--- title: Thanks! --- **Thank you very much** to the bands, the crew, the volunteers, the drivers, the amazing audience and everyone that helped make the live debut of the Norsk Urskog concept such a great success! All three bands kicked ass and the atmosphere was amazing! We hope we can do this again next year! And to everyone that missed yesterdays performance, we hope you still got the CD's in your goodie bags and will give it a listen. The undergound is strong and thriving, and we think everyone should find at least something they like among the 15 bands on this edition. **Thank you, and see you around on the festival!** ## Endolith {% image "2014/endolith-live.jpg" alt="Endolith Live" %} ## Unspoken {% image "2014/unspoken-live.jpg" alt="Unspoken Live" %} ## Wyruz {% image "2014/wyruz-live.jpg" alt="Wyruz Live" %}