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This affects // some content loading decisions. $('video').off('playing'); $('video').off('pause'); $('audio').off('playing'); $('audio').off('pause'); $('video').on('playing', function() { mediaPlaying = true; }); $('video').on('pause', function() { mediaPlaying = false; }); $('audio').on('playing', function() { mediaPlaying = true; }); $('audio').on('pause', function() { mediaPlaying = false; }); if(! preloadImages) { $('.wall-item-body, .wall-photo-item').imagesLoaded() .always( function( instance ) { //console.log('all images loaded'); collapseHeight(); if(bParam_mid && mode === 'replace') scrollToItem(); }) .done( function( instance ) { //console.log('all images successfully loaded'); }) .fail( function() { //console.log('all images loaded, at least one is broken'); }) .progress( function( instance, image ) { //var result = image.isLoaded ? 'loaded' : 'broken'; //console.log( 'image is ' + result + ' for ' + image.img.src ); }); } else { collapseHeight(); if(bParam_mid && mode === 'replace') scrollToItem(); } // reset rotators and cursors we may have set before reaching this place $("#page-spinner").hide(); $("#profile-jot-text-loading").hide(); followUpPageLoad = true; } function scrollToItem() { // auto-scroll to a particular comment in a thread (designated by mid) when in single-thread mode if(justifiedGalleryActive) return; let submid = ((bParam_mid.length) ? bParam_mid : 'abcdefg'); //var encoded = ((submid.substr(0,4) == 'b64.') ? true : false); //var submid_encoded = ((encoded) ? submid : window.btoa(submid)); $('.thread-wrapper').filter(function() { if($(this).data('b64mids').indexOf(submid) > -1 && !$(this).hasClass('toplevel_item')) { if($('.collapsed-comments').length) { var scrolltoid = $('.collapsed-comments').attr('id').substring(19); $('#collapsed-comments-' + scrolltoid + ' .autotime').timeago(); $('#collapsed-comments-' + scrolltoid).show(); $('#hide-comments-label-' + scrolltoid).html(aStr.showfewer); $('#hide-comments-total-' + scrolltoid).hide(); } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(this).offset().top - $('nav').outerHeight(true) }, 'slow'); $(this).addClass('item-highlight'); } }); } function collapseHeight() { $(".wall-item-content:not('.divmore_checked'), .directory-collapse:not('.divmore_checked')").each(function(i) { let orgHeight = $(this).outerHeight(true); let id = (($(this).attr('id')) ? $(this).attr('id').split('wall-item-content-').pop() : 0); let b64mid = ((typeof bParam_mid !== 'undefined') ? bParam_mid : ''); if (b64mid) { // Display the selected mid in an open state let b64mids = $('#thread-wrapper-' + id).data('b64mids'); if (b64mids.length && b64mids.indexOf(b64mid) !== -1) {; expanded_items.push(id); } } let open = ((expanded_items.indexOf(id) === -1) ? false : true); if(orgHeight > divmore_height) { if(! $(this).hasClass('divmore') && $(this).has('').length == 0) { $(this).readmore({ speed: 0, startOpen: open, heightMargin: 50, collapsedHeight: divmore_height, moreLink: ' ' + aStr.divgrowmore + '', lessLink: ' ' + aStr.divgrowless + '', beforeToggle: function(trigger, element, expanded) { if(expanded) { if((($(element).offset().top + divmore_height) - $(window).scrollTop()) < 65 ) { $(window).scrollTop($(window).scrollTop() - ($(element).outerHeight(true) - divmore_height)); } expanded_items = expanded_items.filter(expanded_items => expanded_items !