TestApp\n class Admin::RolesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_match(%r(require_dependency "test_app/application_controller"), content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/test_app/admin/roles_controller_test.rb",
+ /module TestApp\n class Admin::RolesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ end
+class NamespacedApplicationRecordGeneratorTest < NamespacedGeneratorTestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ tests Rails::Generators::ApplicationRecordGenerator
+ def test_adds_namespace_to_application_record
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/models/test_app/application_record.rb", /module TestApp/, / class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base/
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/orm_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/orm_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eaf2fbfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/orm_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/scaffold_controller_generator"
+# Mock out two ORMs
+module ORMWithGenerators
+ module Generators
+ class ActiveModel
+ def initialize(name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module ORMWithoutGenerators
+ # No generators
+class OrmTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ tests Rails::Generators::ScaffoldControllerGenerator
+ def test_orm_class_returns_custom_generator_if_supported_custom_orm_set
+ g = generator ["Foo"], orm: "ORMWithGenerators"
+ assert_equal ORMWithGenerators::Generators::ActiveModel, g.send(:orm_class)
+ end
+ def test_orm_class_returns_rails_generator_if_unsupported_custom_orm_set
+ g = generator ["Foo"], orm: "ORMWithoutGenerators"
+ assert_equal Rails::Generators::ActiveModel, g.send(:orm_class)
+ end
+ def test_orm_instance_returns_orm_class_instance_with_name
+ g = generator ["Foo"]
+ orm_instance = g.send(:orm_instance)
+ assert g.send(:orm_class) === orm_instance
+ assert_equal "foo", orm_instance.name
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/plugin_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/plugin_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66286fc554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/plugin_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/plugin/plugin_generator"
+require "generators/shared_generator_tests"
+require "rails/engine/updater"
+ .gitignore
+ Gemfile
+ Rakefile
+ bukkits.gemspec
+ lib
+ lib/bukkits.rb
+ lib/tasks/bukkits_tasks.rake
+ lib/bukkits/version.rb
+ test/bukkits_test.rb
+ test/test_helper.rb
+ test/dummy
+class PluginGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ destination File.join(Rails.root, "tmp/bukkits")
+ arguments [destination_root]
+ def application_path
+ "#{destination_root}/test/dummy"
+ end
+ # brings setup, teardown, and some tests
+ include SharedGeneratorTests
+ def test_invalid_plugin_name_raises_an_error
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "my_plugin-31fr-extension")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid plugin name my_plugin-31fr-extension. Please give a name which does not contain a namespace starting with numeric characters.\n", content
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "things4.3")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid plugin name things4.3. Please give a name which uses only alphabetic, numeric, \"_\" or \"-\" characters.\n", content
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "43things")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid plugin name 43things. Please give a name which does not start with numbers.\n", content
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "plugin")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid plugin name plugin. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words: application, destroy, plugin, runner, test\n", content
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "Digest")] }
+ assert_equal "Invalid plugin name Digest, constant Digest is already in use. Please choose another plugin name.\n", content
+ end
+ def test_correct_file_in_lib_folder_of_hyphenated_plugin_name
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "hyphenated-name")]
+ assert_no_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated-name.rb"
+ assert_no_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated_name.rb"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n # Your code goes here\.\.\.\n end\nend/
+ end
+ def test_correct_file_in_lib_folder_of_camelcase_plugin_name
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "CamelCasedName")]
+ assert_no_file "CamelCasedName/lib/CamelCasedName.rb"
+ assert_file "CamelCasedName/lib/camel_cased_name.rb", /module CamelCasedName/
+ end
+ def test_generating_without_options
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "README.md", /Bukkits/
+ assert_no_file "config/routes.rb"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/config/bukkits_manifest.js"
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/require_relative.+test\/dummy\/config\/environment/, content)
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord::Migrator\.migrations_paths.+test\/dummy\/db\/migrate/, content)
+ assert_match(/Minitest\.backtrace_filter = Minitest::BacktraceFilter\.new/, content)
+ assert_match(/Rails::TestUnitReporter\.executable = 'bin\/test'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits/railtie.rb", /module Bukkits\n class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits.rb", /require "bukkits\/railtie"/
+ assert_file "test/bukkits_test.rb", /assert_kind_of Module, Bukkits/
+ assert_file "bin/test"
+ assert_no_file "bin/rails"
+ end
+ def test_generating_in_full_mode_with_almost_of_all_skip_options
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "-M", "-O", "-C", "-S", "-T", "--skip-active-storage"]
+ assert_file "bin/rails" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']sprockets\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/
+ end
+ def test_generating_test_files_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full"]
+ assert_directory "test/integration/"
+ assert_file "test/integration/navigation_test.rb", /ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_git_source
+ run_generator [destination_root]
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /git_source/
+ end
+ def test_inclusion_of_a_debugger
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full"]
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) || RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/byebug/, content)
+ end
+ else
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /# gem 'byebug'/
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generating_test_files_in_full_mode_without_unit_test_files
+ run_generator [destination_root, "-T", "--full"]
+ assert_no_directory "test/integration/"
+ assert_no_directory "test"
+ assert_file "Rakefile" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/APP_RAKEFILE/, contents)
+ end
+ assert_file "bin/rails" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/APP_PATH/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generating_adds_dummy_app_rake_tasks_without_unit_test_files
+ run_generator [destination_root, "-T", "--mountable", "--dummy-path", "my_dummy_app"]
+ assert_file "Rakefile", /APP_RAKEFILE/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /APP_PATH/
+ end
+ def test_generating_adds_dummy_app_without_javascript_and_assets_deps
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/dummy/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css"
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_plugin_options_are_not_passed_to_app_generator
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ assert_no_match(/It works from file!.*It works_from_file/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"]))
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_test_dummy_can_be_generated_from_a_template
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/create_test_dummy_template.rb", "--skip-test"])
+ assert_directory "spec/dummy"
+ assert_no_directory "test"
+ end
+ def test_database_entry_is_generated_for_sqlite3_by_default_in_full_mode
+ run_generator([destination_root, "--full"])
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/database.yml", /sqlite/
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec", /sqlite3/
+ end
+ def test_config_another_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "mysql", "--full"])
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/database.yml", /mysql/
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec", /mysql/
+ end
+ def test_dont_generate_development_dependency
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-active-record"]
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/s\.add_development_dependency "sqlite3"/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_skip_active_record_option_is_passed_to_app_generator
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip_active_record"]
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/ActiveRecord/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_database_option_is_passed_to_app_generator
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--database", "postgresql"]
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/database.yml", /postgres/
+ end
+ def test_generation_runs_bundle_install
+ assert_generates_without_bundler
+ end
+ def test_dev_option
+ assert_generates_without_bundler(dev: true)
+ rails_path = File.expand_path("../../..", Rails.root)
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem\s+["']rails["'],\s+path:\s+["']#{Regexp.escape(rails_path)}["']$/
+ end
+ def test_edge_option
+ assert_generates_without_bundler(edge: true)
+ assert_file "Gemfile", %r{^gem\s+["']rails["'],\s+github:\s+["']#{Regexp.escape("rails/rails")}["']$}
+ end
+ def test_generation_does_not_run_bundle_install_with_full_and_mountable
+ assert_generates_without_bundler(mountable: true, full: true, dev: true)
+ assert_no_file "#{destination_root}/Gemfile.lock"
+ end
+ def test_skip_javascript
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-javascript", "--mountable"]
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/bukkits/application.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match "javascript_pack_tag", content
+ end
+ end
+ def test_template_from_dir_pwd
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ assert_match(/It works from file!/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"]))
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_tests_work
+ run_generator
+ FileUtils.cd destination_root
+ quietly { system "bundle install" }
+ assert_match(/1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_tests_works_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "--skip_active_record"]
+ FileUtils.cd destination_root
+ quietly { system "bundle install" }
