# ramsey/uuid Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added ### Changed ### Deprecated ### Removed ### Fixed ### Security ## [4.1.1] - 2020-08-18 ### Fixed * Allow use of brick/math version 0.9 ## [4.1.0] - 2020-07-28 ### Changed * Improve performance of `Uuid::fromString()`, `Uuid::fromBytes()`, `UuidInterface#toString()`, and `UuidInterface#getBytes()`. See PR [#324](https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/pull/324) for more information. ## [4.0.1] - 2020-03-29 ### Fixed * Fix collection deserialization errors due to upstream `allowed_classes` being set to `false`. For details, see [ramsey/uuid#303](https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/issues/303) and [ramsey/collection#47](https://github.com/ramsey/collection/issues/47). ## [4.0.0] - 2020-03-22 ### Added * Add support for version 6 UUIDs, as defined by <http://gh.peabody.io/uuidv6/>, including the static method `Uuid::uuid6()`, which returns a `Nonstandard\UuidV6` instance. * Add ability to generate version 2 (DCE Security) UUIDs, including the static method `Uuid::uuid2()`, which returns an `Rfc4122\UuidV2` instance. * Add classes to represent each version of RFC 4122 UUID. When generating new UUIDs or creating UUIDs from existing strings, bytes, or integers, if the UUID is an RFC 4122 variant, one of these instances will be returned: * `Rfc4122\UuidV1` * `Rfc4122\UuidV2` * `Rfc4122\UuidV3` * `Rfc4122\UuidV4` * `Rfc4122\UuidV5` * `Rfc4122\NilUuid` * Add classes to represent version 6 UUIDs, GUIDs, and nonstandard (non-RFC 4122 variant) UUIDs: * `Nonstandard\UuidV6` * `Guid\Guid` * `Nonstandard\Uuid` * Add `Uuid::fromDateTime()` to create version 1 UUIDs from instances of `\DateTimeInterface`. * The `\DateTimeInterface` instance returned by `UuidInterface::getDateTime()` (and now `Rfc4122\UuidV1::getDateTime()`) now includes microseconds, as specified by the version 1 UUID. * Add `Validator\ValidatorInterface` and `Validator\GenericValidator` to allow flexibility in validating UUIDs/GUIDs. * The default validator continues to validate UUID strings using the same relaxed validation pattern found in the 3.x series of ramsey/uuid. * Introduce `Rfc4122\Validator` that may be used for strict validation of RFC 4122 UUID strings. * Add ability to change the default validator used by `Uuid` through `FeatureSet::setValidator()`. * Add `getValidator()` and `setValidator()` to `UuidFactory`. * Add `Provider\Node\StaticNodeProvider` to assist in setting a custom static node value with the multicast bit set for version 1 UUIDs. * Add the following new exceptions: * `Exception\BuilderNotFoundException` - Thrown to indicate that no suitable UUID builder could be found. * `Exception\DateTimeException` - Thrown to indicate that the PHP DateTime extension encountered an exception/error. * `Exception\DceSecurityException` - Thrown to indicate an exception occurred while dealing with DCE Security (version 2) UUIDs. * `Exception\InvalidArgumentException` - Thrown to indicate that the argument received is not valid. This extends the built-in PHP `\InvalidArgumentException`, so there should be no BC breaks with ramsey/uuid throwing this exception, if you are catching the PHP exception. * `Exception\InvalidBytesException` - Thrown to indicate that the bytes being operated on are invalid in some way. * `Exception\NameException` - Thrown to indicate that an error occurred while attempting to hash a namespace and name. * `Exception\NodeException` - Throw to indicate that attempting to fetch or create a node ID encountered an error. * `Exception\RandomSourceException` - Thrown to indicate that the source of random data encountered an error. * `Exception\TimeSourceException` - Thrown to indicate that the source of time encountered an error. * `Exception\UnableToBuildUuidException` - Thrown to indicate a builder is unable to build a UUID. * Introduce a `Builder\FallbackBuilder`, used by `FeatureSet` to help decide whether to return a `Uuid` or `Nonstandard\Uuid` when decoding a UUID string or bytes. * Add `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` to specifically represent RFC 4122 variant UUIDs. * Add `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder` to build RFC 4122 variant UUIDs. This replaces the existing `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder`, which is now deprecated. * Introduce `Math\CalculatorInterface` for representing calculators to perform arithmetic operations on integers. * Depend on [brick/math](https://github.com/brick/math) for the `Math\BrickMathCalculator`, which is the default calculator used by this library when math cannot be performed in native PHP due to integer size limitations. The calculator is configurable and may be changed, if desired. * Add `Converter\Number\GenericNumberConverter` and `Converter\Time\GenericTimeConverter` which will use the calculator provided to convert numbers and time to values for UUIDs. * Introduce `Type\Hexadecimal`, `Type\Integer`, `Type\Decimal`, and `Type\Time` for improved type-safety when dealing with arbitrary string values. * Add a `Type\TypeInterface` that each of the ramsey/uuid types implements. * Add `Fields\FieldsInterface` and `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` to define field layouts for UUID variants. The implementations `Rfc4122\Fields`, `Guid\Fields`, and `Nonstandard\Fields` store the 16-byte, binary string representation of the UUID internally, and these manage conversion of the binary string into the hexadecimal field values. * Introduce `Builder\BuilderCollection` and `Provider\Node\NodeProviderCollection`. These are typed collections for providing builders and node providers to `Builder\FallbackBuilder` and `Provider\Node\FallbackNodeProvider`, respectively. * Add `Generator\NameGeneratorInterface` to support alternate methods of generating bytes for version 3 and version 5 name-based UUID. By default, ramsey/uuid uses the `Generator\DefaultNameGenerator`, which uses the standard algorithm this library has used since the beginning. You may choose to use the new `Generator\PeclUuidNameGenerator` to make use of the new `uuid_generate_md5()` and `uuid_generate_sha1()` functions in [ext-uuid version 1.1.0](https://pecl.php.net/package/uuid). ### Changed * Set minimum required PHP version to 7.2. * This library now works on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, with no degradation in functionality. * By default, the following static methods will now return specific instance types. This should not cause any BC breaks if typehints target `UuidInterface`: * `Uuid::uuid1` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV1` * `Uuid::uuid3` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV3` * `Uuid::uuid4` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV4` * `Uuid::uuid5` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV5` * Accept `Type\Hexadecimal` for the `$node` parameter for `UuidFactoryInterface::uuid1()`. This is in addition to the `int|string` types already accepted, so there are no BC breaks. `Type\Hexadecimal` is now the recommended type to pass for `$node`. * Out of the box, `Uuid::fromString()`, `Uuid::fromBytes()`, and `Uuid::fromInteger()` will now return either an `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` instance or an instance of `Nonstandard\Uuid`, depending on whether the input contains an RFC 4122 variant UUID with a valid version identifier. Both implement `UuidInterface`, so BC breaks should not occur if typehints use the interface. * Change `Uuid::getFields()` to return an instance of `Fields\FieldsInterface`. Previously, it returned an array of integer values (on 64-bit systems only). * `Uuid::getDateTime()` now returns an instance of `\DateTimeImmutable` instead of `\DateTime`. * Make the following changes to `UuidInterface`: * `getHex()` now returns a `Type\Hexadecimal` instance. * `getInteger()` now returns a `Type\Integer` instance. The `Type\Integer` instance holds a string representation of a 128-bit integer. You may then use a math library of your choice (bcmath, gmp, etc.) to operate on the string integer. * `getDateTime()` now returns `\DateTimeInterface` instead of `\DateTime`. * Add `__toString()` method. * Add `getFields()` method. It returns an instance of `Fields\FieldsInterface`. * Add the following new methods to `UuidFactoryInterface`: * `uuid2()` * `uuid6()` * `fromDateTime()` * `fromInteger()` * `getValidator()` * This library no longer throws generic exceptions. However, this should not result in BC breaks, since the new exceptions extend from built-in PHP exceptions that this library previously threw. * `Exception\UnsupportedOperationException` is now descended from `\LogicException`. Previously, it descended from `\RuntimeException`. * Change required constructor parameters for `Uuid`: * Change the first required constructor parameter for `Uuid` from `array $fields` to `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface $fields`. * Add `Converter\TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter` as the fourth required constructor parameter for `Uuid`. * Change the second required parameter of `Builder\UuidBuilderInterface::build()` from `array $fields` to `string $bytes`. Rather than accepting an array of hexadecimal strings as UUID fields, the `build()` method now expects a byte string. * Add `Converter\TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter` as the second required constructor parameter for `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder`. This also affects the now-deprecated `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder`, since this class now inherits from `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder`. * Add `convertTime()` method to `Converter\TimeConverterInterface`. * Add `getTime()` method to `Provider\TimeProviderInterface`. It replaces the `currentTime()` method. * `Provider\Node\FallbackNodeProvider` now accepts only a `Provider\Node\NodeProviderCollection` as its constructor parameter. * `Provider\Time\FixedTimeProvider` no longer accepts an array but accepts only `Type\Time` instances. * `Provider\NodeProviderInterface::getNode()` now returns `Type\Hexadecimal` instead of `string|false|null`. * `Converter/TimeConverterInterface::calculateTime()` now returns `Type\Hexadecimal` instead of `array`. The value is the full UUID timestamp value (count of 100-nanosecond intervals since the Gregorian calendar epoch) in hexadecimal format. * Change methods in `NumberConverterInterface` to accept and return string values instead of `mixed`; this simplifies the interface and makes it consistent. * `Generator\DefaultTimeGenerator` no longer adds the variant and version bits to the bytes it returns. These must be applied to the bytes afterwards. * When encoding to bytes or decoding from bytes, `OrderedTimeCodec` now checks whether the UUID is an RFC 4122 variant, version 1 UUID. If not, it will throw an exception—`InvalidArgumentException` when using `OrderedTimeCodec::encodeBinary()` and `UnsupportedOperationException` when using `OrderedTimeCodec::decodeBytes()`. ### Deprecated The following functionality is deprecated and will be removed in ramsey/uuid 5.0.0. * The following methods from `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` are deprecated. Use their counterparts on the `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` returned by `Uuid::getFields()`. * `getClockSeqHiAndReservedHex()` * `getClockSeqLowHex()` * `getClockSequenceHex()` * `getFieldsHex()` * `getNodeHex()` * `getTimeHiAndVersionHex()` * `getTimeLowHex()` * `getTimeMidHex()` * `getTimestampHex()` * `getVariant()` * `getVersion()` * The following methods from `Uuid` are deprecated. Use the `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` instance returned by `Uuid::getFields()` to get the `Type\Hexadecimal` value for these fields. You may use the new `Math\CalculatorInterface::toIntegerValue()` method to convert the `Type\Hexadecimal` instances to instances of `Type\Integer`. This library provides `Math\BrickMathCalculator`, which may be used for this purpose, or you may use the arbitrary-precision arithemetic library of your choice. * `getClockSeqHiAndReserved()` * `getClockSeqLow()` * `getClockSequence()` * `getNode()` * `getTimeHiAndVersion()` * `getTimeLow()` * `getTimeMid()` * `getTimestamp()` * `getDateTime()` on `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` is deprecated. Use this method only on instances of `Rfc4122\UuidV1` or `Nonstandard\UuidV6`. * `getUrn()` on `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` is deprecated. It is available on `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` and classes that implement it. * The following methods are deprecated and have no direct replacements. However, you may obtain the same information by calling `UuidInterface::getHex()` and splitting the return value in half. * `UuidInterface::getLeastSignificantBitsHex()` * `UuidInterface::getMostSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getLeastSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getMostSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getLeastSignificantBits()` * `Uuid::getMostSignificantBits()` * `UuidInterface::getNumberConverter()` and `Uuid::getNumberConverter()` are deprecated. There is no alternative recommendation, so plan accordingly. * `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder` is deprecated; transition to `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder`. * `Converter\Number\BigNumberConverter` is deprecated; transition to `Converter\Number\GenericNumberConverter`. * `Converter\Time\BigNumberTimeConverter` is deprecated; transition to `Converter\Time\GenericTimeConverter`. * The classes for representing and generating *degraded* UUIDs are deprecated. These are no longer necessary; this library now behaves the same on 32-bit and 64-bit systems. * `Builder\DegradedUuidBuilder` * `Converter\Number\DegradedNumberConverter` * `Converter\Time\DegradedTimeConverter` * `DegradedUuid` * The `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_IDENTIFIER` constant is deprecated. Use `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_DCE_SECURITY` instead. * The `Uuid::VALID_PATTERN` constant is deprecated. Use `Validator\GenericValidator::getPattern()` or `Rfc4122\Validator::getPattern()` instead. ### Removed * Remove the following bytes generators and recommend `Generator\RandomBytesGenerator` as a suitable replacement: * `Generator\MtRandGenerator` * `Generator\OpenSslGenerator` * `Generator\SodiumRandomGenerator` * Remove `Exception\UnsatisfiedDependencyException`. This library no longer throws this exception. * Remove the method `Provider\TimeProviderInterface::currentTime()`. Use `Provider\TimeProviderInterface::getTime()` instead. ## [4.0.0-beta2] - 2020-03-01 ## Added * Add missing convenience methods for `Rfc4122\UuidV2`. * Add `Provider\Node\StaticNodeProvider` to assist in setting a custom static node value with the multicast bit set for version 1 UUIDs. ## Changed * `Provider\NodeProviderInterface::getNode()` now returns `Type\Hexadecimal` instead of `string|false|null`. ## [4.0.0-beta1] - 2020-02-27 ### Added * Add `ValidatorInterface::getPattern()` to return the regular expression pattern used by the validator. * Add `v6()` helper function for version 6 UUIDs. ### Changed * Set the pattern constants on validators as `private`. Use the `getPattern()` method instead. * Change the `$node` parameter for `UuidFactoryInterface::uuid6()` to accept `null` or `Type\Hexadecimal`. * Accept `Type\Hexadecimal` for the `$node` parameter for `UuidFactoryInterface::uuid1()`. This is in addition to the `int|string` types already accepted, so there are no BC breaks. `Type\Hexadecimal` is now the recommended type to pass for `$node`. ### Removed * Remove `currentTime()` method from `Provider\Time\FixedTimeProvider` and `Provider\Time\SystemTimeProvider`; it had previously been removed from `Provider\TimeProviderInterface`. ## [4.0.0-alpha5] - 2020-02-23 ### Added * Introduce `Builder\BuilderCollection` and `Provider\Node\NodeProviderCollection`. ### Changed * `Builder\FallbackBuilder` now accepts only a `Builder\BuilderCollection` as its constructor parameter. * `Provider\Node\FallbackNodeProvider` now accepts only a `Provider\Node\NodeProviderCollection` as its constructor parameter. * `Provider\Time\FixedTimeProvider` no longer accepts an array but accepts only `Type\Time` instances. ## [4.0.0-alpha4] - 2020-02-23 ### Added * Add a `Type\TypeInterface` that each of the ramsey/uuid types implements. * Support version 6 UUIDs; see <http://gh.peabody.io/uuidv6/>. ### Changed * Rename `Type\IntegerValue` to `Type\Integer`. It was originally named `IntegerValue` because static analysis sees `Integer` in docblock annotations and treats it as the native `int` type. `Integer` is not a reserved word in PHP, so it should be named `Integer` for consistency with other types in this library. When using it, a class alias prevents static analysis from complaining. * Mark `Guid\Guid` and `Nonstandard\Uuid` classes as `final`. * Add `uuid6()` method to `UuidFactoryInterface`. ### Deprecated * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_IDENTIFIER` is deprecated. Use `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_DCE_SECURITY` instead. * `Uuid::VALID_PATTERN` is deprecated. Use `Validator\GenericValidator::VALID_PATTERN` instead. ## [4.0.0-alpha3] - 2020-02-21 ### Fixed * Fix microsecond rounding error on 32-bit systems. ## [4.0.0-alpha2] - 2020-02-21 ### Added * Add `Uuid::fromDateTime()` to create version 1 UUIDs from instances of `\DateTimeInterface`. * Add `Generator\NameGeneratorInterface` to support alternate methods of generating bytes for version 3 and version 5 name-based UUID. By default, ramsey/uuid uses the `Generator\DefaultNameGenerator`, which uses the standard algorithm this library has used since the beginning. You may choose to use the new `Generator\PeclUuidNameGenerator` to make use of the new `uuid_generate_md5()` and `uuid_generate_sha1()` functions in ext-uuid version 1.1.0. ### Changed * Add `fromDateTime()` method to `UuidFactoryInterface`. * Change `UuidInterface::getHex()` to return a `Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Hexadecimal` instance. * Change `UuidInterface::getInteger()` to return a `Ramsey\Uuid\Type\IntegerValue` instance. ### Fixed * Round microseconds to six digits