node = $node; $this->previousSiblingCached = $this->node->previousSibling; } public function isBlock(): bool { switch ($this->getTagName()) { case 'blockquote': case 'body': case 'div': case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': case 'hr': case 'html': case 'li': case 'p': case 'ol': case 'ul': return true; default: return false; } } public function isText(): bool { return $this->getTagName() === '#text'; } public function isWhitespace(): bool { return $this->getTagName() === '#text' && \trim($this->getValue()) === ''; } public function getTagName(): string { return $this->node->nodeName; } public function getValue(): string { return $this->node->nodeValue; } public function hasParent(): bool { return $this->node->parentNode !== null; } public function getParent(): ?ElementInterface { return $this->node->parentNode ? new self($this->node->parentNode) : null; } public function getNextSibling(): ?ElementInterface { return $this->node->nextSibling !== null ? new self($this->node->nextSibling) : null; } public function getPreviousSibling(): ?ElementInterface { return $this->previousSiblingCached !== null ? new self($this->previousSiblingCached) : null; } public function hasChildren(): bool { return $this->node->hasChildNodes(); } /** * @return ElementInterface[] */ public function getChildren(): array { $ret = []; foreach ($this->node->childNodes as $node) { $ret[] = new self($node); } return $ret; } public function getNext(): ?ElementInterface { if ($this->nextCached === null) { $nextNode = $this->getNextNode($this->node); if ($nextNode !== null) { $this->nextCached = new self($nextNode); } } return $this->nextCached; } private function getNextNode(\DomNode $node, bool $checkChildren = true): ?\DomNode { if ($checkChildren && $node->firstChild) { return $node->firstChild; } if ($node->nextSibling) { return $node->nextSibling; } if ($node->parentNode) { return $this->getNextNode($node->parentNode, false); } return null; } /** * @param string[]|string $tagNames */ public function isDescendantOf($tagNames): bool { if (! \is_array($tagNames)) { $tagNames = [$tagNames]; } for ($p = $this->node->parentNode; $p !== false; $p = $p->parentNode) { if ($p === null) { return false; } if (\in_array($p->nodeName, $tagNames, true)) { return true; } } return false; } public function setFinalMarkdown(string $markdown): void { if ($this->node->ownerDocument === null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unowned node'); } if ($this->node->parentNode === null) { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot setFinalMarkdown() on a node without a parent'); } $markdownNode = $this->node->ownerDocument->createTextNode($markdown); $this->node->parentNode->replaceChild($markdownNode, $this->node); } public function getChildrenAsString(): string { return $this->node->C14N(); } public function getSiblingPosition(): int { $position = 0; $parent = $this->getParent(); if ($parent === null) { return $position; } // Loop through all nodes and find the given $node foreach ($parent->getChildren() as $currentNode) { if (! $currentNode->isWhitespace()) { $position++; } // TODO: Need a less-buggy way of comparing these // Perhaps we can somehow ensure that we always have the exact same object and use === instead? if ($this->equals($currentNode)) { break; } } return $position; } public function getListItemLevel(): int { $level = 0; $parent = $this->getParent(); while ($parent !== null && $parent->hasParent()) { if ($parent->getTagName() === 'li') { $level++; } $parent = $parent->getParent(); } return $level; } public function getAttribute(string $name): string { if ($this->node instanceof \DOMElement) { return $this->node->getAttribute($name); } return ''; } public function equals(ElementInterface $element): bool { if ($element instanceof self) { return $element->node === $this->node; } return false; } }