+ assert_match(/1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bundle exec rake test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_migration_tasks_work_with_mountable_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ FileUtils.cd destination_root
+ quietly { system "bundle install" }
+ output = `bin/rails db:migrate 2>&1`
+ assert $?.success?, "Command failed: #{output}"
+ end
+ def test_creating_engine_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full"]
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/bukkits"
+ assert_file "app/assets/images/bukkits"
+ assert_file "app/models"
+ assert_file "app/controllers"
+ assert_file "app/views"
+ assert_file "app/helpers"
+ assert_file "app/mailers"
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /Rails.application.routes.draw do/
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits/engine.rb", /module Bukkits\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits.rb", /require "bukkits\/engine"/
+ end
+ def test_creating_engine_with_hyphenated_name_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "hyphenated-name"), "--full"]
+ assert_no_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/javascripts/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/stylesheets/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/images/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/models"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/controllers"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/views"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/helpers"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/mailers"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/bin/rails"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/config/routes.rb", /Rails.application.routes.draw do/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name/engine.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name.rb", /require "hyphenated\/name\/engine"/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/bin/rails", /\.\.\/lib\/hyphenated\/name\/engine/
+ end
+ def test_creating_engine_with_hyphenated_and_underscored_name_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "my_hyphenated-name"), "--full"]
+ assert_no_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/javascripts/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/stylesheets/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/images/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/models"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/controllers"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/views"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/helpers"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/mailers"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/bin/rails"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/config/routes.rb", /Rails\.application\.routes\.draw do/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/lib/my_hyphenated/name/engine.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/lib/my_hyphenated/name.rb", /require "my_hyphenated\/name\/engine"/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/bin/rails", /\.\.\/lib\/my_hyphenated\/name\/engine/
+ end
+ def test_being_quiet_while_creating_dummy_application
+ assert_no_match(/create\s+config\/application\.rb/, run_generator)
+ end
+ def test_create_mountable_application_with_mountable_option
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/javascripts/bukkits"
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/bukkits"
+ assert_file "app/assets/images/bukkits"
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /Bukkits::Engine\.routes\.draw do/
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits/engine.rb", /isolate_namespace Bukkits/
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/routes.rb", /mount Bukkits::Engine => "\/bukkits"/
+ assert_file "app/controllers/bukkits/application_controller.rb", /module Bukkits\n class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base/
+ assert_file "app/models/bukkits/application_record.rb", /module Bukkits\n class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base/
+ assert_file "app/jobs/bukkits/application_job.rb", /module Bukkits\n class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/
+ assert_file "app/mailers/bukkits/application_mailer.rb", /module Bukkits\n class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base\n default from: 'from@example\.com'\n layout 'mailer'\n/
+ assert_file "app/helpers/bukkits/application_helper.rb", /module Bukkits\n module ApplicationHelper/
+ assert_file "app/views/layouts/bukkits/application.html.erb" do |contents|
+ assert_match "<title>Bukkits</title>", contents
+ assert_match "<%= csrf_meta_tags %>", contents
+ assert_match "<%= csp_meta_tag %>", contents
+ assert_match(/stylesheet_link_tag\s+['"]bukkits\/application['"]/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/javascript_include_tag\s+['"]bukkits\/application['"]/, contents)
+ assert_match "<%= yield %>", contents
+ end
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord::Migrator\.migrations_paths.+\.\.\/test\/dummy\/db\/migrate/, content)
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord::Migrator\.migrations_paths.+<<.+\.\.\/db\/migrate/, content)
+ assert_match(/ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest\.fixture_path = ActiveSupport::TestCase\.fixture_pat/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/Rails::TestUnitReporter\.executable = 'bin\/test'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "bin/test"
+ end
+ def test_create_mountable_application_with_mountable_option_and_hypenated_name
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "hyphenated-name"), "--mountable"]
+ assert_no_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/javascripts/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/stylesheets/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/assets/images/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/config/routes.rb", /Hyphenated::Name::Engine\.routes\.draw do/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name/version.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n VERSION = '0\.1\.0'\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name/engine.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n isolate_namespace Hyphenated::Name\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/lib/hyphenated/name.rb", /require "hyphenated\/name\/engine"/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/test/dummy/config/routes.rb", /mount Hyphenated::Name::Engine => "\/hyphenated-name"/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/controllers/hyphenated/name/application_controller.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base\n protect_from_forgery with: :exception\n end\n end\nend\n/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/models/hyphenated/name/application_record.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base\n self\.abstract_class = true\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/jobs/hyphenated/name/application_job.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/mailers/hyphenated/name/application_mailer.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base\n default from: 'from@example\.com'\n layout 'mailer'\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/helpers/hyphenated/name/application_helper.rb", /module Hyphenated\n module Name\n module ApplicationHelper\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "hyphenated-name/app/views/layouts/hyphenated/name/application.html.erb" do |contents|
+ assert_match "<title>Hyphenated name</title>", contents
+ assert_match(/stylesheet_link_tag\s+['"]hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/javascript_include_tag\s+['"]hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_mountable_application_with_mountable_option_and_hypenated_and_underscored_name
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "my_hyphenated-name"), "--mountable"]
+ assert_no_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/javascripts/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/stylesheets/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/assets/images/my_hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/config/routes.rb", /MyHyphenated::Name::Engine\.routes\.draw do/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/lib/my_hyphenated/name/version.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n VERSION = '0\.1\.0'\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/lib/my_hyphenated/name/engine.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n isolate_namespace MyHyphenated::Name\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/lib/my_hyphenated/name.rb", /require "my_hyphenated\/name\/engine"/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/test/dummy/config/routes.rb", /mount MyHyphenated::Name::Engine => "\/my_hyphenated-name"/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/controllers/my_hyphenated/name/application_controller.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base\n protect_from_forgery with: :exception\n end\n end\nend\n/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/models/my_hyphenated/name/application_record.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base\n self\.abstract_class = true\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/jobs/my_hyphenated/name/application_job.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/mailers/my_hyphenated/name/application_mailer.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base\n default from: 'from@example\.com'\n layout 'mailer'\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/helpers/my_hyphenated/name/application_helper.rb", /module MyHyphenated\n module Name\n module ApplicationHelper\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "my_hyphenated-name/app/views/layouts/my_hyphenated/name/application.html.erb" do |contents|
+ assert_match "<title>My hyphenated name</title>", contents
+ assert_match(/stylesheet_link_tag\s+['"]my_hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/javascript_include_tag\s+['"]my_hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_mountable_application_with_mountable_option_and_multiple_hypenates_in_name
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "deep-hyphenated-name"), "--mountable"]
+ assert_no_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/assets/javascripts/deep/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/assets/stylesheets/deep/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/assets/images/deep/hyphenated/name"
