<?php namespace Sabre\VObject; /** * PHPUnit Assertions. * * This trait can be added to your unittest to make it easier to test iCalendar * and/or vCards. * * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/) * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/) * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ trait PHPUnitAssertions { /** * This method tests whether two vcards or icalendar objects are * semantically identical. * * It supports objects being supplied as strings, streams or * Sabre\VObject\Component instances. * * PRODID is removed from both objects as this is often changes and would * just get in the way. * * CALSCALE will automatically get removed if it's set to GREGORIAN. * * Any property that has the value **ANY** will be treated as a wildcard. * * @param resource|string|Component $expected * @param resource|string|Component $actual * @param string $message */ public function assertVObjectEqualsVObject($expected, $actual, $message = '') { $getObj = function ($input) { if (is_resource($input)) { $input = stream_get_contents($input); } if (is_string($input)) { $input = Reader::read($input); } if (!$input instanceof Component) { $this->fail('Input must be a string, stream or VObject component'); } unset($input->PRODID); if ($input instanceof Component\VCalendar && 'GREGORIAN' === (string) $input->CALSCALE) { unset($input->CALSCALE); } return $input; }; $expected = $getObj($expected)->serialize(); $actual = $getObj($actual)->serialize(); // Finding wildcards in expected. preg_match_all('|^([A-Z]+):\\*\\*ANY\\*\\*\r$|m', $expected, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $actual = preg_replace( '|^'.preg_quote($match[1], '|').':(.*)\r$|m', $match[1].':**ANY**'."\r", $actual ); } $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $message ); } }