/** * Friendica people autocomplete * * require jQuery, jquery.textareas */ function ACPopup(elm,backend_url){ this.idsel=-1; this.element = elm; this.searchText=""; this.ready=true; this.kp_timer = false; this.url = backend_url; var w = 530; var h = 130; if(typeof elm.editorId == "undefined") { style = $(elm).offset(); w = $(elm).width(); h = $(elm).height(); } else { var container = elm.getContainer(); if(typeof container != "undefined") { style = $(container).offset(); w = $(container).width(); h = $(container).height(); } } if(! w) w = 530; if(! h) h = 130; style.top=style.top+h; style.width = w; style.position = 'absolute'; /* style['max-height'] = '150px'; style.border = '1px solid red'; style.background = '#cccccc'; style.overflow = 'auto'; style['z-index'] = '100000'; */ style.display = 'none'; this.cont = $("
"); this.cont.css(style); $("body").append(this.cont); } ACPopup.prototype.close = function(){ $(this.cont).remove(); this.ready=false; } ACPopup.prototype.search = function(text){ var that = this; this.searchText=text; if (this.kp_timer) clearTimeout(this.kp_timer); this.kp_timer = setTimeout( function(){that._search();}, 500); } ACPopup.prototype._search = function(){ console.log("_search"); var that = this; var postdata = { start:0, count:100, search:this.searchText, type:'c', } $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: this.url, data: postdata, dataType: 'json', success:function(data){ that.cont.html(""); if (data.tot>0){ that.cont.show(); $(data.items).each(function(){ if(this.taggable) ihtml = ''; else ihtml = ''; html = "{1} {2} ({3})".format(this.photo, ihtml, this.name, this.nick) that.add(this.taggable, html, this.nick.replace(' ','') + '+' + this.id + ' - ' + this.link); }); } else { that.cont.hide(); } } }); } ACPopup.prototype.add = function(taggable, label, value){ var that=this; var elm = $("
"); elm.click(function(e){ t = $(this).attr('title').replace(new RegExp(' \- .*'),''); if(typeof(that.element.container) === "undefined") { el=$(that.element); sel = el.getSelection(); sel.start = sel.start- that.searchText.length; el.setSelection(sel.start,sel.end).replaceSelectedText(t+' ').collapseSelection(false); that.close(); } else { txt = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent(); // alert(that.searchText + ':' + t); newtxt = txt.replace('@' + that.searchText, '@' + t + ' '); tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent(newtxt); tinyMCE.activeEditor.focus(); that.close(); } }); $(this.cont).append(elm); } ACPopup.prototype.onkey = function(event){ if (event.keyCode == '13') { if(this.idsel>-1) { this.cont.children()[this.idsel].click(); event.preventDefault(); } else this.close(); } if (event.keyCode == '38') { //cursor up cmax = this.cont.children().size()-1; this.idsel--; if (this.idsel<0) this.idsel=cmax; event.preventDefault(); } if (event.keyCode == '40' || event.keyCode == '9') { //cursor down cmax = this.cont.children().size()-1; this.idsel++; if (this.idsel>cmax) this.idsel=0; event.preventDefault(); } if (event.keyCode == '38' || event.keyCode == '40' || event.keyCode == '9') { this.cont.children().removeClass('selected'); $(this.cont.children()[this.idsel]).addClass('selected'); } if (event.keyCode == '27') { //ESC this.close(); } } function ContactAutocomplete(element,backend_url){ this.pattern=/@(\!*)([^ \n]+)$/; this.popup=null; var that = this; $(element).unbind('keydown'); $(element).unbind('keyup'); $(element).keydown(function(event){ if (that.popup!==null) that.popup.onkey(event); }); $(element).keyup(function(event){ cpos = $(this).getSelection(); if (cpos.start==cpos.end){ match = $(this).val().substring(0,cpos.start).match(that.pattern); if (match!==null){ if (that.popup===null){ that.popup = new ACPopup(this, backend_url); } if (that.popup.ready && match[2]!==that.popup.searchText) that.popup.search(match[2]); if (!that.popup.ready) that.popup=null; } else { if (that.popup!==null) {that.popup.close(); that.popup=null;} } } }); } /** * jQuery plugin 'contact_autocomplete' */ (function( $ ){ $.fn.contact_autocomplete = function(backend_url) { this.each(function(){ new ContactAutocomplete(this, backend_url); }); }; })( jQuery );