require "prawn" require 'rack/session/cookie' describe RegistrationApp do include Rack::Test::Methods def app RegistrationApp end describe 'GET index' do before :each do get '/' end it 'should succeed' do expect(last_response).to be_ok end it 'displays the registration form' do expect(last_response.body).to match(/form id="registration-form"/) end it 'displays the add member button' do expect(last_response.body).to match(/id="add-member-button"/) end it 'displays the add song button' do expect(last_response.body).to match(/id="add-song-button"/) end end describe 'POST submit' do include Mail::Matchers before :each do Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear end context 'with a valid registration' do let(:band_params) { create_band_params } before :each do post '/submit', 'band' => band_params end it 'should succeed' do expect(last_response).to be_ok end it 'should not display any errors' do expect(last_response.body).not_to include("Det er feil i skjemaet") end it 'displays submitted data to user' do expect(last_response).to match(/Bandnavn\: #{band_params['name']}/) expect(last_response).to match(/Hjemsted\: Oslo/) expect(last_response).to match(/Webside\: http\:\/\/ expect(last_response).to match(/Plateselskap\: Calculated Imperfection/) expect(last_response).to match(/Kort bio\: Thrash metal from Norway/) expect(last_response).to match(/Kontaktperson: #{band_params['contact']['name']}/) expect(last_response).to match(/Kontaktadresse: #{band_params['contact']['addr']}/) expect(last_response).to match(/Telefon: #{band_params['contact']['phone']}/) expect(last_response).to match(/Epost: #{band_params['contact']['email']}/) expect(last_response).to match(/Harald Eilertsen, Bass\/Vocals/) expect(last_response).to match(/Welle, Drums/) expect(last_response).to match(/Thormodr, Guitar/) expect(last_response).to match(/Bestial by Nature/) expect(last_response).to match(/Spilletid: 02:80/) expect(last_response).to match(/Utøvere: Harald Eilertsen, Thormod Steinert, Lars Welle/) expect(last_response).to match(/Låtskrivere: Harald Eilertsen, Thormod Steinert/) expect(last_response).to match(/Merknad: Rævrukkje rum kjurr!/) end it "generates a PDF file" do expect(Prawn::Document).to have_received('new').with({ :page_size => "A4" }) expect(@doc_spy).to have_received('render_file').with("#{band_params['name']}.pdf") end it 'sends an email to Norsk Urskog' do message = Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.first expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries).not_to be_empty expect( include('') expect(message.subject).to match(/Registrering av band #{band_params['name']} til Norsk Urskog/) end end shared_examples_for('form with errors') do |args| let(:band_params) { create_band_params(args) } describe "form with errors" do before :each do post '/submit', 'band' => band_params end it 'should go back to the registration form' do expect(last_response.body).to match(/form id="registration-form"/) end it 'should display an error message' do expect(last_response.body).to include("Det er feil i skjemaet") end end end context 'with no songs' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:songs => 0}) end context 'without a band name' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:name => ''}) end context 'with a band name with only spaces' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:name => ' '}) end context 'with no contact' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:contact_name => ''}) end context 'with no contact address' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:contact_addr => ''}) end context 'with no contact phone' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:contact_phone => ''}) end context 'with no contact email' do it_behaves_like('form with errors', {:contact_phone => ''}) end end end