== id); } else { expanded_items.push(id); } } }); $(this).addClass('divmore'); } } $(this).addClass('divmore_checked'); }); } function updateInit() { if($('#live-network').length) { src = 'network'; } if($('#live-channel').length) { src = 'channel'; } if($('#live-pubstream').length) { src = 'pubstream'; } if($('#live-display').length) { src = 'display'; } //if($('#live-hq').length) { src = 'hq'; } if($('#live-search').length) { src = 'search'; } // if($('#live-cards').length) { src = 'cards'; } // if($('#live-articles').length) { src = 'articles'; } if(src) { liveUpdate(); } else { $(document).trigger('hz:sse_bs_init'); } if($('#live-photos').length || $('#live-cards').length || $('#live-articles').length ) { if(liking) { liking = 0; window.location.href=window.location.href; } } } function prepareLiveUpdate(b64mid, notify_id) { $(document).scrollTop(0); $('.thread-wrapper').remove(); bParam_mid = b64mid; mode = 'replace'; page_load = true; if (module == 'hq') { liveUpdate(notify_id); } if (module == 'display') { liveUpdate(); } } function liveUpdate(notify_id) { if(typeof profile_uid === 'undefined') profile_uid = false; /* Should probably be unified with channelId defined in head.tpl */ if((src === null) || (stopped) || (! profile_uid)) { $('.like-rotator').hide(); return; } if(in_progress || mediaPlaying) { if(livetime) { clearTimeout(livetime); } livetime = setTimeout(liveUpdate, 10000); return; } if(timer) clearTimeout(timer); if(livetime !== null) livetime = null; prev = 'live-' + src; in_progress = true; var update_url; var update_mode; if(scroll_next) { bParam_page = next_page; page_load = true; } else { bParam_page = 1; } update_url = buildCmd(); console.log('displaying: ' + update_url); if(page_load) { $("#page-spinner").show(); if(bParam_page == 1) { update_mode = 'replace'; $('.thread-wrapper').remove(); } else update_mode = 'append'; } else { update_mode = 'update'; var orgHeight = $("#region_2").height(); } if( && bParam_page == { page_load = false; scroll_next = false; updateConvItems(update_mode,; in_progress = false; return; } var dstart = new Date(); console.log('LOADING data...'); $.get(update_url, function(data) { // on shared hosts occasionally the live update process will be killed // leaving an incomplete HTML structure, which leads to conversations getting // truncated and the page messed up if all the divs aren't closed. We will try // again and give up if we can't get a valid HTML response after 10 tries. if((data.indexOf("") != (-1)) && (data.indexOf("") == (-1))) { console.log('Incomplete data. Reloading'); in_progress = false; liveRecurse ++; if(liveRecurse < 10) { liveUpdate(notify_id); } else { console.log('Incomplete data. Too many attempts. Giving up.'); } } // else data was valid - reset the recursion counter liveRecurse = 0; if(notify_id) { $.post( "notify", { "notify_id" : notify_id } ); } var dready = new Date(); console.log('DATA ready in: ' + (dready - dstart)/1000 + ' seconds.'); if(update_mode === 'update' || preloadImages) { console.log('LOADING images...'); $('.wall-item-body, .wall-photo-item',data).imagesLoaded() .always( function( instance ) { //console.log('all images loaded'); var iready = new Date(); console.log('IMAGES ready in: ' + (iready - dready)/1000 + ' seconds.'); page_load = false; scroll_next = false; updateConvItems(update_mode,data); in_progress = false; $('#image_counter').html(''); // remove modal backdrop in case the update was triggered from a modal $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); }) .done( function( instance ) { //console.log('all images successfully loaded'); }) .fail( function() { //console.log('all images loaded, at least one is broken'); }) .progress( function( instance, image ) { $('#image_counter').html(Math.floor((instance.progressedCount*100)/instance.images.length) + '%'); //var result = image.isLoaded ? 