registerCacheResource() dynamically register CacheResources Description =========== void registerCacheResource string name Smarty\_CacheResource resource\_handler Use this to dynamically register a [CacheResource plugin](#caching.custom) with Smarty. Pass in the `name` of the CacheResource and the object extending Smarty\_CacheResource. See [Custom Cache Implementation](#caching.custom) for more information on how to create custom CacheResources. > **Note** > > In Smarty2 this used to be a callback function called > `$cache_handler_func`. Smarty3 replaced this callback by the > `Smarty_CacheResource` module. registerCacheResource('mysql', new Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql()); ?> See also [`unregisterCacheResource()`](#api.unregister.cacheresource) and the [Custom CacheResource Implementation](#caching.custom) section.