strip\_tags {#language.modifier.strip.tags} =========== This strips out markup tags, basically anything between `<` and `>`. Parameter Position Type Required Default Description -------------------- ------ ---------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 bool No TRUE This determines whether the tags are replaced by \' \' or \'\' assign('articleTitle', "Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad she Hasn't Seen in years." ); ?> Where template is: {$articleTitle} {$articleTitle|strip_tags} {* same as {$articleTitle|strip_tags:true} *} {$articleTitle|strip_tags:false} Will output: Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad she Hasn't Seen in years. Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad she Hasn't Seen in years . Blind Woman Gets New Kidney from Dad she Hasn't Seen in years. See also [`replace`](#language.modifier.replace) and [`regex_replace`](#language.modifier.regex.replace).