'loaded' : 'broken'; //console.log( 'image is ' + result + ' for ' + image.img.src ); }); } else { page_load = false; scroll_next = false; updateConvItems(update_mode,data); in_progress = false; } }); } function cache_next_page() { page_load = true; bParam_page++; update_url = buildCmd(); $.get(update_url, function(data) { // on shared hosts occasionally the live update process will be killed // leaving an incomplete HTML structure, which leads to conversations getting // truncated and the page messed up if all the divs aren't closed. We will try // again and give up if we can't get a valid HTML response after 10 tries. if((data.indexOf("") != (-1)) && (data.indexOf("") == (-1))) { console.log('Incomplete data. Reloading'); in_progress = false; bParam_page--; liveRecurse++; if(liveRecurse < 10) { liveUpdate(); } else { console.log('Incomplete data. Too many attempts. Giving up.'); } } // else data was valid - reset the recursion counter liveRecurse = 0; console.log('cached: ' + update_url); $('.wall-item-body, .wall-photo-item', data).imagesLoaded() .always( function( instance ) { console.log('page_cache images loaded:'); = data; = bParam_page; page_cache.time =; bParam_page--; page_load = false; }) .done( function( instance ) { console.log('success'); }) .fail( function() { console.log('at least one is broken'); }) .progress( function( instance, image ) { //console.log(instance.progressedCount + '/' + instance.images.length); //var result = image.isLoaded ? 'loaded' : 'broken'; //console.log( 'image is ' + result + ' for ' + image.img.src ); }); }); } function pageUpdate() { in_progress = true; var update_url; var update_mode; if(scroll_next) { bParam_page = next_page; page_load = true; } else { bParam_page = 1; } update_url = baseurl + '/' + decodeURIComponent(page_query) + '?aj=1&page=' + bParam_page + extra_args ; $("#page-spinner").show(); update_mode = 'append'; $.get(update_url,function(data) { page_load = false; scroll_next = false; updatePageItems(update_mode,data); $("#page-spinner").hide(); $(".autotime").timeago(); in_progress = false; }); } function justifyPhotos(id) { justifiedGalleryActive = true; $('#' + id).show(); $('#' + id).justifiedGallery({ rowHeight: 150, selector: 'a', margins: 3, border: 0 }).on('jg.complete', function(e){ justifiedGalleryActive = false; }); } function justifyPhotosAjax(id) { justifiedGalleryActive = true; $('#' + id).justifiedGallery('norewind').on('jg.complete', function(e){ justifiedGalleryActive = false; }); } function dolike(ident, verb) { $('#like-rotator-' + ident.toString()).show(); if(typeof conv_mode == typeof undefined) conv_mode = ''; if(typeof page_mode == typeof undefined) page_mode = ''; var reload = ''; if(module == 'photos') reload = 1; $.get('like/' + ident.toString() + '?verb=' + verb + '&conv_mode=' + conv_mode + '&page_mode=' + page_mode + '&reload=' + reload, function (data) { if(data.success) { // mod photos if (data.reload) { window.location.href = window.location.href; } // this is a bit tricky since the top level thread wrapper wraps the whole thread if($('#thread-wrapper-' + data.orig_id).hasClass('toplevel_item')) { var wrapper = $('
').html( data.html ).find('#wall-item-outside-wrapper-' +; $('#wall-item-outside-wrapper-' + data.orig_id).html(wrapper[0].innerHTML); // those were not replaced - swap the id $('#thread-wrapper-' + data.orig_id).attr('id', 'thread-wrapper-' +; $('#wall-item-outside-wrapper-' + data.orig_id).attr('id', 'wall-item-outside-wrapper-' +; } else { $('#thread-wrapper-' + data.orig_id).replaceWith(data.html); } $('#wall-item-ago-' + + ' .autotime').timeago(); collapseHeight(); liking = 0; } }); liking = 1; } function doprofilelike(ident, verb) { $.get('like/' + ident + '?verb=' + verb, function() { window.location.href=window.location.href; }); } function doreply(parent, ident, owner, hint) { var form = $('#comment-edit-form-' + parent.toString()); form.find('input[name=parent]').val(ident); var i = form.find('button[type=submit]'); var btn = i.html().replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '').trim(); i.html(' ' + btn); var sel = 'wall-item-body-' + ident.toString(); var quote = window.getSelection().toString().trim(); form.find('textarea').val("@{" + owner + "}" + ((($(window.getSelection().anchorNode).closest("#" + sel).attr("id") != sel) || (quote.length === 0))? " " : "\n[quote]" + quote + "[/quote]\n")); $('#comment-edit-text-' + parent.toString()).focus(); } function doscroll(parent, hidden) { var id; var x = '#hide-comments-outer-' + hidden.toString(); var back = $('#back-to-reply'); if(back.length == 0) var pos = $(window).scrollTop(); else var pos = back.attr('href').replace(/[^\d|\.]