<?php namespace Sabre\DAVACL; use Sabre\DAV; use Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil; /** * Principals Collection * * This is a helper class that easily allows you to create a collection that * has a childnode for every principal. * * To use this class, simply implement the getChildForPrincipal method. * * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/) * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/) * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ abstract class AbstractPrincipalCollection extends DAV\Collection implements IPrincipalCollection { /** * Principal backend * * @var PrincipalBackend\BackendInterface */ protected $principalBackend; /** * The path to the principals we're listing from. * * @var string */ protected $principalPrefix; /** * If this value is set to true, it effectively disables listing of users * it still allows user to find other users if they have an exact url. * * @var bool */ public $disableListing = false; /** * Creates the object * * This object must be passed the principal backend. This object will * filter all principals from a specified prefix ($principalPrefix). The * default is 'principals', if your principals are stored in a different * collection, override $principalPrefix * * * @param PrincipalBackend\BackendInterface $principalBackend * @param string $principalPrefix */ function __construct(PrincipalBackend\BackendInterface $principalBackend, $principalPrefix = 'principals') { $this->principalPrefix = $principalPrefix; $this->principalBackend = $principalBackend; } /** * This method returns a node for a principal. * * The passed array contains principal information, and is guaranteed to * at least contain a uri item. Other properties may or may not be * supplied by the authentication backend. * * @param array $principalInfo * @return IPrincipal */ abstract function getChildForPrincipal(array $principalInfo); /** * Returns the name of this collection. * * @return string */ function getName() { list(, $name) = URLUtil::splitPath($this->principalPrefix); return $name; } /** * Return the list of users * * @return array */ function getChildren() { if ($this->disableListing) throw new DAV\Exception\MethodNotAllowed('Listing members of this collection is disabled'); $children = []; foreach ($this->principalBackend->getPrincipalsByPrefix($this->principalPrefix) as $principalInfo) { $children[] = $this->getChildForPrincipal($principalInfo); } return $children; } /** * Returns a child object, by its name. * * @param string $name * @throws DAV\Exception\NotFound * @return IPrincipal */ function getChild($name) { $principalInfo = $this->principalBackend->getPrincipalByPath($this->principalPrefix . '/' . $name); if (!$principalInfo) throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('Principal with name ' . $name . ' not found'); return $this->getChildForPrincipal($principalInfo); } /** * This method is used to search for principals matching a set of * properties. * * This search is specifically used by RFC3744's principal-property-search * REPORT. You should at least allow searching on * http://sabredav.org/ns}email-address. * * The actual search should be a unicode-non-case-sensitive search. The * keys in searchProperties are the WebDAV property names, while the values * are the property values to search on. * * By default, if multiple properties are submitted to this method, the * various properties should be combined with 'AND'. If $test is set to * 'anyof', it should be combined using 'OR'. * * This method should simply return a list of 'child names', which may be * used to call $this->getChild in the future. * * @param array $searchProperties * @param string $test * @return array */ function searchPrincipals(array $searchProperties, $test = 'allof') { $result = $this->principalBackend->searchPrincipals($this->principalPrefix, $searchProperties, $test); $r = []; foreach ($result as $row) { list(, $r[]) = URLUtil::splitPath($row); } return $r; } /** * Finds a principal by its URI. * * This method may receive any type of uri, but mailto: addresses will be * the most common. * * Implementation of this API is optional. It is currently used by the * CalDAV system to find principals based on their email addresses. If this * API is not implemented, some features may not work correctly. * * This method must return a relative principal path, or null, if the * principal was not found or you refuse to find it. * * @param string $uri * @return string */ function findByUri($uri) { return $this->principalBackend->findByUri($uri, $this->principalPrefix); } }