configDir = __DIR__.'/../../../config'; } public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } public function getSqlitePdo() { if (!$this->sqlite) { $this->removeSqliteDb(); $pdo = new \PDO(sprintf('sqlite://%s', $this->getSqliteDir())); $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->createSqliteDb($pdo); $this->sqlite = new Pdo($pdo); } return $this->sqlite; } public function getPostgresPdo() { if (!$this->postgres) { if (in_array('pgsql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $this->removePostgresDb(); $this->createPostgresDb(); if ($pdo = $this->getPostgresDriver()) { $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->populatePostgresDb($pdo); $this->postgres = new Pdo($pdo); } } else { $this->postgres = new NullStorage('Postgres', 'Missing postgres PDO extension.'); } } return $this->postgres; } public function getPostgresDriver() { try { $pdo = new \PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=oauth2_server_php', 'postgres'); return $pdo; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->postgres = new NullStorage('Postgres', $e->getMessage()); } } public function getMemoryStorage() { return new Memory(json_decode(file_get_contents($this->configDir. '/storage.json'), true)); } public function getRedisStorage() { if (!$this->redis) { if (class_exists('Predis\Client')) { $redis = new \Predis\Client(); if ($this->testRedisConnection($redis)) { $redis->flushdb(); $this->redis = new Redis($redis); $this->createRedisDb($this->redis); } else { $this->redis = new NullStorage('Redis', 'Unable to connect to redis server on port 6379'); } } else { $this->redis = new NullStorage('Redis', 'Missing redis library. Please run "composer.phar require predis/predis:dev-master"'); } } return $this->redis; } private function testRedisConnection(\Predis\Client $redis) { try { $redis->connect(); } catch (\Predis\CommunicationException $exception) { // we were unable to connect to the redis server return false; } return true; } public function getMysqlPdo() { if (!$this->mysql) { $pdo = null; try { $pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;', 'root'); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->mysql = new NullStorage('MySQL', 'Unable to connect to MySQL on root@localhost'); } if ($pdo) { $pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->removeMysqlDb($pdo); $this->createMysqlDb($pdo); $this->mysql = new Pdo($pdo); } } return $this->mysql; } public function getMongo() { if (!$this->mongo) { if (class_exists('MongoClient')) { $mongo = new \MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017', array('connect' => false)); if ($this->testMongoConnection($mongo)) { $db = $mongo->oauth2_server_php_legacy; $this->removeMongo($db); $this->createMongo($db); $this->mongo = new Mongo($db); } else { $this->mongo = new NullStorage('Mongo', 'Unable to connect to mongo server on "localhost:27017"'); } } else { $this->mongo = new NullStorage('Mongo', 'Missing mongo php extension. Please install'); } } return $this->mongo; } public function getMongoDb() { if (!$this->mongoDb) { if (class_exists('MongoDB\Client')) { $mongoDb = new \MongoDB\Client('mongodb://localhost:27017'); if ($this->testMongoDBConnection($mongoDb)) { $db = $mongoDb->oauth2_server_php; $this->removeMongoDb($db); $this->createMongoDb($db); $this->mongoDb = new MongoDB($db); } else { $this->mongoDb = new NullStorage('MongoDB', 'Unable to connect to mongo server on "localhost:27017"'); } } else { $this->mongoDb = new NullStorage('MongoDB', 'Missing MongoDB php extension. Please install'); } } return $this->mongoDb; } private function testMongoConnection(\MongoClient $mongo) { try { $mongo->connect(); } catch (\MongoConnectionException $e) { return false; } return true; } private function testMongoDBConnection(\MongoDB\Client $mongo) { return true; } public function getCouchbase() { if (!$this->couchbase) { if ($this->getEnvVar('SKIP_COUCHBASE_TESTS')) { $this->couchbase = new NullStorage('Couchbase', 'Skipping Couchbase tests'); } elseif (!class_exists('Couchbase')) { $this->couchbase = new NullStorage('Couchbase', 'Missing Couchbase php extension. Please install'); } else { // round-about way to make sure couchbase is working // this is required because it throws a "floating point exception" otherwise $code = "new \Couchbase(array('localhost:8091'), '', '', 'auth', false);"; $exec = sprintf('php -r "%s"', $code); $ret = exec($exec, $test, $var); if ($ret != 0) { $couchbase = new \Couchbase(array('localhost:8091'), '', '', 'auth', false); if ($this->testCouchbaseConnection($couchbase)) { $this->clearCouchbase($couchbase); $this->createCouchbaseDB($couchbase); $this->couchbase = new CouchbaseDB($couchbase); } else { $this->couchbase = new NullStorage('Couchbase', 'Unable to connect to Couchbase server on "localhost:8091"'); } } else { $this->couchbase = new NullStorage('Couchbase', 'Error while trying to connect to Couchbase'); } } } return $this->couchbase; } private function testCouchbaseConnection(\Couchbase $couchbase) { try { if (count($couchbase->getServers()) > 0) { return true; } } catch (\CouchbaseException $e) { return false; } return true; } public function getCassandraStorage() { if (!