when getting DateTime from v1 UUIDs. This circumvents a needless exception for an otherwise valid time-based UUID. ## [4.0.0-alpha1] - 2020-01-22 ### Added * Add `Validator\ValidatorInterface` and `Validator\GenericValidator` to allow flexibility in validating UUIDs/GUIDs. * Add ability to change the default validator used by `Uuid` through `FeatureSet::setValidator()`. * Add `getValidator()` and `setValidator()` to `UuidFactory`. * Add an internal `InvalidArgumentException` that descends from the built-in PHP `\InvalidArgumentException`. All places that used to throw `\InvalidArgumentException` now throw `Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\InvalidArgumentException`. This should not cause any BC breaks, however. * Add an internal `DateTimeException` that descends from the built-in PHP `\RuntimeException`. `Uuid::getDateTime()` may throw this exception if `\DateTimeImmutable` throws an error or exception. * Add `RandomSourceException` that descends from the built-in PHP `\RuntimeException`. `DefaultTimeGenerator`, `RandomBytesGenerator`, and `RandomNodeProvider` may throw this exception if `random_bytes()` or `random_int()` throw an error or exception. * Add `Fields\FieldsInterface` and `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` to define field layouts for UUID variants. The implementations `Rfc4122\Fields`, `Guid\Fields`, and `Nonstandard\Fields` store the 16-byte, binary string representation of the UUID internally, and these manage conversion of the binary string into the hexadecimal field values. * Add `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` to specifically represent RFC 4122 variant UUIDs. * Add classes to represent each version of RFC 4122 UUID. When generating new UUIDs or creating UUIDs from existing strings, bytes, or integers, if the UUID is an RFC 4122 variant, one of these instances will be returned: * `Rfc4122\UuidV1` * `Rfc4122\UuidV2` * `Rfc4122\UuidV3` * `Rfc4122\UuidV4` * `Rfc4122\UuidV5` * `Rfc4122\NilUuid` * Add `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder` to build RFC 4122 variant UUIDs. This replaces the existing `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder`, which is now deprecated. * Add ability to generate version 2 (DCE Security) UUIDs, including the static method `Uuid::uuid2()`, which returns an `Rfc4122\UuidV2` instance. * Add classes to represent GUIDs and nonstandard (non-RFC 4122 variant) UUIDs: * `Guid\Guid` * `Nonstandard\Uuid`. * Introduce a `Builder\FallbackBuilder`, used by `FeatureSet` to help decide whether to return a `Uuid` or `Nonstandard\Uuid` when decoding a UUID string or bytes. * Introduce `Type\Hexadecimal`, `Type\IntegerValue`, and `Type\Time` for improved type-safety when dealing with arbitrary string values. * Introduce `Math\CalculatorInterface` for representing calculators to perform arithmetic operations on integers. * Depend on [brick/math](https://github.com/brick/math) for the `Math\BrickMathCalculator`, which is the default calculator used by this library when math cannot be performed in native PHP due to integer size limitations. The calculator is configurable and may be changed, if desired. * Add `Converter\Number\GenericNumberConverter` and `Converter\Time\GenericTimeConverter` which will use the calculator provided to convert numbers and time to values for UUIDs. * The `\DateTimeInterface` instance returned by `UuidInterface::getDateTime()` (and now `Rfc4122\UuidV1::getDateTime()`) now includes microseconds, as specified by the version 1 UUID. ### Changed * Set minimum required PHP version to 7.2. * Add `__toString()` method to `UuidInterface`. * The `UuidInterface::getDateTime()` method now specifies `\DateTimeInterface` as the return value, rather than `\DateTime`; `Uuid::getDateTime()` now returns an instance of `\DateTimeImmutable` instead of `\DateTime`. * Add `getFields()` method to `UuidInterface`. * Add `getValidator()` method to `UuidFactoryInterface`. * Add `uuid2()` method to `UuidFactoryInterface`. * Add `convertTime()` method to `Converter\TimeConverterInterface`. * Add `getTime()` method to `Provider\TimeProviderInterface`. * Change `Uuid::getFields()` to return an instance of `Fields\FieldsInterface`. Previously, it returned an array of integer values (on 64-bit systems only). * Change the first required constructor parameter for `Uuid` from `array $fields` to `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface $fields`. * Introduce `Converter\TimeConverterInterface $timeConverter` as fourth required constructor parameter for `Uuid` and second required constructor parameter for `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder`. * Change `UuidInterface::getInteger()` to always return a `string` value instead of `mixed`. This is a string representation of a 128-bit integer. You may then use a math library of your choice (bcmath, gmp, etc.) to operate on the string integer. * Change the second required parameter of `Builder\UuidBuilderInterface::build()` from `array $fields` to `string $bytes`. Rather than accepting an array of hexadecimal strings as UUID fields, the `build()` method now expects a byte string. * `Generator\DefaultTimeGenerator` no longer adds the variant and version bits to the bytes it returns. These must be applied to the bytes afterwards. * `Converter/TimeConverterInterface::calculateTime()` now returns `Type\Hexadecimal` instead of `array`. The value is the full UUID timestamp value (count of 100-nanosecond intervals since the Gregorian calendar epoch) in hexadecimal format. * Change methods in converter interfaces to accept and return string values instead of `mixed`; this simplifies the interface and makes it consistent: * `NumberConverterInterface::fromHex(string $hex): string` * `NumberConverterInterface::toHex(string $number): string` * `TimeConverterInterface::calculateTime(string $seconds, string $microseconds): array` * `UnsupportedOperationException` is now descended from `\LogicException`. Previously, it descended from `\RuntimeException`. * When encoding to bytes or decoding from bytes, `OrderedTimeCodec` now checks whether the UUID is an RFC 4122 variant, version 1 