function docoTocToggle() { if ($('#doco-top-toc').is(':visible')) { $('#doco-toc-toggle').removeClass('fa-cog').addClass('fa-caret-right'); } else { $('#doco-toc-toggle').removeClass('fa-caret-right').addClass('fa-caret-down'); } $('#doco-top-toc').toggle(); return false; } toc = {}; // Generate the table of contents in the side nav menu (see view/tpl/help.tpl) $(document).ready(function () { // Generate the table of contents in the side nav menu (see view/tpl/help.tpl) $('#doco-top-toc').toc({content: "#doco-content", headings: "h3,h4,h5,h6"}); $(".doco-section").find('a').each(function () { var url = document.createElement('a'); url.href = window.location; var pageName = url.href.split('/').pop().split('#').shift().split('?').shift(); var linkName = $(this).attr('href').split('/').pop(); if (pageName === linkName) { var tocUl = $(this).closest('a').after('<ul>').next('ul'); tocUl.removeClass(); // Classes are automatically added to <ul> elements by something else tocUl.toc({content: "#doco-content", headings: "h3"}); tocUl.addClass('toc-content'); tocUl.addClass('list-unstyled'); tocUl.attr('id', 'doco-side-toc'); } }); $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc"); toc.contentTop = []; toc.edgeMargin = 20; // margin above the top or margin from the end of the page toc.topRange = 200; // measure from the top of the viewport to X pixels down // Set up content an array of locations $('#doco-side-toc').find('a').each(function () { toc.contentTop.push($('#' + $(this).attr('href').split('#').pop()).offset().top); }); // adjust side menu $(window).scroll(function () { var winTop = $(window).scrollTop(), bodyHt = $(document).height(), vpHt = $(window).height() + toc.edgeMargin; // viewport height + margin $.each(toc.contentTop, function (i, loc) { if ((loc > winTop - toc.edgeMargin && (loc < winTop + toc.topRange || (winTop + vpHt) >= bodyHt))) { $('#doco-side-toc li') .removeClass('selected-doco-nav') .eq(i).addClass('selected-doco-nav'); if (typeof ($('#doco-side-toc li').eq(i).find('a').attr('href').split('#')[1]) !== 'undefined') { window.history.replaceState({}, '', location.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + $('#doco-side-toc li').eq(i).find('a').attr('href').split('#')[1]); } } }); }); // When the page loads, it does not scroll to the section specified in the URL because it // has not been constructed yet by the script. This will reload the URL if (typeof (location.href.split('#')[1]) !== 'undefined') { var p = document.createElement('a'); p.href = location.href; var portstr = ''; if (p.port !== '') { portstr = ':' + p.port; } var newref = p.protocol + '//' + p.hostname + portstr + p.pathname + p.hash.split('?').shift(); location.replace(newref) } // Determine language translations available from the language selector menu itself var langChoices = []; $('.lang-selector').find('.lang-choice').each(function (idx, a) { langChoices.push($(a).html()); }); // Parse the URL and insert the language code for the loaded language, based // on the variable "help_language" that is declared in the help.tpl page template var path = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var pathParts = []; var pick_me = true; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if(i === 2 && pick_me ) { if(path[i].length > 0) { pathParts.push(help_language); pick_me = false; if($.inArray(path[i], langChoices) < 0) { i--; } } } else { if(path[i].length > 0) { pathParts.push(path[i]); } } } // Update the address bar to reflect the loaded language window.history.replaceState({}, '', '/' + pathParts.join('/')); // Highlight the language in the language selector that is currently viewed $('.lang-selector').find('.lang-choice:contains("' + help_language + '")').addClass('active'); // Construct the links to the available translations based and populate the selector menu $('.lang-selector').find('.lang-choice').each(function (idx, a) { var langLink = []; for (var i = 0; i < pathParts.length; i++) { if(i === 1) { langLink.push($(a).html()); } else { langLink.push(pathParts[i]); } } $(a).attr('href', '/' + langLink.join('/')); }); });