path: root/Gemfile.lock
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add byebug and irb for debugging in the dev bundle.HEADmasterHarald Eilertsen2020-01-051-0/+8
* Update depsHarald Eilertsen2020-01-041-18/+23
* Add jUnit formatterCarlos Goce2015-03-101-0/+6
* Remove unused dependencyCarlos Goce2015-01-231-1/+0
* Calendar can localize monthsCarlos Goce2015-01-231-0/+1
* Add class calendar, rspec, locales for calendar and updated GemfileCarlos Goce2015-01-221-0/+29
* Add rake fileCarlos Goce2015-01-211-0/+2
* Add Gemfile with prawn dependencyCarlos Goce2015-01-211-0/+14