/g,''); if($(x).length !== 0) { x = $(x).attr("onclick").replace(/\D/g,''); var c = '#collapsed-comments-' + x; if($(c).length !== 0 && (! $(c).is(':visible'))) { showHideComments(x); pos += $(c).height(); } } back.remove(); $('.thread-wrapper').filter(function() { if($(this).data('b64mids').indexOf(parent) > -1) { id = $(this); } }); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:(id.offset().top) - 50}, 'slow'); $('').insertAfter('#wall-item-ago-' + id.attr('id').replace(/\D/g,'')); } function doscrollback(pos) { $('#back-to-reply').remove(); $(window).scrollTop(pos); } function dopin(id) { id = id.toString(); $('#like-rotator-' + id).show(); $.post('pin/pin', { 'id' : id }) .done(function() { var i = $('#wall-item-pinned-' + id); var me = $('#item-pinnable-' + id); var pin = $('.pinned-item'); if(pin.length) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#region_2').offset().top }, 'slow', function() { pin.fadeTo('fast', 0.33, function() { this.remove(); }); }); }; pin.remove(); $('.dropdown-item-pinnable').html($('.dropdown-item-pinnable').html().replace(aStr['unpin_item'],aStr['pin_item'])); $('.wall-item-pinned').remove() if(i.length == 0) { $(' ').insertAfter('#wall-item-ago-' + id); me.html(me.html().replace(aStr['pin_item'],aStr['unpin_item'])); }; }) .fail(function() { location.reload(); }) .always(function() { $('#like-rotator-' + id).hide(); }); } function dropItem(url, object, b64mid) { var confirm = confirmDelete(); if(confirm) { var id = url.split('/')[2]; $('body').css('cursor', 'wait'); $(object + ', #pinned-wrapper-' + id).css('opacity', 0.33); $.get(url, function() { $(object + ', #pinned-wrapper-' + id).remove(); $('body').css('cursor', 'auto'); toast(aStr.itemdel, 'info'); //$.jGrowl(aStr.itemdel, { sticky: false, theme: 'info', life: 3000 }); if (typeof b64mid !== typeof undefined) { $('[data-b64mid=\'' + b64mid + '\']').fadeOut(function() { this.remove(); }); } }); if($('#wall-item-pinned-' + id).length) { $.post('pin/pin', { 'id' : id }); } return true; } else { return false; } } function dosubthread(ident) { $('#like-rotator-' + ident.toString()).show(); $.get('subthread/sub/' + ident.toString(), updateInit ); liking = 1; } function dounsubthread(ident) { $('#like-rotator-' + ident.toString()).show(); $.get('subthread/unsub/' + ident.toString(), updateInit ); liking = 1; } function moderate_approve(ident) { $('#like-rotator-' + ident.toString()).show(); $.get('moderate/' + ident.toString() + '/approve', updateInit ); liking = 1; } function moderate_drop(ident) { $('#like-rotator-' + ident.toString()).show(); $.get('moderate/' + ident.toString() + '/drop', $('#thread-wrapper-' + ident.toString()).fadeOut(function() { this.remove(); })); liking = 1; } function dostar(ident) { ident = ident.toString(); $('#like-rotator-' + ident).show(); $.get('starred/' + ident, function(data) { if(data.result == 1) { $('#starred-' + ident).addClass('starred'); $('#starred-' + ident).removeClass('unstarred'); $('#starred-' + ident).addClass('bi-star-fill'); $('#starred-' + ident).removeClass('bi-star'); $('#star-' + ident).addClass('hidden'); $('#unstar-' + ident).removeClass('hidden'); var btn_tpl = '
' $('#wall-item-tools-right-' + ident).prepend(btn_tpl); } else { $('#starred-' + ident).addClass('unstarred'); $('#starred-' + ident).removeClass('starred'); $('#starred-' + ident).addClass('bi-star'); $('#starred-' + ident).removeClass('bi-star-fill'); $('#star-' + ident).removeClass('hidden'); $('#unstar-' + ident).addClass('hidden'); $('#star-button-' + ident).remove(); } $('#like-rotator-' + ident).hide(); }); } function getPosition(e) { var cursor = {x:0, y:0}; if ( e.pageX || e.pageY ) { cursor.x = e.pageX; cursor.y = e.pageY; } else { if( e.clientX || e.clientY ) { cursor.x = e.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) - document.documentElement.clientLeft; cursor.y = e.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - document.documentElement.clientTop; } else { if( e.x || e.y ) { cursor.x = e.x; cursor.y = e.y; } } } return cursor; } function lockview(type, id) { $.get('lockview/' + type + '/' + id, function(data) { $('#panel-' + id).html(data); }); } function submitPoll(id) { $.post('vote/' + id, $('#question-form-' + id).serialize(), function(data) { toast(data.message, ((data.success) ? 'info' : 'danger')); //$.jGrowl(data.message, { sticky: false, theme: ((data.success) ? 'info' : 'notice'), life: 10000 }); if(timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(updateInit, 500); } ); } function post_comment(id) { commentBusy = true; $('body').css('cursor', 'wait'); $("#comment-preview-inp-" + id).val("0"); if(typeof conv_mode == typeof undefined) conv_mode = ''; var form_data = $("#comment-edit-form-" + id).serialize(); $.post( "item", form_data + '&conv_mode=' + conv_mode, function(data) { if (data.success) { //mod photos if (data.reload) { window.location.href = data.reload; } localStorage.removeItem("comment_body-" + id); $("#comment-edit-preview-" + id).hide(); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val('').blur().attr('placeholder', aStr.comment); $('#wall-item-comment-wrapper-' + id).before(data.html); $('#wall-item-ago-' + + ' .autotime').timeago(); $('body').css('cursor', 'unset'); collapseHeight(); commentBusy = false; var tarea = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" + id); if (tarea) { commentClose(tarea, id); $(document).off( "click.commentOpen"); } } }, "json" ); return false; } function preview_comment(id) { $("#comment-preview-inp-" + id).val("1"); $("#comment-edit-preview-" + id).show(); $.post( "item", $("#comment-edit-form-" + id).serialize(), function(data) { if(data.preview) { $("#comment-edit-preview-" + id).html(data.preview); $("#comment-edit-preview-" + id + " .autotime").timeago(); $("#comment-edit-preview-" + id + " a").click(function() { return false; }); } }, "json" ); return true; } function importElement(elem) { $.post( "impel", { "element" : elem }, function(data) { if(timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(updateInit,10); } ); return false; } function preview_post() { $("#jot-preview").val("1"); $("#jot-preview-content").show(); $.post( "item", $("#profile-jot-form").serialize(), function(data) { if(data.preview) { $("#jot-preview-content").html(data.preview); $("#jot-preview-content .autotime").timeago(); $("#jot-preview-content" + " a").click(function() { return false; }); } }, "json" ); $("#jot-preview").val("0"); return true; } function bin2hex(s) { // UTF-8 encoding to hex is supported var bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(s); return Array.from( bytes, byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0") ).join(""); } function hex2bin(hex) { // UTF-8 decoding from hex is supported var bytes = new Uint8Array(hex.length / 2); for (i = 0; i !== bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = parseInt(hex.