CcyTbl->CcyNtry as $currency) { $attributes = (array) $currency->CcyNm->attributes(); if (!empty($attributes) && !empty($attributes['@attributes']['IsFund'])) { // Ignore funds. continue; } $currency = (array) $currency; if (empty($currency['Ccy'])) { // Ignore placeholders like "Antarctica". continue; } if (substr($currency['CtryNm'], 0, 2) == 'ZZ' || in_array($currency['Ccy'], ['XUA', 'XSU', 'XDR'])) { // Ignore special currencies. continue; } $currencyCode = $currency['Ccy']; $baseData[$currencyCode] = [ 'numeric_code' => $currency['CcyNbr'], ]; // Take the fraction digits from CLDR, not ISO, because it reflects real // life usage more closely. If the digits aren't set, that means that the // default value (2) should be used. if (isset($currencyData[$currencyCode]['_digits'])) { $fractionDigits = $currencyData[$currencyCode]['_digits']; if ($fractionDigits != 2) { $baseData[$currencyCode]['fraction_digits'] = $fractionDigits; } } } // Write out base.json. ksort($baseData); file_put_json('base.json', $baseData); // Gather available locales. $locales = []; if ($handle = opendir($localeDirectory)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if (substr($entry, 0, 1) != '.') { $entryParts = explode('-', $entry); if (!in_array($entry, $ignoredLocales) && !in_array($entryParts[0], $ignoredLocales)) { $locales[] = $entry; } } } closedir($handle); } // Make sure 'en' is processed first so that it can be used as a fallback. $index = array_search('en', $locales); unset($locales[$index]); array_unshift($locales, 'en'); // Create the localizations. $currencies = []; $untranslatedCounts = []; foreach ($locales as $locale) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($numbersDirectory . $locale . '/currencies.json'), true); $data = $data['main'][$locale]['numbers']['currencies']; foreach ($data as $currencyCode => $currency) { if (isset($baseData[$currencyCode])) { $currencyName = $currency['displayName']; // This currency name is untranslated, use the english version. if ($currencyCode == $currencyName) { $currencyName = $currencies['en'][$currencyCode]['name']; // Maintain a count of untranslated currencies per locale. $untranslatedCounts += [$locale => 0]; $untranslatedCounts[$locale]++; } $currencies[$locale][$currencyCode] = [ 'name' => $currencyName, ]; // Decrease the dataset size by exporting the symbol only if it's // different from the currency code. if ($currency['symbol'] != $currencyCode) { $currencies[$locale][$currencyCode]['symbol'] = $currency['symbol']; } } } } // Ignore locales that are more than 80% untranslated. foreach ($untranslatedCounts as $locale => $count) { $totalCount = count($currencies[$locale]); $untranslatedPercentage = $count * (100 / $totalCount); if ($untranslatedPercentage >= 80) { unset($currencies[$locale]); } } // Identify localizations that are the same as the ones for the parent locale. // For example, "fr-FR" if "fr" has the same data. $duplicates = []; foreach ($currencies as $locale => $localizedCurrencies) { if (strpos($locale, '-') !== false) { $localeParts = explode('-', $locale); array_pop($localeParts); $parentLocale = implode('-', $localeParts); $diff = array_udiff($localizedCurrencies, $currencies[$parentLocale], function ($first, $second) { return ($first['name'] == $second['name']) ? 0 : 1; }); if (empty($diff)) { // The duplicates are not removed right away because they might // still be needed for other duplicate checks (for example, // when there are locales like bs-Latn-BA, bs-Latn, bs). $duplicates[] = $locale; } } } // Remove the duplicates. foreach ($duplicates as $locale) { unset($currencies[$locale]); } // Write out the localizations. foreach ($currencies as $locale => $localizedCurrencies) { $collator = collator_create($locale); uasort($localizedCurrencies, function ($a, $b) use ($collator) { return collator_compare($collator, $a['name'], $b['name']); }); file_put_json($locale . '.json', $localizedCurrencies); } /** * Converts the provided data into json and writes it to the disk. */ function file_put_json($filename, $data) { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); // Indenting with tabs instead of 4 spaces gives us 20% smaller files. $data = str_replace(' ', "\t", $data); file_put_contents($filename, $data); }