language: php sudo: required branches: only: - master php: - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 env: global: - SABRE_MYSQLUSER="root" - SABRE_MYSQLPASS="" - SABRE_MYSQLDSN="mysql:host=;dbname=sabredav_test" - RUN_PHPSTAN="FALSE" matrix: - PREFER_LOWEST="" TEST_DEPS="" REPORT_COVERAGE="TRUE" WITH_COVERAGE="--coverage-clover=coverage.xml" - PREFER_LOWEST="--prefer-lowest" TEST_DEPS="tests/Sabre/" REPORT_COVERAGE="FALSE" WITH_COVERAGE="" matrix: include: - name: 'PHPStan' php: 7.4 env: - RUN_PHPSTAN="TRUE" - REPORT_COVERAGE="FALSE" - name: 'Test with streaming propfind' php: 7.2 env: - RUN_TEST_WITH_STREAMING_PROPFIND="TRUE" - REPORT_COVERAGE="FALSE" fast_finish: true services: - mysql - postgresql before_script: - mysql -u root -h -e 'create database sabredav_test' - psql -c "create database sabredav_test" -U postgres - psql -c "create user sabredav with PASSWORD 'sabredav';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE sabredav_test TO sabredav" -U postgres - composer update $PREFER_LOWEST addons: postgresql: "9.5" script: - if [ $RUN_PHPSTAN == "FALSE" ]; then php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --diff; fi - if [ $RUN_PHPSTAN == "FALSE" ]; then php vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml $WITH_COVERAGE $TEST_DEPS; fi - if [ $RUN_PHPSTAN == "FALSE" ]; then rm -f ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/xdebug.ini; fi - if [ $RUN_PHPSTAN == "TRUE" ]; then composer phpstan; fi after_success: - if [ $REPORT_COVERAGE == "TRUE" ]; then bash <(curl -s; fi cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache