{for} {#language.function.for} ===== The `{for}{forelse}` tag is used to create simple loops. The following different formats are supported: - `{for $var=$start to $end}` simple loop with step size of 1. - `{for $var=$start to $end step $step}` loop with individual step size. `{forelse}` is executed when the loop is not iterated. **Attributes:** Attribute Name Shorthand Type Required Default Description ---------------- ----------- --------- ---------- --------- -------------------------------- max n/a integer No *n/a* Limit the number of iterations **Option Flags:** Name Description --------- -------------------------------------- nocache Disables caching of the `{for}` loop The above example will output: $smarty->assign('to',10); The above example will output: $smarty->assign('start',10); $smarty->assign('to',5); The above example will output: no iteration See also [`{foreach}`](#language.function.foreach), [`{section}`](#language.function.section) and [`{while}`](#language.function.while)