setMethod($method); $this->setUrl($url); $this->setHeaders($headers); $this->setBody($body); } /** * Returns the current HTTP method. */ public function getMethod(): string { return $this->method; } /** * Sets the HTTP method. */ public function setMethod(string $method) { $this->method = $method; } /** * Returns the request url. */ public function getUrl(): string { return $this->url; } /** * Sets the request url. */ public function setUrl(string $url) { $this->url = $url; } /** * Returns the list of query parameters. * * This is equivalent to PHP's $_GET superglobal. */ public function getQueryParameters(): array { $url = $this->getUrl(); if (false === ($index = strpos($url, '?'))) { return []; } parse_str(substr($url, $index + 1), $queryParams); return $queryParams; } protected $absoluteUrl; /** * Sets the absolute url. */ public function setAbsoluteUrl(string $url) { $this->absoluteUrl = $url; } /** * Returns the absolute url. */ public function getAbsoluteUrl(): string { if (!$this->absoluteUrl) { // Guessing we're a http endpoint. $this->absoluteUrl = 'http://'. ($this->getHeader('Host') ?? 'localhost'). $this->getUrl(); } return $this->absoluteUrl; } /** * Base url. * * @var string */ protected $baseUrl = '/'; /** * Sets a base url. * * This url is used for relative path calculations. */ public function setBaseUrl(string $url) { $this->baseUrl = $url; } /** * Returns the current base url. */ public function getBaseUrl(): string { return $this->baseUrl; } /** * Returns the relative path. * * This is being calculated using the base url. This path will not start * with a slash, so it will always return something like * 'example/path.html'. * * If the full path is equal to the base url, this method will return an * empty string. * * This method will also urldecode the path, and if the url was encoded as * ISO-8859-1, it will convert it to UTF-8. * * If the path is outside of the base url, a LogicException will be thrown. */ public function getPath(): string { // Removing duplicated slashes. $uri = str_replace('//', '/', $this->getUrl()); $uri = Uri\normalize($uri); $baseUri = Uri\normalize($this->getBaseUrl()); if (0 === strpos($uri, $baseUri)) { // We're not interested in the query part (everything after the ?). list($uri) = explode('?', $uri); return trim(decodePath(substr($uri, strlen($baseUri))), '/'); } if ($uri.'/' === $baseUri) { return ''; } // A special case, if the baseUri was accessed without a trailing // slash, we'll accept it as well. throw new \LogicException('Requested uri ('.$this->getUrl().') is out of base uri ('.$this->getBaseUrl().')'); } /** * Equivalent of PHP's $_POST. * * @var array */ protected $postData = []; /** * Sets the post data. * * This is equivalent to PHP's $_POST superglobal. * * This would not have been needed, if POST data was accessible as * php://input, but unfortunately we need to special case it. */ public function setPostData(array $postData) { $this->postData = $postData; } /** * Returns the POST data. * * This is equivalent to PHP's $_POST superglobal. */ public function getPostData(): array { return $this->postData; } /** * An array containing the raw _SERVER array. * * @var array */ protected $rawServerData; /** * Returns an item from the _SERVER array. * * If the value does not exist in the array, null is returned. * * @return string|null */ public function getRawServerValue(string $valueName) { return $this->rawServerData[$valueName] ?? null; } /** * Sets the _SERVER array. */ public function setRawServerData(array $data) { $this->rawServerData = $data; } /** * Serializes the request object as a string. * * This is useful for debugging purposes. */ public function __toString(): string { $out = $this->getMethod().' '.$this->getUrl().' HTTP/'.$this->getHttpVersion()."\r\n"; foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $v) { if ('Authorization' === $key) { list($v) = explode(' ', $v, 2); $v .= ' REDACTED'; } $out .= $key.': '.$v."\r\n"; } } $out .= "\r\n"; $out .= $this->getBodyAsString(); return $out; } }