#!/usr/bin/env puma if get(:environment) == "production" root = "../../shared" else root = "." end # Store the pid of the server in the file at “path”. # pidfile "#{root}/tmp/pids/puma.pid" # Use “path” as the file to store the server info state. This is # used by “pumactl” to query and control the server. # state_path "#{root}/tmp/pids/puma.state" # Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to files specified. The 3rd parameter # (“append”) specifies whether the output is appended, the default is # “false”. # stdout_redirect "#{root}/log/puma.stdout.log", "#{root}/log/puma.stderr.log" if get(:environment) == "production" bind "unix://../../shared/tmp/sockets/puma.sock" else bind "tcp://localhost:3000" end # === Cluster mode === workers 4