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/config/routes.rb", /Deep::Hyphenated::Name::Engine\.routes\.draw do/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/lib/deep/hyphenated/name/version.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n VERSION = '0\.1\.0'\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/lib/deep/hyphenated/name/engine.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class Engine < ::Rails::Engine\n isolate_namespace Deep::Hyphenated::Name\n end\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/lib/deep/hyphenated/name.rb", /require "deep\/hyphenated\/name\/engine"/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/test/dummy/config/routes.rb", /mount Deep::Hyphenated::Name::Engine => "\/deep-hyphenated-name"/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/controllers/deep/hyphenated/name/application_controller.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base\n protect_from_forgery with: :exception\n end\n end\n end\nend\n/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/models/deep/hyphenated/name/application_record.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base\n self\.abstract_class = true\n end\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/jobs/deep/hyphenated/name/application_job.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/mailers/deep/hyphenated/name/application_mailer.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base\n default from: 'from@example\.com'\n layout 'mailer'\n end\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/helpers/deep/hyphenated/name/application_helper.rb", /module Deep\n module Hyphenated\n module Name\n module ApplicationHelper\n end\n end\n end\nend/
+ assert_file "deep-hyphenated-name/app/views/layouts/deep/hyphenated/name/application.html.erb" do |contents|
+ assert_match "<title>Deep hyphenated name</title>", contents
+ assert_match(/stylesheet_link_tag\s+['"]deep\/hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/javascript_include_tag\s+['"]deep\/hyphenated\/name\/application['"]/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_creating_gemspec
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec", /spec\.name\s+= "bukkits"/
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec", /spec\.files = Dir\["\{app,config,db,lib\}\/\*\*\/\*", "MIT-LICENSE", "Rakefile", "README\.md"\]/
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec", /spec\.version\s+ = Bukkits::VERSION/
+ end
+ def test_usage_of_engine_commands
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full"]
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /ENGINE_PATH = File\.expand_path\('\.\.\/lib\/bukkits\/engine', __dir__\)/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /ENGINE_ROOT = File\.expand_path\('\.\.', __dir__\)/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", %r|APP_PATH = File\.expand_path\('\.\./test/dummy/config/application', __dir__\)|
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /require 'rails\/all'/
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /require 'rails\/engine\/commands'/
+ end
+ def test_shebang
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full"]
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#!\/usr\/bin\/env ruby/
+ end
+ def test_passing_dummy_path_as_a_parameter
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy"]
+ assert_file "spec/dummy"
+ assert_file "spec/dummy/config/application.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy"
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/require_relative.+spec\/dummy\/config\/environment/, content)
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord::Migrator\.migrations_paths.+spec\/dummy\/db\/migrate/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_creating_dummy_application_with_different_name
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/fake"]
+ assert_file "spec/fake"
+ assert_file "spec/fake/config/application.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy"
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/require_relative.+spec\/fake\/config\/environment/, content)
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord::Migrator\.migrations_paths.+spec\/fake\/db\/migrate/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_creating_dummy_without_tests_but_with_dummy_path
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy", "--skip-test"]
+ assert_directory "spec/dummy"
+ assert_file "spec/dummy/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/
+ assert_no_directory "test"
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/spec\/dummy/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_dummy_appplication_skip_listen_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/environments/development.rb" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/^\s*# config\.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ensure_that_gitignore_can_be_generated_from_a_template_for_dummy_path
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ run_generator([destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy", "--skip-test"])
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/spec\/dummy/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_unnecessary_files_are_not_generated_in_dummy_application
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/.gitignore"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/db/seeds.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/Gemfile"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/public/robots.txt"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/README.md"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/config/master.key"
+ assert_no_file "test/dummy/config/credentials.yml.enc"
+ assert_no_directory "test/dummy/lib/tasks"
+ assert_no_directory "test/dummy/test"
+ assert_no_directory "test/dummy/vendor"
+ assert_no_directory "test/dummy/.git"
+ end
+ def test_skipping_test_files
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test"]
+ assert_no_directory "test"
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/test\/dummy/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skipping_gemspec
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-gemspec"]
+ assert_no_file "bukkits.gemspec"
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match("gemspec", contents)
+ assert_match(/gem 'rails'/, contents)
+ assert_match_sqlite3(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skipping_gemspec_in_full_mode
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-gemspec", "--full"]
+ assert_no_file "bukkits.gemspec"
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |contents|
+ assert_no_match("gemspec", contents)
+ assert_match(/gem 'rails'/, contents)
+ assert_match_sqlite3(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_creating_plugin_in_app_directory_adds_gemfile_entry
+ # simulate application existence
+ gemfile_path = "#{Rails.root}/Gemfile"
+ Object.const_set("APP_PATH", Rails.root)
+ FileUtils.touch gemfile_path
+ File.write(gemfile_path, "#foo")
+ run_generator
+ assert_file gemfile_path, /^gem 'bukkits', path: 'tmp\/bukkits'/
+ ensure
+ Object.send(:remove_const, "APP_PATH")
+ FileUtils.rm gemfile_path
+ end
+ def test_creating_plugin_only_specify_plugin_name_in_app_directory_adds_gemfile_entry
+ # simulate application existence
+ gemfile_path = "#{Rails.root}/Gemfile"
+ Object.const_set("APP_PATH", Rails.root)
+ FileUtils.touch gemfile_path
+ FileUtils.cd(destination_root)
+ run_generator ["bukkits"]
+ assert_file gemfile_path, /gem 'bukkits', path: 'bukkits'/
+ ensure
+ Object.send(:remove_const, "APP_PATH")
+ FileUtils.rm gemfile_path
+ end
+ def test_skipping_gemfile_entry
+ # simulate application existence
+ gemfile_path = "#{Rails.root}/Gemfile"
+ Object.const_set("APP_PATH", Rails.root)
+ FileUtils.touch gemfile_path
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-gemfile-entry"]
+ assert_file gemfile_path do |contents|
+ assert_no_match(/gem 'bukkits', path: 'tmp\/bukkits'/, contents)
+ end
+ ensure
+ Object.send(:remove_const, "APP_PATH")
+ FileUtils.rm gemfile_path
+ end
+ def test_generating_controller_inside_mountable_engine
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g controller admin/dashboard foo`
+ end
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/namespace :admin/, contents)
+ assert_no_match(/namespace :bukkit/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_git_name_and_email_in_gemspec_file
+ name = `git config user.name`.chomp rescue "TODO: Write your name"
+ email = `git config user.email`.chomp rescue "TODO: Write your email address"
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec" do |contents|
+ assert_match name, contents
+ assert_match email, contents
+ end
+ end
+ def test_git_name_in_license_file
+ name = `git config user.name`.chomp rescue "TODO: Write your name"
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "MIT-LICENSE" do |contents|
+ assert_match name, contents
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_details_from_git_when_skip_git
+ name = "TODO: Write your name"
+ email = "TODO: Write your email address"
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-git"]
+ assert_file "MIT-LICENSE" do |contents|
+ assert_match name, contents
+ end
+ assert_file "bukkits.gemspec" do |contents|
+ assert_match name, contents
+ assert_match email, contents
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skipping_useless_folders_generation_for_api_engines
+ ["--full", "--mountable"].each do |option|
+ run_generator [destination_root, option, "--api"]
+ assert_no_directory "app/assets"
+ assert_no_directory "app/helpers"
+ assert_no_directory "app/views"
+ FileUtils.rm_rf destination_root
+ end
+ end
+ def test_application_controller_parent_for_mountable_api_plugins
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable", "--api"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/bukkits/application_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match "ApplicationController < ActionController::API", content
+ end
+ end
+ def test_dummy_api_application_for_api_plugins
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--api"]
+ assert_file "test/dummy/config/application.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match "config.api_only = true", content
+ end
+ end
+ def test_api_generators_configuration_for_api_engines
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "--api"]
+ assert_file "lib/bukkits/engine.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match "config.generators.api_only = true", content
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_for_mountable_api_plugins
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable", "--api"]
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g scaffold article`
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/bukkits/article.rb"
+ assert_file "app/controllers/bukkits/articles_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match "only: [:show, :update, :destroy]", content
+ end
+ assert_no_directory "app/assets"
+ assert_no_directory "app/helpers"
