registerFilter() dynamically register filters Description =========== void registerFilter string type mixed callback Use this to dynamically register filters to operate on a templates. It uses the following parameters: NOTE.PARAMETER.FUNCTION A [prefilter](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) runs through the template source before it gets compiled. See [template prefilters](#advanced.features.prefilters) for more information on how to setup a prefiltering function. A [postfilter](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) runs through the template code after it was compiled to PHP. See [template postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) for more information on how to setup a postfiltering function. A [outputfilter](#plugins.outputfilters) operates on a template\'s output before it is [displayed](#api.display). See [template output filters](#advanced.features.outputfilters) for more information on how to set up an output filter function. See also [`unregisterFilter()`](#api.unregister.filter), [`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter), [`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters), [template pre filters](#advanced.features.prefilters) [template post filters](#advanced.features.postfilters) [template output filters](#advanced.features.outputfilters) section.