Postfilters {#advanced.features.postfilters} =========== Template postfilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran through *after they are compiled*. Postfilters can be either [registered](#api.register.filter) or loaded from the [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using the [`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) function or by setting the [`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable. Smarty will pass the compiled template code as the first argument, and expect the function to return the result of the processing. \n\"; ?>\n".$tpl_source; } // register the postfilter $smarty->registerFilter('post','add_header_comment'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); ?> The postfilter above will make the compiled Smarty template `index.tpl` look like: {* rest of template content... *} See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter), [prefilters](#advanced.features.prefilters), [outputfilters](#advanced.features.outputfilters), and [`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter).