\$config\_dir {#variable.config.dir} ============= This is the directory used to store [config files](#config.files) used in the templates. Default is `./configs`, meaning that Smarty will look for the `configs/` directory in the same directory as the executing php script. > **Note** > > It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server > document root. > **Note** > > As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$config\_dir is no longer accessible > directly. Use [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir), > [`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir) and > [`addConfigDir()`](#api.add.config.dir) instead. See also [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir), [`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir) and [`addConfigDir()`](#api.add.config.dir).