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); } return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } function groupChangeMember(gid, cid, sec_token) { $('body .fakelink').css('cursor', 'wait'); $.get('group/' + gid + '/' + cid + "?t=" + sec_token, function(data) { $('#group-update-wrapper').html(data); $('body .fakelink').css('cursor', 'auto'); }); } function profChangeMember(gid, cid) { $('body .fakelink').css('cursor', 'wait'); $.get('profperm/' + gid + '/' + cid, function(data) { $('#prof-update-wrapper').html(data); $('body .fakelink').css('cursor', 'auto'); }); } function contactgroupChangeMember(gid, cid) { $('body').css('cursor', 'wait'); $.get('contactgroup/' + gid + '/' + cid, function(data) { $('body').css('cursor', 'auto'); $('#group-' + gid).toggleClass('bi-check-square bi-square'); }); } function checkboxhighlight(box) { if($(box).is(':checked')) { $(box).addClass('checkeditem'); } else { $(box).removeClass('checkeditem'); } } /** * sprintf in javascript * "{0} and {1}".format('zero','uno'); */ String.prototype.format = function() { var formatted = this; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var regexp = new RegExp('\\{'+i+'\\}', 'gi'); formatted = formatted.replace(regexp, ((typeof arguments[i] !== 'undefined') ? arguments[i] : '')); } return formatted; }; // Array Remove Array.prototype.remove = function(item) { to = undefined; from = this.indexOf(item); var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length); this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from; return this.push.apply(this, rest); }; function zFormError(elm,x) { if(x) { $(elm).addClass("zform-error"); $(elm).removeClass("zform-ok"); } else { $(elm).addClass("zform-ok"); $(elm).removeClass("zform-error"); } } $(window).scroll(function () { if(typeof buildCmd == 'function') { // This is a content page with items and/or conversations if($('#conversation-end').length && ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) > $('#conversation-end').position().top) { if((pageHasMoreContent) && (! loadingPage)) { next_page++; scroll_next = true; loadingPage = true; liveUpdate(); } } } else { // This is some other kind of page - perhaps a directory if($('#page-end').length && ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) > $('#page-end').position().top) { if((pageHasMoreContent) && (! loadingPage) && (! justifiedGalleryActive)) { next_page++; scroll_next = true; loadingPage = true; pageUpdate(); } } } }); function loadText(textRegion,data) { var currentText = $(textRegion).val(); $(textRegion).val(currentText + data); } function addeditortext(data) { if(plaintext == 'none') { var currentText = $("#profile-jot-text").val(); $("#profile-jot-text").val(currentText + data); } } function makeid(length) { var result = ''; var characters = 'abcdef0123456789'; var charactersLength = characters.length; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; } function push_notification_request(e) { if (!('Notification' in window)) { alert('This browser does not support push notifications'); } else if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { Notification.requestPermission(function(permission) { if(permission === 'granted') { $('div').hide(); } }); } } function push_notification(title, body, b64mid) { let options = { body: body, data: b64mid, icon: '/images/app/hz-96.png', silent: false } let n = new Notification(title, options); n.onclick = function (e) { if(module === 'hq') { prepareLiveUpdate(; } else { window.location.href = baseurl + '/hq/' +; } } } function toggleAside() { if ($('main.region_1-on').length) { $('#expand-aside-icon').addClass('bi-arrow-right-circle').removeClass('bi-arrow-left-circle'); $('html, body').css({ 'position': '', 'left': '' }); $('main').removeClass('region_1-on'); $('#region_1').addClass('d-none'); $('#region_2').css({ 'min-width': '' }); $('#overlay').remove(); } else { $('#expand-aside-icon').removeClass('bi-arrow-right-circle').addClass('bi-arrow-left-circle'); $('html, body').css({ 'position': 'sticky', 'left': '0px'}); $('main').addClass('region_1-on'); $('#region_1').removeClass('d-none'); $('#region_2').css({ 'min-width': window.outerWidth }); $('
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