+ assert_no_directory "app/views"
+ end
+ def test_model_with_existent_application_record_in_mountable_engine
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g model article`
+ end
+ assert_file "app/models/bukkits/article.rb", /class Article < ApplicationRecord/
+ end
+ def test_generate_application_mailer_when_does_not_exist_in_mountable_engine
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ FileUtils.rm "#{destination_root}/app/mailers/bukkits/application_mailer.rb"
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g mailer User`
+ end
+ assert_file "#{destination_root}/app/mailers/bukkits/application_mailer.rb" do |mailer|
+ assert_match(/module Bukkits/, mailer)
+ assert_match(/class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base/, mailer)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generate_mailer_layouts_when_does_not_exist_in_mountable_engine
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g mailer User`
+ end
+ assert_file "#{destination_root}/app/views/layouts/bukkits/mailer.text.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(/<%= yield %>/, view)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{destination_root}/app/views/layouts/bukkits/mailer.html.erb" do |view|
+ assert_match(%r{<body>\n <%= yield %>\n </body>}, view)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generate_application_job_when_does_not_exist_in_mountable_engine
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ FileUtils.rm "#{destination_root}/app/jobs/bukkits/application_job.rb"
+ capture(:stdout) do
+ `#{destination_root}/bin/rails g job refresh_counters`
+ end
+ assert_file "#{destination_root}/app/jobs/bukkits/application_job.rb" do |record|
+ assert_match(/module Bukkits/, record)
+ assert_match(/class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base/, record)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_app_update_generates_bin_file
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--mountable"]
+ Object.const_set("ENGINE_ROOT", destination_root)
+ FileUtils.rm("#{destination_root}/bin/rails")
+ quietly { Rails::Engine::Updater.run(:create_bin_files) }
+ assert_file "#{destination_root}/bin/rails" do |content|
+ assert_match(%r|APP_PATH = File\.expand_path\('\.\./test/dummy/config/application', __dir__\)|, content)
+ end
+ ensure
+ Object.send(:remove_const, "ENGINE_ROOT")
+ end
+ def test_after_bundle_callback
+ path = "http://example.org/rails_template"
+ template = +%{ after_bundle { run "echo ran after_bundle" } }
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ check_open = -> *args do
+ assert_equal [ path, "Accept" => "application/x-thor-template" ], args
+ template
+ end
+ sequence = ["echo ran after_bundle"]
+ @sequence_step ||= 0
+ ensure_bundler_first = -> command do
+ assert_equal sequence[@sequence_step], command, "commands should be called in sequence #{sequence}"
+ @sequence_step += 1
+ end
+ content = nil
+ generator([destination_root], template: path).stub(:open, check_open, template) do
+ generator.stub(:bundle_command, ensure_bundler_first) do
+ generator.stub(:run, ensure_bundler_first) do
+ silence_stream($stdout) do
+ content = capture(:stderr) { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, @sequence_step
+ assert_match(/DEPRECATION WARNING: `after_bundle` is deprecated/, content)
+ end
+ private
+ def action(*args, &block)
+ silence(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) }
+ end
+ def default_files
+ end
+ def assert_match_sqlite3(contents)
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_match(/group :development do\n gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter'\nend/, contents)
+ else
+ assert_match(/group :development do\n gem 'sqlite3'\nend/, contents)
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_generates_without_bundler(options = {})
+ generator([destination_root], options)
+ command_check = -> command do
+ case command
+ when "install"
+ flunk "install expected to not be called"
+ when "exec spring binstub --all"
+ # Called when running tests with spring, let through unscathed.
+ end
+ end
+ generator.stub :bundle_command, command_check do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_helper.rb b/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528f8d88f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "abstract_unit"
+require "tmpdir"
+module PluginTestHelper
+ def create_test_file(name, pass: true)
+ plugin_file "test/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class #{name.camelize}Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_truth
+ puts "#{name.camelize}Test"
+ assert #{pass}, 'wups!'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def plugin_file(path, contents, mode: "w")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname("#{plugin_path}/#{path}")
+ File.open("#{plugin_path}/#{path}", mode) do |f|
+ f.puts contents
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_runner_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_runner_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89c3f1e496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/plugin_test_runner_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/plugin_test_helper"
+class PluginTestRunnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include PluginTestHelper
+ def setup
+ @destination_root = Dir.mktmpdir("bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(@destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --skip-bundle` }
+ plugin_file "test/dummy/db/schema.rb", ""
+ end
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@destination_root)
+ end
+ def test_run_single_file
+ create_test_file "foo"
+ create_test_file "bar"
+ assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/foo_test.rb")
+ end
+ def test_run_multiple_files
+ create_test_file "foo"
+ create_test_file "bar"
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/foo_test.rb test/bar_test.rb")
+ end
+ def test_mix_files_and_line_filters
+ create_test_file "account"
+ plugin_file "test/post_test.rb", <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_post
+ puts 'PostTest'
+ assert true
+ end
+ def test_line_filter_does_not_run_this
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ run_test_command("test/account_test.rb test/post_test.rb:4").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "AccountTest", output
+ assert_match "PostTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_multiple_line_filters
+ create_test_file "account"
+ create_test_file "post"
+ run_test_command("test/account_test.rb:4 test/post_test.rb:4").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "AccountTest", output
+ assert_match "PostTest", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_output_inline_by_default
+ create_test_file "post", pass: false
+ output = run_test_command("test/post_test.rb")
+ expect = %r{Running:\n\nPostTest\nF\n\nFailure:\nPostTest#test_truth \[[^\]]+test/post_test.rb:6\]:\nwups!\n\nbin/test (/private)?#{plugin_path}/test/post_test.rb:4}
+ assert_match expect, output
+ end
+ def test_only_inline_failure_output
+ create_test_file "post", pass: false
+ output = run_test_command("test/post_test.rb")
+ assert_match %r{Finished in.*\n1 runs, 1 assertions}, output
+ end
+ def test_fail_fast
+ create_test_file "post", pass: false
+ assert_match(/Interrupt/,
+ capture(:stderr) { run_test_command("test/post_test.rb --fail-fast") })
+ end
+ def test_raise_error_when_specified_file_does_not_exist
+ error = capture(:stderr) { run_test_command("test/not_exists.rb") }
+ assert_match(%r{cannot load such file.+test/not_exists\.rb}, error)
+ end
+ def test_executed_only_once
+ create_test_file "foo"
+ result = run_test_command("test/foo_test.rb")
+ assert_equal 1, result.scan(/1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures/).length
+ end
+ def test_warnings_option
+ plugin_file "test/models/warnings_test.rb", <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ def test_warnings
+ a = 1
+ end
+ assert_match(/warning: assigned but unused variable/,
+ capture(:stderr) { run_test_command("test/models/warnings_test.rb -w") })
+ end
+ def test_run_rake_test
+ create_test_file "foo"
+ result = Dir.chdir(plugin_path) { `rake test TEST=test/foo_test.rb` }
+ assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", result
+ end
+ private
+ def plugin_path
+ "#{@destination_root}/bukkits"
+ end
+ def run_test_command(arguments)
+ Dir.chdir(plugin_path) { `bin/test #{arguments}` }
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/resource_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/resource_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b99b4baf6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/resource_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/resource/resource_generator"
+class ResourceGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(account)
+ def setup
+ super
+ copy_routes
+ Rails::Generators::ModelHelpers.skip_warn = false
+ end
+ def test_help_with_inherited_options
+ content = run_generator ["--help"]
+ assert_match(/ActiveRecord options:/, content)
+ assert_match(/TestUnit options:/, content)
+ end
+ def test_files_from_inherited_invocation
+ run_generator
+ %w(
+ app/models/account.rb
+ test/models/account_test.rb
+ test/fixtures/accounts.yml
+ ).each { |path| assert_file path }
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb"
+ end
+ def test_inherited_invocations_with_attributes
+ run_generator ["account", "name:string"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb", /t.string :name/
+ end
+ def test_resource_controller_with_pluralized_class_name
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb", /class AccountsController < ApplicationController/
+ assert_file "test/controllers/accounts_controller_test.rb", /class AccountsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ assert_file "app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb", /module AccountsHelper/
+ end
+ def test_resource_controller_with_actions
+ run_generator ["account", "--actions", "index", "new"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb" do |controller|
+ assert_instance_method :index, controller
+ assert_instance_method :new, controller
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/accounts/index.html.erb"
+ assert_file "app/views/accounts/new.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_resource_routes_are_added
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/resources :accounts$/, route)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_plural_names_are_singularized
+ content = run_generator ["accounts"]
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /class Account < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/account_test.rb", /class AccountTest/
+ assert_match(/\[WARNING\] The model name 'accounts' was recognized as a plural, using the singular 'account' instead\. Override with --force-plural or setup custom inflection rules for this noun before running the generator\./, content)
