* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Ramsey\Uuid\Provider\Node; use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\NodeException; use Ramsey\Uuid\Provider\NodeProviderInterface; use Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Hexadecimal; /** * FallbackNodeProvider retrieves the system node ID by stepping through a list * of providers until a node ID can be obtained */ class FallbackNodeProvider implements NodeProviderInterface { /** * @param iterable $providers Array of node providers */ public function __construct(private iterable $providers) { } public function getNode(): Hexadecimal { $lastProviderException = null; foreach ($this->providers as $provider) { try { return $provider->getNode(); } catch (NodeException $exception) { $lastProviderException = $exception; continue; } } throw new NodeException( 'Unable to find a suitable node provider', 0, $lastProviderException ); } }