initializeEverything(); } function initializeEverything() { $this->setUpBackends(); $this->setUpTree(); $this->server = new DAV\Server($this->tree); $this->server->sapi = new HTTP\SapiMock(); $this->server->debugExceptions = true; if ($this->setupCalDAV) { $this->caldavPlugin = new CalDAV\Plugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->caldavPlugin); } if ($this->setupCalDAVSharing || $this->setupSharing) { $this->sharingPlugin = new DAV\Sharing\Plugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->sharingPlugin); } if ($this->setupCalDAVSharing) { $this->caldavSharingPlugin = new CalDAV\SharingPlugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->caldavSharingPlugin); } if ($this->setupCalDAVScheduling) { $this->caldavSchedulePlugin = new CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->caldavSchedulePlugin); } if ($this->setupCalDAVSubscriptions) { $this->server->addPlugin(new CalDAV\Subscriptions\Plugin()); } if ($this->setupCalDAVICSExport) { $this->caldavICSExportPlugin = new CalDAV\ICSExportPlugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->caldavICSExportPlugin); } if ($this->setupCardDAV) { $this->carddavPlugin = new CardDAV\Plugin(); $this->server->addPlugin($this->carddavPlugin); } if ($this->setupLocks) { $this->locksPlugin = new DAV\Locks\Plugin( $this->locksBackend ); $this->server->addPlugin($this->locksPlugin); } if ($this->setupPropertyStorage) { $this->propertyStoragePlugin = new DAV\PropertyStorage\Plugin( $this->propertyStorageBackend ); $this->server->addPlugin($this->propertyStoragePlugin); } if ($this->autoLogin) { $this->autoLogin($this->autoLogin); } if ($this->setupACL) { $this->aclPlugin = new DAVACL\Plugin(); if (!$this->autoLogin) { $this->aclPlugin->allowUnauthenticatedAccess = false; } $this->aclPlugin->adminPrincipals = ['principals/admin']; $this->server->addPlugin($this->aclPlugin); } } /** * Makes a request, and returns a response object. * * You can either pass an instance of Sabre\HTTP\Request, or an array, * which will then be used as the _SERVER array. * * If $expectedStatus is set, we'll compare it with the HTTP status of * the returned response. If it doesn't match, we'll immediately fail * the test. * * @param array|\Sabre\HTTP\Request $request * @param int $expectedStatus * @return \Sabre\HTTP\Response */ function request($request, $expectedStatus = null) { if (is_array($request)) { $request = HTTP\Request::createFromServerArray($request); } $response = new HTTP\ResponseMock(); $this->server->httpRequest = $request; $this->server->httpResponse = $response; $this->server->exec(); if ($expectedStatus) { $responseBody = $expectedStatus !== $response->getStatus() ? $response->getBodyAsString() : ''; $this->assertEquals($expectedStatus, $response->getStatus(), 'Incorrect HTTP status received for request. Response body: ' . $responseBody); } return $this->server->httpResponse; } /** * This function takes a username and sets the server in a state where * this user is logged in, and no longer requires an authentication check. * * @param string $userName */ function autoLogin($userName) { $authBackend = new DAV\Auth\Backend\Mock(); $authBackend->setPrincipal('principals/' . $userName); $this->authPlugin = new DAV\Auth\Plugin($authBackend); // If the auth plugin already exists, we're removing its hooks: if ($oldAuth = $this->server->getPlugin('auth')) { $this->server->removeListener('beforeMethod', [$oldAuth, 'beforeMethod']); } $this->server->addPlugin($this->authPlugin); // This will trigger the actual login procedure $this->authPlugin->beforeMethod(new Request(), new Response()); } /** * Override this to provide your own Tree for your test-case. */ function setUpTree() { if ($this->setupCalDAV) { $this->tree[] = new CalDAV\CalendarRoot( $this->principalBackend, $this->caldavBackend ); } if ($this->setupCardDAV) { $this->tree[] = new CardDAV\AddressBookRoot( $this->principalBackend, $this->carddavBackend ); } if ($this->setupCalDAV) { $this->tree[] = new CalDAV\Principal\Collection( $this->principalBackend ); } elseif ($this->setupCardDAV || $this->setupACL) { $this->tree[] = new DAVACL\PrincipalCollection( $this->principalBackend ); } if ($this->setupFiles) { $this->tree[] = new DAV\Mock\Collection('files'); } } function setUpBackends() { if ($this->setupCalDAVSharing && is_null($this->caldavBackend)) { $this->caldavBackend = new CalDAV\Backend\MockSharing($this->caldavCalendars, $this->caldavCalendarObjects); } if ($this->setupCalDAVSubscriptions && is_null($this->caldavBackend)) { $this->caldavBackend = new CalDAV\Backend\MockSubscriptionSupport($this->caldavCalendars, $this->caldavCalendarObjects); } if ($this->setupCalDAV && is_null($this->caldavBackend)) { if ($this->setupCalDAVScheduling) { $this->caldavBackend = new CalDAV\Backend\MockScheduling($this->caldavCalendars, $this->caldavCalendarObjects); } else { $this->caldavBackend = new CalDAV\Backend\Mock($this->caldavCalendars, $this->caldavCalendarObjects); } } if ($this->setupCardDAV && is_null($this->carddavBackend)) { $this->carddavBackend = new CardDAV\Backend\Mock($this->carddavAddressBooks, $this->carddavCards); } if ($this->setupCardDAV || $this->setupCalDAV || $this->setupACL) { $this->principalBackend = new DAVACL\PrincipalBackend\Mock(); } if ($this->setupLocks) { $this->locksBackend = new DAV\Locks\Backend\Mock(); } if ($this->setupPropertyStorage) { $this->propertyStorageBackend = new DAV\PropertyStorage\Backend\Mock(); } } function assertHttpStatus($expectedStatus, HTTP\Request $req) { $resp = $this->request($req); $this->assertEquals((int)$expectedStatus, (int)$resp->status, 'Incorrect HTTP status received: ' . $resp->body); } }