{ldelim},{rdelim} {#language.function.ldelim} ================= `{ldelim}` and `{rdelim}` are used for [escaping](#language.escaping) template delimiters, by default **{** and **}**. You can also use [`{literal}{/literal}`](#language.function.literal) to escape blocks of text eg Javascript or CSS. See also the complementary [`{$smarty.ldelim}`](#language.variables.smarty.ldelim). {* this will print literal delimiters out of the template *} {ldelim}funcname{rdelim} is how functions look in Smarty! The above example will output: {funcname} is how functions look in Smarty! Another example with some Javascript will output Click here for Server Info See also [`{literal}`](#language.function.literal) and [escaping Smarty parsing](#language.escaping).