addChild($principals); $fakeServer = new DAV\Server($dir); $fakeServer->sapi = new HTTP\SapiMock(); $fakeServer->httpResponse = new HTTP\ResponseMock(); $fakeServer->debugExceptions = true; $plugin = new MockPlugin(); $plugin->allowAccessToNodesWithoutACL = true; $plugin->allowUnauthenticatedAccess = false; $this->assertTrue($plugin instanceof Plugin); $fakeServer->addPlugin($plugin); $this->assertEquals($plugin, $fakeServer->getPlugin('acl')); return $fakeServer; } function testDepth1() { $xml = ' user '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '1', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/principals', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(400, $server->httpResponse->getStatus(), $server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString()); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); } function testUnknownSearchField() { $xml = ' user '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/principals', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->getStatus(), "Full body: " . $server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString()); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'Vary' => ['Brief,Prefer'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); } function testCorrect() { $xml = ' user '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, $server->httpResponse->body); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'Vary' => ['Brief,Prefer'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); $check = [ '/d:multistatus', '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 4, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 4, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:getcontentlength' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:status' => 4, ]; $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->body); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:'); foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) { $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1; $result = $xml->xpath($xpath); $count = 1; if (!is_int($v1)) $count = $v2; $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected ' . $count . ' appearances of ' . $xpath . ' . We found ' . count($result) . '. Full response body: ' . $server->httpResponse->body); } } function testAND() { $xml = ' user bar '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, $server->httpResponse->body); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'Vary' => ['Brief,Prefer'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); $check = [ '/d:multistatus', '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:getcontentlength' => 0, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:status' => 0, ]; $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->body); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:'); foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) { $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1; $result = $xml->xpath($xpath); $count = 1; if (!is_int($v1)) $count = $v2; $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected ' . $count . ' appearances of ' . $xpath . ' . We found ' . count($result) . '. Full response body: ' . $server->httpResponse->body); } } function testOR() { $xml = ' user bar '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, $server->httpResponse->body); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'Vary' => ['Brief,Prefer'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); $check = [ '/d:multistatus', '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 4, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 4, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:getcontentlength' => 2, '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:status' => 4, ]; $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->body); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:'); foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) { $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1; $result = $xml->xpath($xpath); $count = 1; if (!is_int($v1)) $count = $v2; $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected ' . $count . ' appearances of ' . $xpath . ' . We found ' . count($result) . '. Full response body: ' . $server->httpResponse->body); } } function testWrongUri() { $xml = ' user '; $serverVars = [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'REPORT', 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/', ]; $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars); $request->setBody($xml); $server = $this->getServer(); $server->httpRequest = $request; $server->exec(); $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, $server->httpResponse->body); $this->assertEquals([ 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'], 'Vary' => ['Brief,Prefer'], ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders()); $check = [ '/d:multistatus', '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 0, ]; $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->body); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:'); foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) { $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1; $result = $xml->xpath($xpath); $count = 1; if (!is_int($v1)) $count = $v2; $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected ' . $count . ' appearances of ' . $xpath . ' . We found ' . count($result) . '. Full response body: ' . $server->httpResponse->body); } } } class MockPlugin extends Plugin { function getCurrentUserPrivilegeSet($node) { return [ '{DAV:}read', '{DAV:}write', ]; } }