+ end
+ def test_plural_names_can_be_forced
+ content = run_generator ["accounts", "--force-plural"]
+ assert_file "app/models/accounts.rb", /class Accounts < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/accounts_test.rb", /class AccountsTest/
+ assert_no_match(/\[WARNING\]/, content)
+ end
+ def test_mass_nouns_do_not_throw_warnings
+ content = run_generator ["sheep"]
+ assert_no_match(/\[WARNING\]/, content)
+ end
+ def test_route_is_removed_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ run_generator ["account"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/resources :accounts$/, route)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/scaffold_controller_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/scaffold_controller_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd5aa817b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/scaffold_controller_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/scaffold_controller_generator"
+module Unknown
+ module Generators
+ end
+class ScaffoldControllerGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(User name:string age:integer)
+ def test_controller_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@users = User\.all/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :show, content
+ assert_instance_method :new, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user = User\.new/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :edit, content
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user = User\.new\(user_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@user\.save/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user\.update\(user_params\)/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :destroy, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user\.destroy/, m)
+ assert_match(/User was successfully destroyed/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :set_user, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user = User\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m)
+ end
+ assert_match(/def user_params/, content)
+ assert_match(/params\.require\(:user\)\.permit\(:name, :age\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_dont_use_require_or_permit_if_there_are_no_attributes
+ run_generator ["User"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/def user_params/, content)
+ assert_match(/params\.fetch\(:user, \{\}\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_permit_references_attributes
+ run_generator ["LineItem", "product:references", "cart:belongs_to"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/def line_item_params/, content)
+ assert_match(/params\.require\(:line_item\)\.permit\(:product_id, :cart_id\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_permit_polymorphic_references_attributes
+ run_generator ["LineItem", "product:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/def line_item_params/, content)
+ assert_match(/params\.require\(:line_item\)\.permit\(:product_id, :product_type\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_helper_are_invoked_with_a_pluralized_name
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "app/helpers/users_helper.rb", /module UsersHelper/
+ end
+ def test_views_are_generated
+ run_generator
+ %w(index edit new show).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/users/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/users.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_index_page_have_notice
+ run_generator
+ %w(index show).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/users/#{view}.html.erb", /notice/
+ end
+ end
+ def test_functional_tests
+ run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "organization:references{polymorphic}"]
+ assert_file "test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, content)
+ assert_match(/test "should get index"/, content)
+ assert_match(/post users_url, params: \{ user: \{ age: @user\.age, name: @user\.name, organization_id: @user\.organization_id, organization_type: @user\.organization_type \} \}/, content)
+ assert_match(/patch user_url\(@user\), params: \{ user: \{ age: @user\.age, name: @user\.name, organization_id: @user\.organization_id, organization_type: @user\.organization_type \} \}/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_functional_tests_without_attributes
+ run_generator ["User"]
+ assert_file "test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, content)
+ assert_match(/test "should get index"/, content)
+ assert_match(/post users_url, params: \{ user: \{ \} \}/, content)
+ assert_match(/patch user_url\(@user\), params: \{ user: \{ \} \}/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skip_helper_if_required
+ run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "--no-helper"]
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/users_helper.rb"
+ end
+ def test_skip_layout_if_required
+ run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "--no-layout"]
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/users.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_default_orm_is_used
+ run_generator ["User", "--orm=unknown"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@users = User\.all/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_customized_orm_is_used
+ klass = Class.new(Rails::Generators::ActiveModel) do
+ def self.all(klass)
+ "#{klass}.find(:all)"
+ end
+ end
+ Unknown::Generators.const_set(:ActiveModel, klass)
+ run_generator ["User", "--orm=unknown"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@users = User\.find\(:all\)/, m)
+ assert_no_match(/@users = User\.all/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ Unknown::Generators.send :remove_const, :ActiveModel
+ end
+ def test_model_name_option
+ run_generator ["Admin::User", "--model-name=User"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match("@users = User.all", m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match("redirect_to [:admin, @user]", m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match("redirect_to [:admin, @user]", m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/users/index.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match("'Show', [:admin, user]", content)
+ assert_match("'Edit', edit_admin_user_path(user)", content)
+ assert_match("'Destroy', [:admin, user]", content)
+ assert_match("'New User', new_admin_user_path", content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/users/new.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match("'Back', admin_users_path", content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/users/_form.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match("model: [:admin, user]", content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_tests_pass_by_default_inside_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --mountable` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly { `bin/rails g controller dashboard foo` }
+ quietly { `bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test` }
+ assert_match(/2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_controller_tests_pass_by_default_inside_full_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --full` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly { `bin/rails g controller dashboard foo` }
+ quietly { `bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test` }
+ assert_match(/2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_api_only_generates_a_proper_api_controller
+ run_generator ["User", "--api"]
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/respond_to/, content)
+ assert_match(/before_action :set_user, only: \[:show, :update, :destroy\]/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@users = User\.all/, m)
+ assert_match(/render json: @users/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :show, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/render json: @user/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user = User\.new\(user_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@user\.save/, m)
+ assert_match(/@user\.errors/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user\.update\(user_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@user\.errors/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :destroy, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@user\.destroy/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/users/index.html.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/users/edit.html.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/users/show.html.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/users/new.html.erb"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/users/_form.html.erb"
+ end
+ def test_api_controller_tests
+ run_generator ["User", "name:string", "age:integer", "organization:references{polymorphic}", "--api"]
+ assert_file "test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class UsersControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, content)
+ assert_match(/test "should get index"/, content)
+ assert_match(/post users_url, params: \{ user: \{ age: @user\.age, name: @user\.name, organization_id: @user\.organization_id, organization_type: @user\.organization_type \} \}, as: :json/, content)
+ assert_match(/patch user_url\(@user\), params: \{ user: \{ age: @user\.age, name: @user\.name, organization_id: @user\.organization_id, organization_type: @user\.organization_type \} \}, as: :json/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/assert_redirected_to/, content)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/scaffold_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/scaffold_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f672e301a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/scaffold_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/scaffold/scaffold_generator"
+class ScaffoldGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(product_line title:string approved:boolean product:belongs_to user:references)
+ setup :copy_routes
+ def test_scaffold_on_invoke
+ run_generator
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/product_line.rb", /class ProductLine < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/product_line_test.rb", /class ProductLineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/product_lines.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb", /belongs_to :product/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb", /boolean :approved/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb", /references :user/
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/resources :product_lines$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/product_lines_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_lines = ProductLine\.all/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :show, content