$this->cassandra) { if (class_exists('phpcassa\ColumnFamily')) { $cassandra = new \phpcassa\Connection\ConnectionPool('oauth2_test', array('')); if ($this->testCassandraConnection($cassandra)) { $this->removeCassandraDb(); $this->cassandra = new Cassandra($cassandra); $this->createCassandraDb($this->cassandra); } else { $this->cassandra = new NullStorage('Cassandra', 'Unable to connect to cassandra server on ""'); } } else { $this->cassandra = new NullStorage('Cassandra', 'Missing cassandra library. Please run "composer.phar require thobbs/phpcassa:dev-master"'); } } return $this->cassandra; } private function testCassandraConnection(\phpcassa\Connection\ConnectionPool $cassandra) { try { new \phpcassa\SystemManager('localhost:9160'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } private function removeCassandraDb() { $sys = new \phpcassa\SystemManager('localhost:9160'); try { $sys->drop_keyspace('oauth2_test'); } catch (\cassandra\InvalidRequestException $e) { } } private function createCassandraDb(Cassandra $storage) { // create the cassandra keyspace and column family $sys = new \phpcassa\SystemManager('localhost:9160'); $sys->create_keyspace('oauth2_test', array( "strategy_class" => \phpcassa\Schema\StrategyClass::SIMPLE_STRATEGY, "strategy_options" => array('replication_factor' => '1') )); $sys->create_column_family('oauth2_test', 'auth'); $cassandra = new \phpcassa\Connection\ConnectionPool('oauth2_test', array('')); $cf = new \phpcassa\ColumnFamily($cassandra, 'auth'); // populate the data $storage->setClientDetails("oauth_test_client", "testpass", "", 'implicit password'); $storage->setAccessToken("testtoken", "Some Client", '', time() + 1000); $storage->setAuthorizationCode("testcode", "Some Client", '', '', time() + 1000); $storage->setScope('supportedscope1 supportedscope2 supportedscope3 supportedscope4'); $storage->setScope('defaultscope1 defaultscope2', null, 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3', 'Test Client ID 2'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID 2', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Default Scope Client ID'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Default Scope Client ID', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3', 'Test Default Scope Client ID 2'); $storage->setScope('clientscope3', 'Test Default Scope Client ID 2', 'default'); $storage->setClientKey('oauth_test_client', $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'test_subject'); $cf->insert("oauth_public_keys:ClientID_One", array('__data' => json_encode(array("public_key" => "client_1_public", "private_key" => "client_1_private", "encryption_algorithm" => "RS256")))); $cf->insert("oauth_public_keys:ClientID_Two", array('__data' => json_encode(array("public_key" => "client_2_public", "private_key" => "client_2_private", "encryption_algorithm" => "RS256")))); $cf->insert("oauth_public_keys:", array('__data' => json_encode(array("public_key" => $this->getTestPublicKey(), "private_key" => $this->getTestPrivateKey(), "encryption_algorithm" => "RS256")))); $cf->insert("oauth_users:testuser", array('__data' =>json_encode(array("password" => "password", "email" => "", "email_verified" => true)))); } private function createSqliteDb(\PDO $pdo) { $this->runPdoSql($pdo); } private function removeSqliteDb() { if (file_exists($this->getSqliteDir())) { unlink($this->getSqliteDir()); } } private function createMysqlDb(\PDO $pdo) { $pdo->exec('CREATE DATABASE oauth2_server_php'); $pdo->exec('USE oauth2_server_php'); $this->runPdoSql($pdo); } private function removeMysqlDb(\PDO $pdo) { $pdo->exec('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS oauth2_server_php'); } private function createPostgresDb() { if (!`psql postgres -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='postgres'"`) { `createuser -s -r postgres`; } `createdb -O postgres oauth2_server_php`; } private function populatePostgresDb(\PDO $pdo) { $this->runPdoSql($pdo); } private function removePostgresDb() { if (trim(`psql -l | grep oauth2_server_php | wc -l`)) { `dropdb oauth2_server_php`; } } public function runPdoSql(\PDO $pdo) { $storage = new Pdo($pdo); foreach (explode(';', $storage->getBuildSql()) as $statement) { $result = $pdo->exec($statement); } // set up scopes $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope) VALUES (?)'; foreach (explode(' ', 'supportedscope1 supportedscope2 supportedscope3 supportedscope4 clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3') as $supportedScope) { $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array($supportedScope)); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (?, ?)'; foreach (array('defaultscope1', 