$title - $page

{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$sitename }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_textarea.tpl with $field=$banner }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$language }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$theme }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$theme_mobile }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$theme_accessibility }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$ssl_policy }}{{ endinc }}


{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$register_text }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_select.tpl with $field=$register_policy }}{{ endinc }}


{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$maximagesize }}{{ endinc }}


{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$allowed_sites }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$allowed_email }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_checkbox.tpl with $field=$block_public }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_checkbox.tpl with $field=$force_publish }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_checkbox.tpl with $field=$no_community_page }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$global_directory }}{{ endinc }}


{{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$proxy }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$proxyuser }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$timeout }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$delivery_interval }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$poll_interval }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$maxloadavg }}{{ endinc }} {{ inc field_input.tpl with $field=$abandon_days }}{{ endinc }}