+ assert_instance_method :new, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line = ProductLine\.new/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :edit, content
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line = ProductLine\.new\(product_line_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.save/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.update\(product_line_params\)/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :destroy, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.destroy/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :set_product_line, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line = ProductLine\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/product_lines_controller_test.rb" do |test|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, test)
+ assert_match(/post product_lines_url, params: \{ product_line: \{ approved: @product_line\.approved, product_id: @product_line\.product_id, title: @product_line\.title, user_id: @product_line\.user_id \} \}/, test)
+ assert_match(/patch product_line_url\(@product_line\), params: \{ product_line: \{ approved: @product_line\.approved, product_id: @product_line\.product_id, title: @product_line\.title, user_id: @product_line\.user_id \} \}/, test)
+ end
+ # System tests
+ assert_file "test/system/product_lines_test.rb" do |test|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase/, test)
+ assert_match(/visit product_lines_url/, test)
+ assert_match(/fill_in "Title", with: @product_line\.title/, test)
+ assert_match(/check "Approved" if @product_line\.approved/, test)
+ assert_match(/assert_text "Product line was successfully updated"/, test)
+ end
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/product_lines.html.erb"
+ %w(index show).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/product_lines/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ %w(edit new).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/product_lines/#{view}.html.erb", /render 'form', product_line: @product_line/
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/product_lines/_form.html.erb" do |test|
+ assert_match "product_line", test
+ assert_no_match "@product_line", test
+ end
+ # Helpers
+ assert_file "app/helpers/product_lines_helper.rb"
+ # Assets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/product_lines.css"
+ end
+ def test_api_scaffold_on_invoke
+ run_generator %w(product_line title:string product:belongs_to user:references --api --no-template-engine --no-helper --no-assets)
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/product_line.rb", /class ProductLine < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/product_line_test.rb", /class ProductLineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/product_lines.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb", /belongs_to :product/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb", /references :user/
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/resources :product_lines$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/product_lines_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/respond_to/, content)
+ assert_match(/before_action :set_product_line, only: \[:show, :update, :destroy\]/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_lines = ProductLine\.all/, m)
+ assert_match(/render json: @product_lines/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :show, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/render json: @product_line/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line = ProductLine\.new\(product_line_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.save/, m)
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.errors/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.update\(product_line_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.errors/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :destroy, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@product_line\.destroy/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/product_lines_controller_test.rb" do |test|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, test)
+ assert_match(/post product_lines_url, params: \{ product_line: \{ product_id: @product_line\.product_id, title: @product_line\.title, user_id: @product_line\.user_id \} \}/, test)
+ assert_match(/patch product_line_url\(@product_line\), params: \{ product_line: \{ product_id: @product_line\.product_id, title: @product_line\.title, user_id: @product_line\.user_id \} \}/, test)
+ assert_no_match(/assert_redirected_to/, test)
+ end
+ # System tests
+ assert_no_file "test/system/product_lines_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/product_lines.html.erb"
+ %w(index show new edit _form).each do |view|
+ assert_no_file "app/views/product_lines/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/product_lines_helper.rb"
+ # Assets
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/product_lines.css"
+ end
+ def test_functional_tests_without_attributes
+ run_generator ["product_line"]
+ assert_file "test/controllers/product_lines_controller_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/, content)
+ assert_match(/test "should get index"/, content)
+ assert_match(/post product_lines_url, params: \{ product_line: \{ \} \}/, content)
+ assert_match(/patch product_line_url\(@product_line\), params: \{ product_line: \{ \} \}/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_system_tests_without_attributes
+ run_generator ["product_line"]
+ assert_file "test/system/product_lines_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class ProductLinesTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase/, content)
+ assert_match(/test "visiting the index"/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/fill_in/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_on_revoke
+ run_generator
+ run_generator ["product_line"], behavior: :revoke
+ # Model
+ assert_no_file "app/models/product_line.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/models/product_line_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/product_lines.yml"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_product_lines.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/resources :product_lines$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/product_lines_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/product_lines_controller_test.rb"
+ # System tests
+ assert_no_file "test/system/product_lines_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/product_lines"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/product_lines.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/product_lines_helper.rb"
+ # Assets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css", /:visited/
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/product_lines.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_namespace_on_invoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/admin.rb", /module Admin/
+ assert_file "app/models/admin/role.rb", /class Admin::Role < ApplicationRecord/
+ assert_file "test/models/admin/role_test.rb", /class Admin::RoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase/
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/admin/roles.yml"
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_match(/^ namespace :admin do\n resources :roles\n end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_file "app/controllers/admin/roles_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/class Admin::RolesController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ assert_instance_method :index, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_roles = Admin::Role\.all/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :show, content
+ assert_instance_method :new, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.new/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :edit, content
+ assert_instance_method :create, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.new\(admin_role_params\)/, m)
+ assert_match(/@admin_role\.save/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :update, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_role\.update\(admin_role_params\)/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :destroy, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_role\.destroy/, m)
+ end
+ assert_instance_method :set_admin_role, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/@admin_role = Admin::Role\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/admin/roles_controller_test.rb",
+ /class Admin::RolesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest/
+ assert_file "test/system/admin/roles_test.rb",
+ /class Admin::RolesTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase/
+ # Views
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/roles/index.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match("'Show', admin_role", content)
+ assert_match("'Edit', edit_admin_role_path(admin_role)", content)
+ assert_match("'Destroy', admin_role", content)
+ assert_match("'New Admin Role', new_admin_role_path", content)
+ end
+ %w(edit new show _form).each do |view|
+ assert_file "app/views/admin/roles/#{view}.html.erb"
+ end
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/admin/roles.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_file "app/helpers/admin/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Assets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css", /:visited/
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/admin/roles.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_namespace_on_revoke
+ run_generator [ "admin/role", "name:string", "description:string" ]
+ run_generator [ "admin/role" ], behavior: :revoke
+ # Model
+ assert_file "app/models/admin.rb" # ( should not be remove )
+ assert_no_file "app/models/admin/role.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/models/admin/role_test.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/fixtures/admin/roles.yml"
+ assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_admin_roles.rb"
+ # Route
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/namespace :admin do resources :roles end$/, route)
+ end
+ # Controller
+ assert_no_file "app/controllers/admin/roles_controller.rb"
+ assert_no_file "test/controllers/admin/roles_controller_test.rb"
+ # System tests
+ assert_no_file "test/system/admin/roles_test.rb"
+ # Views
+ assert_no_file "app/views/admin/roles"
+ assert_no_file "app/views/layouts/admin/roles.html.erb"
+ # Helpers
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/admin/roles_helper.rb"
+ # Assets
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/admin/roles.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_on_revoke_does_not_mutilate_legacy_map_parameter
