<?php namespace Sabre\VObject\Parser; use Sabre\VObject\Component; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard; use Sabre\VObject\EofException; use Sabre\VObject\ParseException; use Sabre\Xml as SabreXml; /** * XML Parser. * * This parser parses both the xCal and xCard formats. * * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/) * @author Ivan Enderlin * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ class XML extends Parser { const XCAL_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:icalendar-2.0'; const XCARD_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0'; /** * The input data. * * @var array */ protected $input; /** * A pointer/reference to the input. * * @var array */ private $pointer; /** * Document, root component. * * @var \Sabre\VObject\Document */ protected $root; /** * Creates the parser. * * Optionally, it's possible to parse the input stream here. * * @param mixed $input * @param int $options any parser options (OPTION constants) */ public function __construct($input = null, $options = 0) { if (0 === $options) { $options = parent::OPTION_FORGIVING; } parent::__construct($input, $options); } /** * Parse xCal or xCard. * * @param resource|string $input * @param int $options * * @throws \Exception * * @return \Sabre\VObject\Document */ public function parse($input = null, $options = 0) { if (!is_null($input)) { $this->setInput($input); } if (0 !== $options) { $this->options = $options; } if (is_null($this->input)) { throw new EofException('End of input stream, or no input supplied'); } switch ($this->input['name']) { case '{'.self::XCAL_NAMESPACE.'}icalendar': $this->root = new VCalendar([], false); $this->pointer = &$this->input['value'][0]; $this->parseVCalendarComponents($this->root); break; case '{'.self::XCARD_NAMESPACE.'}vcards': foreach ($this->input['value'] as &$vCard) { $this->root = new VCard(['version' => '4.0'], false); $this->pointer = &$vCard; $this->parseVCardComponents($this->root); // We just parse the first <vcard /> element. break; } break; default: throw new ParseException('Unsupported XML standard'); } return $this->root; } /** * Parse a xCalendar component. * * @param Component $parentComponent */ protected function parseVCalendarComponents(Component $parentComponent) { foreach ($this->pointer['value'] ?: [] as $children) { switch (static::getTagName($children['name'])) { case 'properties': $this->pointer = &$children['value']; $this->parseProperties($parentComponent); break; case 'components': $this->pointer = &$children; $this->parseComponent($parentComponent); break; } } } /** * Parse a xCard component. * * @param Component $parentComponent */ protected function parseVCardComponents(Component $parentComponent) { $this->pointer = &$this->pointer['value']; $this->parseProperties($parentComponent); } /** * Parse xCalendar and xCard properties. * * @param Component $parentComponent * @param string $propertyNamePrefix */ protected function parseProperties(Component $parentComponent, $propertyNamePrefix = '') { foreach ($this->pointer ?: [] as $xmlProperty) { list($namespace, $tagName) = SabreXml\Service::parseClarkNotation($xmlProperty['name']); $propertyName = $tagName; $propertyValue = []; $propertyParameters = []; $propertyType = 'text'; // A property which is not part of the standard. if (self::XCAL_NAMESPACE !== $namespace && self::XCARD_NAMESPACE !== $namespace) { $propertyName = 'xml'; $value = '<'.$tagName.' xmlns="'.$namespace.'"'; foreach ($xmlProperty['attributes'] as $attributeName => $attributeValue) { $value .= ' '.$attributeName.'="'.str_replace('"', '\"', $attributeValue).'"'; } $value .= '>'.$xmlProperty['value'].'</'.$tagName.'>'; $propertyValue = [$value]; $this->createProperty( $parentComponent, $propertyName, $propertyParameters, $propertyType, $propertyValue ); continue; } // xCard group. if ('group' === $propertyName) { if (!isset($xmlProperty['attributes']['name'])) { continue; } $this->pointer = &$xmlProperty['value']; $this->parseProperties( $parentComponent, strtoupper($xmlProperty['attributes']['name']).'