// NOTICE!! DO NOT USE ANY OF THIS JAVASCRIPT // IT'S ALL JUST JUNK FOR OUR DOCS! // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (function () { 'use strict' if (!window.docsearch) { return } var inputElement = document.getElementById('search-input') var siteDocsVersion = inputElement.getAttribute('data-docs-version') window.docsearch({ apiKey: '5990ad008512000bba2cf951ccf0332f', indexName: 'bootstrap', inputSelector: '#search-input', algoliaOptions: { facetFilters: ['version:' + siteDocsVersion] }, handleSelected: function (input, event, suggestion) { var url = suggestion.url url = suggestion.isLvl1 ? url.split('#')[0] : url // If it's a title we remove the anchor so it does not jump. window.location.href = url }, transformData: function (hits) { return hits.map(function (hit) { // When in production, return the result as is, // otherwise remove our url from it. var siteurl = inputElement.getAttribute('data-siteurl') var urlRE = /^https?:\/\/getbootstrap\.com/ hit.url = siteurl.match(urlRE) ? hit.url : hit.url.replace(urlRE, '') return hit }) }, debug: false // Set debug to true if you want to inspect the dropdown }) }())