/*! * Bootstrap popover.js v5.0.2 (https://getbootstrap.com/) * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors) * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE) */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('./dom/selector-engine.js'), require('./tooltip.js')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['./dom/selector-engine', './tooltip'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.Popover = factory(global.SelectorEngine, global.Tooltip)); }(this, (function (SelectorEngine, Tooltip) { 'use strict'; function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var SelectorEngine__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(SelectorEngine); var Tooltip__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(Tooltip); const getjQuery = () => { const { jQuery } = window; if (jQuery && !document.body.hasAttribute('data-bs-no-jquery')) { return jQuery; } return null; }; const DOMContentLoadedCallbacks = []; const onDOMContentLoaded = callback => { if (document.readyState === 'loading') { // add listener on the first call when the document is in loading state if (!DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.length) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()); }); } DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.push(callback); } else { callback(); } }; const defineJQueryPlugin = plugin => { onDOMContentLoaded(() => { const $ = getjQuery(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if ($) { const name = plugin.NAME; const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[name]; $.fn[name] = plugin.jQueryInterface; $.fn[name].Constructor = plugin; $.fn[name].noConflict = () => { $.fn[name] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT; return plugin.jQueryInterface; }; } }); }; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bootstrap (v5.0.2): popover.js * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE) * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Constants * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ const NAME = 'popover'; const DATA_KEY = 'bs.popover'; const EVENT_KEY = `.${DATA_KEY}`; const CLASS_PREFIX = 'bs-popover'; const BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX = new RegExp(`(^|\\s)${CLASS_PREFIX}\\S+`, 'g'); const Default = { ...Tooltip__default['default'].Default, placement: 'right', offset: [0, 8], trigger: 'click', content: '', template: '' }; const DefaultType = { ...Tooltip__default['default'].DefaultType, content: '(string|element|function)' }; const Event = { HIDE: `hide${EVENT_KEY}`, HIDDEN: `hidden${EVENT_KEY}`, SHOW: `show${EVENT_KEY}`, SHOWN: `shown${EVENT_KEY}`, INSERTED: `inserted${EVENT_KEY}`, CLICK: `click${EVENT_KEY}`, FOCUSIN: `focusin${EVENT_KEY}`, FOCUSOUT: `focusout${EVENT_KEY}`, MOUSEENTER: `mouseenter${EVENT_KEY}`, MOUSELEAVE: `mouseleave${EVENT_KEY}` }; const CLASS_NAME_FADE = 'fade'; const CLASS_NAME_SHOW = 'show'; const SELECTOR_TITLE = '.popover-header'; const SELECTOR_CONTENT = '.popover-body'; /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Class Definition * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ class Popover extends Tooltip__default['default'] { // Getters static get Default() { return Default; } static get NAME() { return NAME; } static get Event() { return Event; } static get DefaultType() { return DefaultType; } // Overrides isWithContent() { return this.getTitle() || this._getContent(); } getTipElement() { if (this.tip) { return this.tip; } this.tip = super.getTipElement(); if (!this.getTitle()) { SelectorEngine__default['default'].findOne(SELECTOR_TITLE, this.tip).remove(); } if (!this._getContent()) { SelectorEngine__default['default'].findOne(SELECTOR_CONTENT, this.tip).remove(); } return this.tip; } setContent() { const tip = this.getTipElement(); // we use append for html objects to maintain js events this.setElementContent(SelectorEngine__default['default'].findOne(SELECTOR_TITLE, tip), this.getTitle()); let content = this._getContent(); if (typeof content === 'function') { content = content.call(this._element); } this.setElementContent(SelectorEngine__default['default'].findOne(SELECTOR_CONTENT, tip), content); tip.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_FADE, CLASS_NAME_SHOW); } // Private _addAttachmentClass(attachment) { this.getTipElement().classList.add(`${CLASS_PREFIX}-${this.updateAttachment(attachment)}`); } _getContent() { return this._element.getAttribute('data-bs-content') || this._config.content; } _cleanTipClass() { const tip = this.getTipElement(); const tabClass = tip.getAttribute('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX); if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length > 0) { tabClass.map(token => token.trim()).forEach(tClass => tip.classList.remove(tClass)); } } // Static static jQueryInterface(config) { return this.each(function () { const data = Popover.getOrCreateInstance(this, config); if (typeof config === 'string') { if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`); } data[config](); } }); } } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * jQuery * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * add .Popover to jQuery only if jQuery is present */ defineJQueryPlugin(Popover); return Popover; }))); //# sourceMappingURL=popover.js.map