+ run_generator
+ # Add a |map| parameter to the routes block manually
+ route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root)
+ content = File.read(route_path).gsub(/\.routes\.draw do/) do |match|
+ "#{match} |map|"
+ end
+ File.write(route_path, content)
+ run_generator ["product_line"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do\s*\|map\|\s*$/
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_on_revoke_does_not_mutilate_routes
+ run_generator
+ route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root)
+ content = File.read(route_path)
+ # Remove all of the comments and blank lines from the routes file
+ content.gsub!(/^ \#.*\n/, "")
+ content.gsub!(/^\n/, "")
+ File.write(route_path, content)
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do\n resources :product_lines\nend\n\z/
+ run_generator ["product_line"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do\nend\n\z/
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_ignores_commented_routes
+ run_generator ["product"]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb", /\.routes\.draw do\n resources :products\n/
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_assets_with_switch_no_assets
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--no-assets" ]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_assets_with_switch_assets_false
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--assets=false" ]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_scaffold_stylesheet_with_switch_no_scaffold_stylesheet
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--no-scaffold-stylesheet" ]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_scaffold_stylesheet_with_switch_scaffold_stylesheet_false
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--scaffold-stylesheet=false" ]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_with_switch_resource_route_false
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--resource-route=false" ]
+ assert_file "config/routes.rb" do |route|
+ assert_no_match(/resources :posts$/, route)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_helper_with_switch_no_helper
+ output = run_generator [ "posts", "--no-helper" ]
+ assert_no_match(/error/, output)
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/posts_helper.rb"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_helper_with_switch_helper_false
+ output = run_generator [ "posts", "--helper=false" ]
+ assert_no_match(/error/, output)
+ assert_no_file "app/helpers/posts_helper.rb"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_no_stylesheets
+ run_generator [ "posts", "--no-stylesheets" ]
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/scaffold.css"
+ assert_no_file "app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css"
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_outputs_error_message_on_missing_attribute_type
+ run_generator ["post", "title", "body:text", "author"]
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_posts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.string :title/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.text :body/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :author/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_belongs_to_and_references
+ run_generator ["account", "name", "currency:belongs_to", "user:references"]
+ assert_file "app/models/account.rb", /belongs_to :currency/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_accounts.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.belongs_to :currency/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_instance_method :account_params, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/permit\(:name, :currency_id, :user_id\)/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/accounts/_form.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.text_field :name %>/, content)
+ assert_match(/^\W{4}<%= form\.text_field :currency_id %>/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/accounts/index.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^\W{8}<td><%= account\.name %><\/td>/, content)
+ assert_match(/^\W{8}<td><%= account\.user_id %><\/td>/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/accounts/show.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^\W{2}<%= @account\.name %>/, content)
+ assert_match(/^\W{2}<%= @account\.user_id %>/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_database
+ with_secondary_database_configuration do
+ run_generator ["posts", "--database=secondary"]
+ assert_migration "db/secondary_migrate/create_posts.rb"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_generator_password_digest
+ run_generator ["user", "name", "password:digest"]
+ assert_file "app/models/user.rb", /has_secure_password/
+ assert_migration "db/migrate/create_users.rb" do |m|
+ assert_method :change, m do |up|
+ assert_match(/t\.string :name/, up)
+ assert_match(/t\.string :password_digest/, up)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_instance_method :user_params, content do |m|
+ assert_match(/permit\(:name, :password, :password_confirmation\)/, m)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/users/_form.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/<%= form\.password_field :password %>/, content)
+ assert_match(/<%= form\.password_field :password_confirmation %>/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/users/index.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/password/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "app/views/users/show.html.erb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/password/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/password: 'secret'/, content)
+ assert_match(/password_confirmation: 'secret'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/system/users_test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/fill_in "Password", with: 'secret'/, content)
+ assert_match(/fill_in "Password confirmation", with: 'secret'/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "test/fixtures/users.yml" do |content|
+ assert_match(/password_digest: <%= BCrypt::Password.create\('secret'\) %>/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default_inside_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --mountable` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly do
+ `bin/rails g scaffold User name:string age:integer;
+ bin/rails db:migrate`
+ end
+ assert_match(/8 runs, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default_inside_namespaced_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits-admin --mountable` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits-admin")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly do
+ `bin/rails g scaffold User name:string age:integer;
+ bin/rails db:migrate`
+ end
+ assert_file "bukkits-admin/app/controllers/bukkits/admin/users_controller.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/module Bukkits::Admin/, content)
+ assert_match(/class UsersController < ApplicationController/, content)
+ end
+ assert_match(/8 runs, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default_inside_full_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --full` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly do
+ `bin/rails g scaffold User name:string age:integer;
+ bin/rails db:migrate`
+ end
+ assert_match(/8 runs, 10 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default_inside_api_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --mountable --api` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly do
+ `bin/rails g scaffold User name:string age:integer;
+ bin/rails db:migrate`
+ end
+ assert_match(/6 runs, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default_inside_api_full_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --full --api` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly do
+ `bin/rails g scaffold User name:string age:integer;
+ bin/rails db:migrate`
+ end
+ assert_match(/6 runs, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bin/rails test 2>&1`)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_on_invoke_inside_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --mountable` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly { `bin/rails generate scaffold User name:string age:integer` }
+ assert File.exist?("app/models/bukkits/user.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("test/models/bukkits/user_test.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("test/fixtures/bukkits/users.yml")
+ assert File.exist?("app/controllers/bukkits/users_controller.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("test/controllers/bukkits/users_controller_test.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("test/system/bukkits/users_test.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/index.html.erb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/edit.html.erb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/show.html.erb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/new.html.erb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/_form.html.erb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/helpers/bukkits/users_helper.rb")
+ assert File.exist?("app/assets/stylesheets/bukkits/users.css")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_on_revoke_inside_mountable_engine
+ Dir.chdir(destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --mountable` }
+ engine_path = File.join(destination_root, "bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(engine_path) do
+ quietly { `bin/rails generate scaffold User name:string age:integer` }
+ quietly { `bin/rails destroy scaffold User` }
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/models/bukkits/user.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("test/models/bukkits/user_test.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("test/fixtures/bukkits/users.yml")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/controllers/bukkits/users_controller.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("test/controllers/bukkits/users_controller_test.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("test/system/bukkits/users_test.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/index.html.erb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/edit.html.erb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/show.html.erb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/new.html.erb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/views/bukkits/users/_form.html.erb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/helpers/bukkits/users_helper.rb")
+ assert_not File.exist?("app/assets/stylesheets/bukkits/users.css")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7441ab0603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Tests, setup, and teardown common to the application and plugin generator suites.