UUID. If not, it will throw an exception—`InvalidArgumentException` when using `OrderedTimeCodec::encodeBinary()` and `UnsupportedOperationException` when using `OrderedTimeCodec::decodeBytes()`. * Out of the box, `Uuid::fromString()`, `Uuid::fromBytes()`, and `Uuid::fromInteger()` will now return either an `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` instance or an instance of `Nonstandard\Uuid`, depending on whether the input contains an RFC 4122 variant UUID with a valid version identifier. Both implement `UuidInterface`, so BC breaks should not occur if typehints use the interface. * By default, the following static methods will now return the specific instance types. This should not cause any BC breaks if typehints target `UuidInterface`: * `Uuid::uuid1` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV1` * `Uuid::uuid3` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV3` * `Uuid::uuid4` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV4` * `Uuid::uuid5` returns `Rfc4122\UuidV5` ### Deprecated The following functionality is deprecated and will be removed in ramsey/uuid 5.0.0. * The following methods from `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` are deprecated. Use their counterparts on the `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` returned by `Uuid::getFields()`. * `getClockSeqHiAndReservedHex()` * `getClockSeqLowHex()` * `getClockSequenceHex()` * `getFieldsHex()` * `getNodeHex()` * `getTimeHiAndVersionHex()` * `getTimeLowHex()` * `getTimeMidHex()` * `getTimestampHex()` * `getVariant()` * `getVersion()` * The following methods from `Uuid` are deprecated. Use the `Rfc4122\FieldsInterface` instance returned by `Uuid::getFields()` to get the `Type\Hexadecimal` value for these fields, and then use the arbitrary-precision arithmetic library of your choice to convert them to string integers. * `getClockSeqHiAndReserved()` * `getClockSeqLow()` * `getClockSequence()` * `getNode()` * `getTimeHiAndVersion()` * `getTimeLow()` * `getTimeMid()` * `getTimestamp()` * `getDateTime()` on `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` is deprecated. Use this method only on instances of `Rfc4122\UuidV1`. * `getUrn()` on `UuidInterface` and `Uuid` is deprecated. It is available on `Rfc4122\UuidInterface` and classes that implement it. * The following methods are deprecated and have no direct replacements. However, you may obtain the same information by calling `UuidInterface::getHex()` and splitting the return value in half. * `UuidInterface::getLeastSignificantBitsHex()` * `UuidInterface::getMostSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getLeastSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getMostSignificantBitsHex()` * `Uuid::getLeastSignificantBits()` * `Uuid::getMostSignificantBits()` * `UuidInterface::getNumberConverter()` and `Uuid::getNumberConverter()` are deprecated. There is no alternative recommendation, so plan accordingly. * `Builder\DefaultUuidBuilder` is deprecated; transition to `Rfc4122\UuidBuilder`. * `Converter\Number\BigNumberConverter` is deprecated; transition to `Converter\Number\GenericNumberConverter`. * `Converter\Time\BigNumberTimeConverter` is deprecated; transition to `Converter\Time\GenericTimeConverter`. * `Provider\TimeProviderInterface::currentTime()` is deprecated; transition to the `getTimestamp()` method on the same interface. * The classes for representing and generating *degraded* UUIDs are deprecated. These are no longer necessary; this library now behaves the same on 32-bit and 64-bit PHP. * `Builder\DegradedUuidBuilder` * `Converter\Number\DegradedNumberConverter` * `Converter\Time\DegradedTimeConverter` * `DegradedUuid` ### Removed * Remove the following bytes generators and recommend `Generator\RandomBytesGenerator` as a suitable replacement: * `Generator\MtRandGenerator` * `Generator\OpenSslGenerator` * `Generator\SodiumRandomGenerator` * Remove `Exception\UnsatisfiedDependencyException`. This library no longer throws this exception. ## [3.9.3] - 2020-02-20 ### Fixed * For v1 UUIDs, round down for timestamps so that microseconds do not bump the timestamp to the next second. As an example, consider the case of timestamp `1` with `600000` microseconds (`1.600000`). This is the first second after midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC. Previous versions of this library had a bug that would round this to `2`, so the rendered time was `1970-01-01 00:00:02`. This was incorrect. Despite having `600000` microseconds, the time should not round up to the next second. Rather, the time should be `1970-01-01 00:00:01.600000`. Since this version of ramsey/uuid does not support microseconds, the microseconds are dropped, and the time is `1970-01-01 00:00:01`. No rounding should occur. ## [3.9.2] - 2019-12-17 ### Fixed * Check whether files returned by `/sys/class/net/*/address` are readable before attempting to read them. This avoids a PHP warning that was being emitted on hosts that do not grant permission to read these files. ## [3.9.1] - 2019-12-01 ### Fixed * Fix `RandomNodeProvider` behavior on 32-bit systems. The `RandomNodeProvider` was converting a 6-byte string to a decimal number, which is a 48-bit, unsigned integer. This caused problems on 32-bit systems and has now been resolved. ## [3.9.0] - 2019-11-30 ### Added * Add function API as convenience. The functions are available in the `Ramsey\Uuid` namespace. * `v1(int|string|null $node = null, int|null $clockSeq = null): string` * `v3(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name): string` * `v4(): string` * `v5(string|UuidInterface $ns, string $name): string` ### Changed * Use paragonie/random-lib instead of ircmaxell/random-lib. This is a non-breaking change. * Use a high-strength generator by default, when using `RandomLibAdapter`. This is a non-breaking change. ### Deprecated These will be removed in ramsey/uuid version 4.0.0: * `MtRandGenerator`, `OpenSslGenerator`, and `SodiumRandomGenerator` are deprecated in favor of using the default `RandomBytesGenerator`. ### Fixed * Set `ext-json` as a required dependency in `composer.json`. * Use `PHP_OS` instead of `php_uname()` when determining the system OS, for cases when `php_uname()` is disabled for security reasons. ## [3.8.0] - 2018-07-19 ### Added * Support discovery of MAC addresses on FreeBSD systems * Use a polyfill to provide PHP ctype functions when running on systems where the ctype functions are not part of the PHP build * Disallow a trailing newline character when validating UUIDs * Annotate thrown exceptions for improved IDE hinting ## [3.7.3] - 2018-01-19 ### Fixed * Gracefully handle cases where `glob()` returns false when searching `/sys/class/net/*/address` files on Linux * Fix off-by-one error in `DefaultTimeGenerator` ### Security * Switch to `random_int()` from `mt_rand()` for better random numbers ## [3.7.2] - 2018-01-13 ### Fixed * Check sysfs on Linux to determine the node identifier; this provides a reliable way to identify the node on Docker images, etc. ## [3.7.1] - 2017-09-22 ### Fixed * Set the multicast bit for random nodes, according to RFC 4122, §4.5 ### Security * Use `random_bytes()` when generating random nodes ## [3.7.0] - 2017-08-04 ### Added * Add the following UUID version constants: * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_TIME` * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_IDENTIFIER` * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_HASH_MD5` * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_RANDOM` * `Uuid::UUID_TYPE_HASH_SHA1` ## [3.6.1] - 2017-03-26 ### Fixed * Optimize UUID string decoding by using `str_pad()` instead of `sprintf()` ## [3.6.0] - 2017-03-18 ### Added * Add `InvalidUuidStringException`, which is thrown when attempting to decode an invalid string UUID; this does not introduce any BC issues, since the new exception inherits from the previously used `InvalidArgumentException` ### Fixed * Improve memory usage when generating large quantities of UUIDs (use `str_pad()` and `dechex()` instead of `sprintf()`) ## [3.5.2] - 2016-11-22 ### Fixed * Improve test coverage ## [3.5.1] - 2016-10-02 ### Fixed * Fix issue where the same UUIDs were not being treated as equal when using mixed cases ## [3.5.0] - 2016-08-02 ### Added * Add `OrderedTimeCodec` to store UUID in an optimized way for InnoDB ### Fixed * Fix invalid node generation in `RandomNodeProvider` * Avoid multiple unnecessary system calls by caching failed attempt to retrieve system node ## [3.4.1] - 2016-04-23 ### Fixed * Fix test that violated a PHP CodeSniffer rule, breaking the build ## [3.4.0] - 2016-04-23 ### Added * Add `TimestampFirstCombCodec` and `TimestampLastCombCodec` codecs to provide the ability to generate [COMB sequential UUIDs] with the timestamp encoded as either the first 48 bits or the last 48 bits * Improve logic of `CombGenerator` for COMB sequential UUIDs ## [3.3.0] - 2016-03-22 ### Security * Drop the use of OpenSSL as a fallback and use [paragonie/random_compat] to support `RandomBytesGenerator` in versions of PHP earlier than 7.0; this addresses and fixes the [collision issue] ## [3.2.0] - 2016-02-17 ### Added * Add `SodiumRandomGenerator` to allow use of the [PECL libsodium extension] as a random bytes generator when creating UUIDs ## [3.1.0] - 2015-12-17 ### Added * Implement the PHP `Serializable` interface to provide the ability to serialize/unserialize UUID objects ## [3.0.1] - 2015-10-21 ### Added * Adopt the [Contributor Code of Conduct] for this project ## [3.0.0] - 2015-09-28 The 3.0.0 release represents a significant step for the ramsey/uuid library. While the simple and familiar API used in previous versions remains intact, this release provides greater flexibility to integrators, including the ability to inject your own number generators, UUID codecs, node and time providers, and more. *Please note: The changelog for 3.0.0 includes all notes from the alpha and beta versions leading up to this release.* ### Added * Add a number of generators that may be used to override the library defaults for generating random bytes (version 4) or time-based (version 1) UUIDs * `CombGenerator` to allow generation of sequential UUIDs * `OpenSslGenerator` to generate random bytes on systems where `openssql_random_pseudo_bytes()` is present * `MtRandGenerator` to provide a fallback in the event other random generators are not present * `RandomLibAdapter` to allow use of [ircmaxell/random-lib] * `RandomBytesGenerator` for use with PHP 7; ramsey/uuid will default to use this generator when running on PHP 7 * Refactor time-based (version 1) UUIDs into a `TimeGeneratorInterface` to allow for other sources to generate version 1 UUIDs in this library * `PeclUuidTimeGenerator` and `PeclUuidRandomGenerator` for creating version 1 or version 4 UUIDs using the pecl-uuid extension * Add a `setTimeGenerator` method on `UuidFactory` to override the default time generator * Add option to enable `PeclUuidTimeGenerator` via `FeatureSet` * Support GUID generation by configuring a `FeatureSet` to use GUIDs * Allow UUIDs to be serialized as JSON through `JsonSerializable` ### Changed * Change root namespace from "Rhumsaa" to "Ramsey;" in most cases, simply making this change in your applications is the only upgrade path you will need—everything else should work as expected * No longer consider `Uuid` class as `final`; everything is now based around interfaces and factories, allowing you to use this package as a base to implement other kinds of UUIDs with different dependencies * Return an object of type `DegradedUuid` on 32-bit systems to indicate that certain features are not available * Default `RandomLibAdapter` to a medium-strength generator with [ircmaxell/random-lib]; this is configurable, so other generator strengths may be used ### Removed * Remove `PeclUuidFactory` in favor of using pecl-uuid with generators * Remove `timeConverter` and `timeProvider` properties, setters, and getters in both `FeatureSet` and `UuidFactory` as those are now exclusively used by the default `TimeGenerator` * Move UUID [Doctrine field type] to [ramsey/uuid-doctrine] * Move `uuid` console application to [ramsey/uuid-console] * Remove `Uuid::VERSION` package version constant ### Fixed * Improve GUID support to ensure that: * On little endian (LE) architectures, the byte order of the first three fields is LE * On big endian (BE) architectures, it is the same as a GUID * String representation is always the same * Fix exception message for `DegradedNumberConverter::fromHex()` ## [3.0.0-beta1] - 2015-08-31 ### Fixed * Improve GUID support to ensure that: * On little endian (LE) architectures, the byte order of the first three fields is LE * On big endian (BE) architectures, it is the same as a GUID * String representation is always the same * Fix exception message for `DegradedNumberConverter::fromHex()` ## [3.0.0-alpha3] - 2015-07-28 ### Added * Enable use of custom `TimeGenerator` implementations * Add a `setTimeGenerator` method on `UuidFactory` to override the default time generator * Add option to enable `PeclUuidTimeGenerator` via `FeatureSet` ### Removed * Remove `timeConverter` and `timeProvider` properties, setters, and getters in both `FeatureSet` and `UuidFactory` as those are now exclusively used by the default `TimeGenerator` ## [3.0.0-alpha2] - 2015-07-28 ### Added * Refactor time-based (version 1) UUIDs into a `TimeGeneratorInterface` to allow for other sources to generate version 1 UUIDs in this library * Add `PeclUuidTimeGenerator` and `PeclUuidRandomGenerator` for creating version 1 or version 4 UUIDs using the pecl-uuid extension * Add `RandomBytesGenerator` for use with PHP 7. ramsey/uuid will default to use this generator when running on PHP 7 ### Changed * Default `RandomLibAdapter` to a medium-strength generator with [ircmaxell/random-lib]; this is configurable, so other generator strengths may be used ### Removed * Remove `PeclUuidFactory` in favor of using pecl-uuid with generators ## [3.0.0-alpha1] - 2015-07-16 ### Added * Allow dependency injection through `UuidFactory` and/or extending `FeatureSet` to override any package defaults * Add a number of generators that may be used to override the library defaults: * `CombGenerator` to allow generation of sequential UUIDs * `OpenSslGenerator` to generate random bytes on systems where `openssql_random_pseudo_bytes()` is present * `MtRandGenerator` to provide a fallback in the event other random generators are not present * `RandomLibAdapter` to allow use of [ircmaxell/random-lib] * Support GUID generation by configuring a `FeatureSet` to use GUIDs * Allow UUIDs to be serialized as JSON through `JsonSerializable` ### Changed * Change root namespace from "Rhumsaa" to "Ramsey;" in most cases, simply making this change in your applications is the only upgrade path you will need—everything else should work as expected * No longer consider `Uuid` class as `final`; everything is now based around interfaces and factories, allowing you to use this package as a base to implement other kinds of UUIDs with different dependencies * Return an object of type `DegradedUuid` on 32-bit systems to indicate that certain features are not available ### Removed * Move UUID [Doctrine field type] to [ramsey/uuid-doctrine] * Move `uuid` console application to [ramsey/uuid-console] * Remove `Uuid::VERSION` package version constant ## [2.9.0] - 2016-03-22 ### Security * Drop the use of OpenSSL as a fallback and use [paragonie/random_compat] to support `RandomBytesGenerator` in versions of PHP earlier than 7.0; this addresses and fixes the [collision issue] ## [2.8.4] - 2015-12-17 ### Added * Add support for symfony/console v3 in the `uuid` CLI application ## [2.8.3] - 2015-08-31 ### Fixed * Fix exception message in `Uuid::calculateUuidTime()` ## [2.8.2] - 2015-07-23 ### Fixed * Ensure the release tag makes it into the rhumsaa/uuid package ## [2.8.1] - 2015-06-16 ### Fixed * Use `passthru()` and output buffering in `getIfconfig()` * Cache the system node in a static variable so that we process it only once per runtime ## [2.8.0] - 2014-11-09 ### Added * Add static `fromInteger()` method to create UUIDs from string integer or `Moontoast\Math\BigNumber` ### Fixed * Improve Doctrine conversion to Uuid or string for the ramsey/uuid [Doctrine field type] ## [2.7.4] - 2014-10-29 ### Fixed * Change loop in `generateBytes()` from `foreach` to `for` ## [2.7.3] - 2014-08-27 ### Fixed * Fix upper range for `mt_rand` used in version 4 UUIDs ## [2.7.2] - 2014-07-28 ### Changed * Upgrade to PSR-4 autoloading ## [2.7.1] - 2014-02-19 ### Fixed * Move moontoast/math and symfony/console to require-dev * Support symfony/console 2.3 (LTS version) ## [2.7.0] - 2014-01-31 ### Added * Add `Uuid::VALID_PATTERN` constant containing a UUID validation regex pattern ## [2.6.1] - 2014-01-27 ### Fixed * Fix bug where `uuid` console application could not find the Composer autoloader when installed in another project ## [2.6.0] - 2014-01-17 ### Added * Introduce `uuid` console application for generating and decoding UUIDs from CLI (run `./bin/uuid` for details) * Add `Uuid::getInteger()` to retrieve a `Moontoast\Math\BigNumber` representation of the 128-bit integer representing the UUID * Add `Uuid::getHex()` to retrieve the hexadecimal representation of the UUID * Use `netstat` on Linux to capture the node for a version 1 UUID * Require moontoast/math as part of the regular package requirements ## [2.5.0] - 2013-10-30 ### Added * Use `openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()`, if available, to generate random bytes ## [2.4.0] - 2013-07-29 ### Added * Return `null` from `Uuid::getVersion()` if the UUID isn't an RFC 4122 variant * Support string UUIDs without dashes passed to `Uuid::fromString()` ## [2.3.0] - 2013-07-16 ### Added * Support creation of UUIDs from bytes with `Uuid::fromBytes()` ## [2.2.0] - 2013-07-04 ### Added * Add `Doctrine\UuidType::requiresSQLCommentHint()` method ## [2.1.2] - 2013-07-03 ### Fixed * Fix cases where the system node was coming back with uppercase hexadecimal digits; this ensures that case in the node is converted to lowercase ## [2.1.1] - 2013-04-29 ### Fixed * Fix bug in `Uuid::isValid()` where the NIL UUID was not reported as valid ## [2.1.0] - 2013-04-15 ### Added * Allow checking the validity of a UUID through the `Uuid::isValid()` method ## [2.0.0] - 2013-02-11 ### Added * Support UUID generation on 32-bit platforms ### Changed * Mark `Uuid` class `final` * Require moontoast/math on 64-bit platforms for `Uuid::getLeastSignificantBits()` and `Uuid::getMostSignificantBits()`; the integers returned by these methods are *unsigned* 64-bit integers and unsupported even on 64-bit builds of PHP * Move `UnsupportedOperationException` to the `Exception` subnamespace ## [1.1.2] - 2012-11-29 ### Fixed * Relax [Doctrine field type] conversion rules for UUIDs ## [1.1.1] - 2012-08-27 ### Fixed * Remove `final` keyword from `Uuid` class ## [1.1.0] - 2012-08-06 ### Added * Support ramsey/uuid UUIDs as a Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) field mapping type ## [1.0.0] - 2012-07-19 ### Added * Support generation of version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs [comb sequential uuids]: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=25862&seqNum=7 [paragonie/random_compat]: https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat [collision issue]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/issues/80 [contributor code of conduct]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/blob/master/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [pecl libsodium extension]: http://pecl.php.net/package/libsodium [ircmaxell/random-lib]: https://github.com/ircmaxell/RandomLib [doctrine field type]: http://doctrine-dbal.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/types.html [ramsey/uuid-doctrine]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid-doctrine [ramsey/uuid-console]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid-console [unreleased]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.1.1...HEAD [4.1.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.1.0...4.1.1 [4.1.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.1...4.1.0 [4.0.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0...4.0.1 [4.0.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-beta2...4.0.0 [4.0.0-beta2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-beta1...4.0.0-beta2 [4.0.0-beta1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-alpha5...4.0.0-beta1 [4.0.0-alpha5]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-alpha4...4.0.0-alpha5 [4.0.0-alpha4]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-alpha3...4.0.0-alpha4 [4.0.0-alpha3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-alpha2...4.0.0-alpha3 [4.0.0-alpha2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/4.0.0-alpha1...4.0.0-alpha2 [4.0.0-alpha1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.9.3...4.0.0-alpha1 [3.9.3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.9.2...3.9.3 [3.9.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.9.1...3.9.2 [3.9.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.9.0...3.9.1 [3.9.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.8.0...3.9.0 [3.8.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.7.3...3.8.0 [3.7.3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.7.2...3.7.3 [3.7.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.7.1...3.7.2 [3.7.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.7.0...3.7.1 [3.7.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.6.1...3.7.0 [3.6.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.6.0...3.6.1 [3.6.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.5.2...3.6.0 [3.5.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.5.1...3.5.2 [3.5.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.5.0...3.5.1 [3.5.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.4.1...3.5.0 [3.4.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.4.0...3.4.1 [3.4.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.3.0...3.4.0 [3.3.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.2.0...3.3.0 [3.2.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.1.0...3.2.0 [3.1.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.1...3.1.0 [3.0.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1 [3.0.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.0-beta1...3.0.0 [3.0.0-beta1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.0-alpha3...3.0.0-beta1 [3.0.0-alpha3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.0-alpha2...3.0.0-alpha3 [3.0.0-alpha2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/3.0.0-alpha1...3.0.0-alpha2 [3.0.0-alpha1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.9.0...3.0.0-alpha1 [2.9.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.8.4...2.9.0 [2.8.4]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.8.3...2.8.4 [2.8.3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.8.2...2.8.3 [2.8.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.8.1...2.8.2 [2.8.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1 [2.8.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.7.4...2.8.0 [2.7.4]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.7.3...2.7.4 [2.7.3]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.7.2...2.7.3 [2.7.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.7.1...2.7.2 [2.7.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.7.0...2.7.1 [2.7.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.6.1...2.7.0 [2.6.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.6.0...2.6.1 [2.6.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.5.0...2.6.0 [2.5.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.4.0...2.5.0 [2.4.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.3.0...2.4.0 [2.3.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.2.0...2.3.0 [2.2.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.1.2...2.2.0 [2.1.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.1.1...2.1.2 [2.1.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.1.0...2.1.1 [2.1.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/2.0.0...2.1.0 [2.0.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/1.1.2...2.0.0 [1.1.2]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/1.1.1...1.1.2 [1.1.1]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/1.1.0...1.1.1 [1.1.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/compare/1.0.0...1.1.0 [1.0.0]: https://github.com/ramsey/uuid/commits/1.0.0