Debugging Console {#chapter.debugging.console} ================= There is a debugging console included with Smarty. The console informs you of all the [included](./language-builtin-functions/ templates, [assigned](../programmers/api-functions/ variables and [config](./language-variables/ file variables for the current invocation of the template. A template file named `debug.tpl` is included with the distribution of Smarty which controls the formatting of the console. Set [`$debugging`](../programmers/api-variables/ to TRUE in Smarty, and if needed set [`$debug_tpl`](../programmers/api-variables/ to the template resource path to `debug.tpl` (this is in [`SMARTY_DIR`](../programmers/ by default). When you load the page, a Javascript console window will pop up and give you the names of all the included templates and assigned variables for the current page. To see the available variables for a particular template, see the [`{debug}`](./language-builtin-functions/ template function. To disable the debugging console, set [`$debugging`](../programmers/api-variables/ to FALSE. You can also temporarily turn on the debugging console by putting `SMARTY_DEBUG` in the URL if you enable this option with [`$debugging_ctrl`](../programmers/api-variables/ > **Note** > > The debugging console does not work when you use the > [`fetch()`](../programmers/api-functions/ API, only when using > [`display()`](../programmers/api-functions/ It is a set of javascript statements > added to the very bottom of the generated template. If you do not like > javascript, you can edit the `debug.tpl` template to format the output > however you like. Debug data is not cached and `debug.tpl` info is not > included in the output of the debug console. > **Note** > > The load times of each template and config file are in seconds, or > fractions thereof. See also [troubleshooting](../appendixes/