--- layout: docs title: Borders description: Use border utilities to quickly style the border and border-radius of an element. Great for images, buttons, or any other element. group: utilities toc: true --- ## Border Use border utilities to add or remove an element's borders. Choose from all borders or one at a time. ### Additive Add borders to custom elements: {{< example class="bd-example-border-utils" >}} {{< /example >}} ### Subtractive Or remove borders: {{< example class="bd-example-border-utils" >}} {{< /example >}} ## Color Change the border color using utilities built on our theme colors. {{< example class="bd-example-border-utils" >}} {{< border.inline >}} {{- range (index $.Site.Data "theme-colors") }} {{- end -}} {{< /border.inline >}} {{< /example >}} Or modify the default `border-color` of a component: {{< example >}}
Dangerous heading
Changing border color and width
{{< /example >}} ## Opacity {{< added-in "5.2.0" >}} Bootstrap `border-{color}` utilities are generated with Sass using CSS variables. This allows for real-time color changes without compilation and dynamic alpha transparency changes. ### How it works Consider our default `.border-success` utility. ```css .border-success { --bs-border-opacity: 1; border-color: rgba(var(--bs-success-rgb), var(--bs-border-opacity)) !important; } ``` We use an RGB version of our `--bs-success` (with the value of `25, 135, 84`) CSS variable and attached a second CSS variable, `--bs-border-opacity`, for the alpha transparency (with a default value `1` thanks to a local CSS variable). That means anytime you use `.border-success` now, your computed `color` value is `rgba(25, 135, 84, 1)`. The local CSS variable inside each `.border-*` class avoids inheritance issues so nested instances of the utilities don't automatically have a modified alpha transparency. ### Example To change that opacity, override `--bs-border-opacity` via custom styles or inline styles. {{< example >}}
This is default success border
This is 50% opacity success border
{{< /example >}} Or, choose from any of the `.border-opacity` utilities: {{< example >}}
This is default success border
This is 75% opacity success border
This is 50% opacity success border
This is 25% opacity success border
This is 10% opacity success border
{{< /example >}} ## Width {{< example class="bd-example-border-utils" >}} {{< /example >}} ## Radius Add classes to an element to easily round its corners. {{< example class="bd-example-rounded-utils" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded" title="Example rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-top" title="Example top rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-end" title="Example right rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-bottom" title="Example bottom rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-start" title="Example left rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-circle" title="Completely round image" >}} {{< placeholder width="150" height="75" class="rounded-pill" title="Rounded pill image" >}} {{< /example >}} ### Sizes Use the scaling classes for larger or smaller rounded corners. Sizes range from `0` to `5`, and can be configured by modifying the utilities API. {{< example class="bd-example-rounded-utils" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-0" title="Example non-rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-1" title="Example small rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-2" title="Example default rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-3" title="Example large rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-4" title="Example larger rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-5" title="Example extra large rounded image" >}} {{< /example >}} {{< example class="bd-example-rounded-utils" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-bottom-1" title="Example small rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-start-2" title="Example default left rounded image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-end-circle" title="Example right completely round image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-start-pill" title="Example left rounded pill image" >}} {{< placeholder width="75" height="75" class="rounded-5 rounded-top-0" title="Example extra large bottom rounded image" >}} {{< /example >}} ## CSS ### Variables {{< added-in "5.2.0" >}} {{< scss-docs name="root-border-var" file="scss/_root.scss" >}} ### Sass variables {{< scss-docs name="border-variables" file="scss/_variables.scss" >}} {{< scss-docs name="border-radius-variables" file="scss/_variables.scss" >}} ### Sass mixins {{< scss-docs name="border-radius-mixins" file="scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss" >}} ### Utilities API Border utilities are declared in our utilities API in `scss/_utilities.scss`. [Learn how to use the utilities API.]({{< docsref "/utilities/api#using-the-api" >}}) {{< scss-docs name="utils-borders" file="scss/_utilities.scss" >}} {{< scss-docs name="utils-border-radius" file="scss/_utilities.scss" >}}