* * @deprecated since 1.4.0. Use the Expanded formatter instead. * * @internal */ class Nested extends Formatter { /** * @var int */ private $depth; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct() { @trigger_error('The Nested formatter is deprecated since 1.4.0. Use the Expanded formatter instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->indentLevel = 0; $this->indentChar = ' '; $this->break = "\n"; $this->open = ' {'; $this->close = ' }'; $this->tagSeparator = ', '; $this->assignSeparator = ': '; $this->keepSemicolons = true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function indentStr() { $n = $this->depth - 1; return str_repeat($this->indentChar, max($this->indentLevel + $n, 0)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function blockLines(OutputBlock $block) { $inner = $this->indentStr(); $glue = $this->break . $inner; foreach ($block->lines as $index => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) === '/*') { $replacedLine = preg_replace('/\r\n?|\n|\f/', $this->break, $line); assert($replacedLine !== null); $block->lines[$index] = $replacedLine; } } $this->write($inner . implode($glue, $block->lines)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function block(OutputBlock $block) { static $depths; static $downLevel; static $closeBlock; static $previousEmpty; static $previousHasSelector; if ($block->type === 'root') { $depths = [ 0 ]; $downLevel = ''; $closeBlock = ''; $this->depth = 0; $previousEmpty = false; $previousHasSelector = false; } $isMediaOrDirective = \in_array($block->type, [Type::T_DIRECTIVE, Type::T_MEDIA]); $isSupport = ($block->type === Type::T_DIRECTIVE && $block->selectors && strpos(implode('', $block->selectors), '@supports') !== false); while ($block->depth < end($depths) || ($block->depth == 1 && end($depths) == 1)) { array_pop($depths); $this->depth--; if ( ! $this->depth && ($block->depth <= 1 || (! $this->indentLevel && $block->type === Type::T_COMMENT)) && (($block->selectors && ! $isMediaOrDirective) || $previousHasSelector) ) { $downLevel = $this->break; } if (empty($block->lines) && empty($block->children)) { $previousEmpty = true; } } if (empty($block->lines) && empty($block->children)) { return; } $this->currentBlock = $block; if (! empty($block->lines) || (! empty($block->children) && ($this->depth < 1 || $isSupport))) { if ($block->depth > end($depths)) { if (! $previousEmpty || $this->depth < 1) { $this->depth++; $depths[] = $block->depth; } else { // keep the current depth unchanged but take the block depth as a new reference for following blocks array_pop($depths); $depths[] = $block->depth; } } } $previousEmpty = ($block->type === Type::T_COMMENT); $previousHasSelector = false; if (! empty($block->selectors)) { if ($closeBlock) { $this->write($closeBlock); $closeBlock = ''; } if ($downLevel) { $this->write($downLevel); $downLevel = ''; } $this->blockSelectors($block); $this->indentLevel++; } if (! empty($block->lines)) { if ($closeBlock) { $this->write($closeBlock); $closeBlock = ''; } if ($downLevel) { $this->write($downLevel); $downLevel = ''; } $this->blockLines($block); $closeBlock = $this->break; } if (! empty($block->children)) { if ($this->depth > 0 && ($isMediaOrDirective || ! $this->hasFlatChild($block))) { array_pop($depths); $this->depth--; $this->blockChildren($block); $this->depth++; $depths[] = $block->depth; } else { $this->blockChildren($block); } } // reclear to not be spoiled by children if T_DIRECTIVE if ($block->type === Type::T_DIRECTIVE) { $previousHasSelector = false; } if (! empty($block->selectors)) { $this->indentLevel--; if (! $this->keepSemicolons) { $this->strippedSemicolon = ''; } $this->write($this->close); $closeBlock = $this->break; if ($this->depth > 1 && ! empty($block->children)) { array_pop($depths); $this->depth--; } if (! $isMediaOrDirective) { $previousHasSelector = true; } } if ($block->type === 'root') { $this->write($this->break); } } /** * Block has flat child * * @param \ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Formatter\OutputBlock $block * * @return bool */ private function hasFlatChild($block) { foreach ($block->children as $child) { if (empty($child->selectors)) { return true; } } return false; } }