.' ); continue; } // Collect parameters. foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $i => $xmlPropertyChild) { if (!is_array($xmlPropertyChild) || 'parameters' !== static::getTagName($xmlPropertyChild['name'])) { continue; } $xmlParameters = $xmlPropertyChild['value']; foreach ($xmlParameters as $xmlParameter) { $propertyParameterValues = []; foreach ($xmlParameter['value'] as $xmlParameterValues) { $propertyParameterValues[] = $xmlParameterValues['value']; } $propertyParameters[static::getTagName($xmlParameter['name'])] = implode(',', $propertyParameterValues); } array_splice($xmlProperty['value'], $i, 1); } $propertyNameExtended = ($this->root instanceof VCalendar ? 'xcal' : 'xcard').':'.$propertyName; switch ($propertyNameExtended) { case 'xcal:geo': $propertyType = 'float'; $propertyValue['latitude'] = 0; $propertyValue['longitude'] = 0; foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $xmlRequestChild) { $propertyValue[static::getTagName($xmlRequestChild['name'])] = $xmlRequestChild['value']; } break; case 'xcal:request-status': $propertyType = 'text'; foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $xmlRequestChild) { $propertyValue[static::getTagName($xmlRequestChild['name'])] = $xmlRequestChild['value']; } break; case 'xcal:freebusy': $propertyType = 'freebusy'; // We don't break because we only want to set // another property type. // no break case 'xcal:categories': case 'xcal:resources': case 'xcal:exdate': foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $specialChild) { $propertyValue[static::getTagName($specialChild['name'])] = $specialChild['value']; } break; case 'xcal:rdate': $propertyType = 'date-time'; foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $specialChild) { $tagName = static::getTagName($specialChild['name']); if ('period' === $tagName) { $propertyParameters['value'] = 'PERIOD'; $propertyValue[] = implode('/', $specialChild['value']); } else { $propertyValue[] = $specialChild['value']; } } break; default: $propertyType = static::getTagName($xmlProperty['value'][0]['name']); foreach ($xmlProperty['value'] as $value) { $propertyValue[] = $value['value']; } if ('date' === $propertyType) { $propertyParameters['value'] = 'DATE'; } break; } $this->createProperty( $parentComponent, $propertyNamePrefix.$propertyName, $propertyParameters, $propertyType, $propertyValue ); } } /** * Parse a component. * * @param Component $parentComponent */ protected function parseComponent(Component $parentComponent) { $components = $this->pointer['value'] ?: []; foreach ($components as $component) { $componentName = static::getTagName($component['name']); $currentComponent = $this->root->createComponent( $componentName, null, false ); $this->pointer = &$component; $this->parseVCalendarComponents($currentComponent); $parentComponent->add($currentComponent); } } /** * Create a property. * * @param Component $parentComponent * @param string $name * @param array $parameters * @param string $type * @param mixed $value */ protected function createProperty(Component $parentComponent, $name, $parameters, $type, $value) { $property = $this->root->createProperty( $name, null, $parameters, $type ); $parentComponent->add($property); $property->setXmlValue($value); } /** * Sets the input data. * * @param resource|string $input */ public function setInput($input) { if (is_resource($input)) { $input = stream_get_contents($input); } if (is_string($input)) { $reader = new SabreXml\Reader(); $reader->elementMap['{'.self::XCAL_NAMESPACE.'}period'] = 'Sabre\VObject\Parser\XML\Element\KeyValue'; $reader->elementMap['{'.self::XCAL_NAMESPACE.'}recur'] = 'Sabre\VObject\Parser\XML\Element\KeyValue'; $reader->xml($input); $input = $reader->parse(); } $this->input = $input; } /** * Get tag name from a Clark notation. * * @param string $clarkedTagName * * @return string */ protected static function getTagName($clarkedTagName) { list(, $tagName) = SabreXml\Service::parseClarkNotation($clarkedTagName); return $tagName; } }