put('hi'); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden */ public function testGet() { $file = new FileMock(); $file->get(); } public function testGetSize() { $file = new FileMock(); $this->assertEquals(0,$file->getSize()); } public function testGetETag() { $file = new FileMock(); $this->assertNull($file->getETag()); } public function testGetContentType() { $file = new FileMock(); $this->assertNull($file->getContentType()); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden */ public function testDelete() { $file = new FileMock(); $file->delete(); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden */ public function testSetName() { $file = new FileMock(); $file->setName('hi'); } public function testGetLastModified() { $file = new FileMock(); // checking if lastmod is within the range of a few seconds $lastMod = $file->getLastModified(); $compareTime = ($lastMod + 1)-time(); $this->assertTrue($compareTime < 3); } public function testGetChild() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $file = $dir->getChild('mockfile'); $this->assertTrue($file instanceof FileMock); } public function testChildExists() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $this->assertTrue($dir->childExists('mockfile')); } public function testChildExistsFalse() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $this->assertFalse($dir->childExists('mockfile2')); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound */ public function testGetChild404() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $file = $dir->getChild('blabla'); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden */ public function testCreateFile() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $dir->createFile('hello','data'); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\Forbidden */ public function testCreateDirectory() { $dir = new DirectoryMock(); $dir->createDirectory('hello'); } public function testSimpleDirectoryConstruct() { $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir',array()); } /** * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct */ public function testSimpleDirectoryConstructChild() { $file = new FileMock(); $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir',array($file)); $file2 = $dir->getChild('mockfile'); $this->assertEquals($file,$file2); } /** * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct */ public function testSimpleDirectoryBadParam() { $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir',array('string shouldn\'t be here')); } /** * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct */ public function testSimpleDirectoryAddChild() { $file = new FileMock(); $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir'); $dir->addChild($file); $file2 = $dir->getChild('mockfile'); $this->assertEquals($file,$file2); } /** * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct * @depends testSimpleDirectoryAddChild */ public function testSimpleDirectoryGetChildren() { $file = new FileMock(); $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir'); $dir->addChild($file); $this->assertEquals(array($file),$dir->getChildren()); } /* * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct */ public function testSimpleDirectoryGetName() { $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir'); $this->assertEquals('simpledir',$dir->getName()); } /** * @depends testSimpleDirectoryConstruct * @expectedException Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound */ public function testSimpleDirectoryGetChild404() { $dir = new SimpleCollection('simpledir'); $dir->getChild('blabla'); } } class DirectoryMock extends Collection { function getName() { return 'mockdir'; } function getChildren() { return array(new FileMock()); } } class FileMock extends File { function getName() { return 'mockfile'; } }