+module SharedGeneratorTests
+ def setup
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application
+ super
+ Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set("@desc", nil)
+ Kernel.silence_warnings do
+ Thor::Base.shell.attr_accessor :always_force
+ @shell = Thor::Base.shell.new
+ @shell.always_force = true
+ end
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set("@desc", nil)
+ Rails.application = TestApp::Application.instance
+ end
+ def application_path
+ destination_root
+ end
+ def test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ default_files.each { |path| assert_file path }
+ end
+ def test_plugin_new_generate_pretend
+ run_generator ["testapp", "--pretend"]
+ default_files.each { |path| assert_no_file File.join("testapp", path) }
+ end
+ def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "unknown"]) }
+ assert_match(/Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content)
+ end
+ def test_test_files_are_skipped_if_required
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test"]
+ assert_no_file "test"
+ end
+ def test_name_collision_raises_an_error
+ reserved_words = %w[application destroy plugin runner test]
+ reserved_words.each do |reserved|
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, reserved)] }
+ assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{reserved}\. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words: application, destroy, plugin, runner, test\n/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_name_raises_an_error_if_name_already_used_constant
+ %w{ String Hash Class Module Set Symbol }.each do |ruby_class|
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator [File.join(destination_root, ruby_class)] }
+ assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{ruby_class}, constant #{ruby_class} is already in use\. Please choose another \w+ name\.\n/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_shebang_is_added_to_rails_file
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--ruby", "foo/bar/baz", "--full"]
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#!foo\/bar\/baz/
+ end
+ def test_shebang_when_is_the_same_as_default_use_env
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--ruby", Thor::Util.ruby_command, "--full"]
+ assert_file "bin/rails", /#!\/usr\/bin\/env/
+ end
+ def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path
+ quietly do
+ content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "non/existent/path"]) }
+ assert_match(/The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content)
+ assert_match(/non\/existent\/path/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied_an_https_path
+ path = "https://gist.github.com/josevalim/103208/raw/"
+ template = +%{ say "It works!" }
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ check_open = -> *args do
+ assert_equal [ path, "Accept" => "application/x-thor-template" ], args
+ template
+ end
+ generator([destination_root], template: path, skip_webpack_install: true).stub(:open, check_open, template) do
+ generator.stub :bundle_command, nil do
+ quietly { assert_match(/It works!/, capture(:stdout) { generator.invoke_all }) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skip_gemfile
+ assert_not_called(generator([destination_root], skip_gemfile: true, skip_webpack_install: true), :bundle_command) do
+ quietly { generator.invoke_all }
+ assert_no_file "Gemfile"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_skip_git
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-git", "--full"]
+ assert_no_file(".gitignore")
+ assert_no_directory(".git")
+ end
+ def test_skip_keeps
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-keeps", "--full"]
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/\.keep/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file("app/models/concerns/.keep")
+ end
+ def test_default_frameworks_are_required_when_others_are_removed
+ run_generator [
+ destination_root,
+ "--skip-active-record",
+ "--skip-active-storage",
+ "--skip-action-mailer",
+ "--skip-action-cable",
+ "--skip-sprockets"
+ ]
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']rails["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']active_model\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']active_job\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']action_controller\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']action_view\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^# require\s+["']sprockets\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /^require\s+["']rails\/test_unit\/railtie["']/
+ end
+ def test_generator_without_skips
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /\s+require\s+["']rails\/all["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\.action_mailer\.raise_delivery_errors = false/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\.action_mailer\.delivery_method = :test/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/# config\.action_mailer\.raise_delivery_errors = false/, content)
+ assert_match(/^ # config\.require_master_key = true/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_gitignore_when_sqlite3
+ run_generator
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_match(/sqlite3/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_gitignore_when_non_sqlite3_db
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "mysql"])
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/sqlite/i, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_active_record_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-active-record"]
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/db/"
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/config/database.yml"
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/app/models/application_record.rb"
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']active_record\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "test/test_helper.rb" do |helper_content|
+ assert_no_match(/fixtures :all/, helper_content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/bin/setup" do |setup_content|
+ assert_no_match(/db:setup/, setup_content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/bin/update" do |update_content|
+ assert_no_match(/db:migrate/, update_content)
+ end
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/sqlite/i, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_for_active_storage
+ run_generator
+ unless generator_class.name == "Rails::Generators::PluginGenerator"
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/app/javascript/packs/application.js" do |content|
+ assert_match(/^import \* as ActiveStorage from "activestorage"\nActiveStorage.start\(\)/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/storage.yml"
+ assert_directory "#{application_path}/storage"
+ assert_directory "#{application_path}/tmp/storage"
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_match(/\/storage\//, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_active_storage_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-active-storage"]
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/app/javascript/packs/application.js" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/activestorage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/config/storage.yml"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/storage"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/tmp/storage"
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/\/storage\//, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_does_not_generate_active_storage_contents_if_skip_active_record_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-active-record"]
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']active_storage\/engine["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/app/javascript/packs/application.js" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/^import * as ActiveStorage from "activestorage"\nActiveStorage.start\(\)/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.active_storage/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/config/storage.yml"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/storage"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/tmp/storage"
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/\/storage\//, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_action_mailer_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-action-mailer"]
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_mailer\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/test.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.action_mailer/, content)
+ end
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/app/mailers"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/test/mailers"
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_action_cable_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-action-cable"]
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']action_cable\/engine["']/
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/config/cable.yml"
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/app/javascript/consumer.js"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/app/javascript/channels"
+ assert_no_directory "#{application_path}/app/channels"
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/redis/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_if_skip_sprockets_is_given
+ run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-sprockets"]
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/config/initializers/assets.rb"
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/application.rb", /#\s+require\s+["']sprockets\/railtie["']/
+ assert_file "Gemfile" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/sass-rails/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/development.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.assets\.debug/, content)
+ end
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/config/environments/production.rb" do |content|
+ assert_no_match(/config\.assets\.digest/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/config\.assets\.css_compressor/, content)
+ assert_no_match(/config\.assets\.compile/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_generator_for_yarn
+ skip "#34009 disabled JS by default for plugins" if generator_class.name == "Rails::Generators::PluginGenerator"
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/package.json", /dependencies/
+ assert_file "#{application_path}/bin/yarn"
+ end
+ def test_generator_for_yarn_skipped
+ run_generator([destination_root, "--skip-javascript"])
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/package.json"
+ assert_no_file "#{application_path}/bin/yarn"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/system_test_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/system_test_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5742ba444d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/system_test_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/system_test/system_test_generator"
+class SystemTestGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(user)
+ def test_system_test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "test/system/users_test.rb", /class UsersTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase/
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_system_test_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator %w(admin/user)
+ assert_file "test/system/admin/users_test.rb", /class Admin::UsersTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase/
+ end
+ def test_test_name_is_pluralized
+ run_generator %w(user)
+ assert_no_file "test/system/user_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/system/users_test.rb"
+ end
+ def test_test_suffix_is_not_duplicated
+ run_generator %w(users_test)
+ assert_no_file "test/system/users_test_test.rb"
+ assert_file "test/system/users_test.rb"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/task_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/task_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f162919d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/task_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/generators_test_helper"
+require "rails/generators/rails/task/task_generator"
+class TaskGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ include GeneratorsTestHelper
+ arguments %w(feeds foo bar)
+ def test_task_is_created
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "lib/tasks/feeds.rake" do |content|
+ assert_match(/namespace :feeds/, content)
+ assert_match(/task foo:/, content)
+ assert_match(/task bar:/, content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_task_on_revoke
+ task_path = "lib/tasks/feeds.rake"
+ run_generator
+ assert_file task_path
+ run_generator ["feeds"], behavior: :revoke
+ assert_no_file task_path
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/test_runner_in_engine_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/test_runner_in_engine_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd102a32b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/test_runner_in_engine_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "generators/plugin_test_helper"
+class TestRunnerInEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include PluginTestHelper
+ def setup
+ @destination_root = Dir.mktmpdir("bukkits")
+ Dir.chdir(@destination_root) { `bundle exec rails plugin new bukkits --full --skip-bundle` }
+ plugin_file "test/dummy/db/schema.rb", ""
+ end
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@destination_root)
+ end
+ def test_rerun_snippet_is_relative_path
+ create_test_file "post", pass: false
+ output = run_test_command("test/post_test.rb")
+ expect = %r{Running:\n\nPostTest\nF\n\nFailure:\nPostTest#test_truth \[[^\]]+test/post_test\.rb:6\]:\nwups!\n\nrails test test/post_test\.rb:4}
+ assert_match expect, output
+ end
+ private
+ def plugin_path
+ "#{@destination_root}/bukkits"
+ end
+ def run_test_command(arguments)
+ Dir.chdir(plugin_path) { `bin/rails test #{arguments}` }
+ end