#!/usr/bin/env php [ 'init', 'test', 'clean', ], 'markrelease' => [ 'init', 'test', 'clean', ], 'clean' => [], 'test' => [ 'composerupdate', ], 'init' => [], 'composerupdate' => [], ]; $default = 'buildzip'; $baseDir = __DIR__.'/../'; chdir($baseDir); $currentTask = $default; if ($argc > 1) { $currentTask = $argv[1]; } $version = null; if ($argc > 2) { $version = $argv[2]; } if (!isset($tasks[$currentTask])) { echo 'Task not found: ', $currentTask, "\n"; die(1); } // Creating the dependency graph $newTaskList = []; $oldTaskList = [$currentTask => true]; while (count($oldTaskList) > 0) { foreach ($oldTaskList as $task => $foo) { if (!isset($tasks[$task])) { echo 'Dependency not found: '.$task, "\n"; die(1); } $dependencies = $tasks[$task]; $fullFilled = true; foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { if (isset($newTaskList[$dependency])) { // Already in the fulfilled task list. continue; } else { $oldTaskList[$dependency] = true; $fullFilled = false; } } if ($fullFilled) { unset($oldTaskList[$task]); $newTaskList[$task] = 1; } } } foreach (array_keys($newTaskList) as $task) { echo 'task: '.$task, "\n"; call_user_func($task); echo "\n"; } function init() { global $version; if (!$version) { include __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; $version = Sabre\DAV\Version::VERSION; } echo ' Building sabre/dav '.$version, "\n"; } function clean() { global $baseDir; echo " Removing build files\n"; $outputDir = $baseDir.'/build/SabreDAV'; if (is_dir($outputDir)) { system('rm -r '.$baseDir.'/build/SabreDAV'); } } function composerupdate() { global $baseDir; echo " Updating composer packages to latest version\n\n"; system('cd '.$baseDir.'; composer update'); } function test() { global $baseDir; echo " Running all unittests.\n"; echo " This may take a while.\n\n"; system(__DIR__.'/phpunit --configuration '.$baseDir.'/tests/phpunit.xml.dist --stop-on-failure', $code); if (0 != $code) { echo "PHPUnit reported error code $code\n"; die(1); } } function buildzip() { global $baseDir, $version; echo " Generating composer.json\n"; $input = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../composer.json'), true); $newComposer = [ 'require' => $input['require'], 'config' => [ 'bin-dir' => './bin', ], 'prefer-stable' => true, 'minimum-stability' => 'alpha', ]; unset( $newComposer['require']['sabre/vobject'], $newComposer['require']['sabre/http'], $newComposer['require']['sabre/uri'], $newComposer['require']['sabre/event'] ); $newComposer['require']['sabre/dav'] = $version; mkdir('build/SabreDAV'); file_put_contents('build/SabreDAV/composer.json', json_encode($newComposer, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); echo " Downloading dependencies\n"; system('cd build/SabreDAV; composer install -n', $code); if (0 !== $code) { echo "Composer reported error code $code\n"; die(1); } echo " Removing pointless files\n"; unlink('build/SabreDAV/composer.json'); unlink('build/SabreDAV/composer.lock'); echo " Moving important files to the root of the project\n"; $fileNames = [ 'CHANGELOG.md', 'LICENSE', 'README.md', 'examples', ]; foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) { echo " $fileName\n"; rename('build/SabreDAV/vendor/sabre/dav/'.$fileName, 'build/SabreDAV/'.$fileName); } // echo "\n"; echo "Zipping the sabredav distribution\n\n"; system('cd build; zip -qr sabredav-'.$version.'.zip SabreDAV'); echo 'Done.'; }