'defaultscope2') as $defaultScope) { $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array($defaultScope, true)); } // set up clients $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_clients (client_id, client_secret, scope, grant_types) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('Test Client ID', 'TestSecret', 'clientscope1 clientscope2', null)); $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('Test Client ID 2', 'TestSecret', 'clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3', null)); $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('Test Default Scope Client ID', 'TestSecret', 'clientscope1 clientscope2', null)); $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('oauth_test_client', 'testpass', null, 'implicit password')); // set up misc $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_access_tokens (access_token, client_id, expires, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('testtoken', 'Some Client', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 hour')), null)); $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('accesstoken-openid-connect', 'Some Client', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 hour')), 'testuser')); $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_authorization_codes (authorization_code, client_id, expires) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('testcode', 'Some Client', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 hour')))); $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_users (username, password, email, email_verified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('testuser', 'password', '', true)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_public_keys (client_id, public_key, private_key, encryption_algorithm) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('ClientID_One', 'client_1_public', 'client_1_private', 'RS256')); $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('ClientID_Two', 'client_2_public', 'client_2_private', 'RS256')); $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_public_keys (client_id, public_key, private_key, encryption_algorithm) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array(null, $this->getTestPublicKey(), $this->getTestPrivateKey(), 'RS256')); $sql = 'INSERT INTO oauth_jwt (client_id, subject, public_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $pdo->prepare($sql)->execute(array('oauth_test_client', 'test_subject', $this->getTestPublicKey())); } public function getSqliteDir() { return $this->configDir. '/test.sqlite'; } public function getConfigDir() { return $this->configDir; } private function createCouchbaseDB(\Couchbase $db) { $db->set('oauth_clients-oauth_test_client',json_encode(array( 'client_id' => "oauth_test_client", 'client_secret' => "testpass", 'redirect_uri' => "", 'grant_types' => 'implicit password' ))); $db->set('oauth_access_tokens-testtoken',json_encode(array( 'access_token' => "testtoken", 'client_id' => "Some Client" ))); $db->set('oauth_authorization_codes-testcode',json_encode(array( 'access_token' => "testcode", 'client_id' => "Some Client" ))); $db->set('oauth_users-testuser',json_encode(array( 'username' => 'testuser', 'password' => 'password', 'email' => '', 'email_verified' => true, ))); $db->set('oauth_jwt-oauth_test_client',json_encode(array( 'client_id' => 'oauth_test_client', 'key' => $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'subject' => 'test_subject', ))); } private function clearCouchbase(\Couchbase $cb) { $cb->delete('oauth_authorization_codes-new-openid-code'); $cb->delete('oauth_access_tokens-newtoken'); $cb->delete('oauth_authorization_codes-newcode'); $cb->delete('oauth_refresh_tokens-refreshtoken'); } private function createMongo(\MongoDB $db) { $db->oauth_clients->insert(array( 'client_id' => "oauth_test_client", 'client_secret' => "testpass", 'redirect_uri' => "", 'grant_types' => 'implicit password' )); $db->oauth_access_tokens->insert(array( 'access_token' => "testtoken", 'client_id' => "Some Client" )); $db->oauth_authorization_codes->insert(array( 'authorization_code' => "testcode", 'client_id' => "Some Client" )); $db->oauth_users->insert(array( 'username' => 'testuser', 'password' => 'password', 'email' => '', 'email_verified' => true, )); $db->oauth_keys->insert(array( 'client_id' => null, 'public_key' => $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'private_key' => $this->getTestPrivateKey(), 'encryption_algorithm' => 'RS256' )); $db->oauth_jwt->insert(array( 'client_id' => 'oauth_test_client', 'key' => $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'subject' => 'test_subject', )); } public function removeMongo(\MongoDB $db) { $db->drop(); } private function createMongoDB(\MongoDB\Database $db) { $db->oauth_clients->insertOne(array( 'client_id' => "oauth_test_client", 'client_secret' => "testpass", 'redirect_uri' => "", 'grant_types' => 'implicit password' )); $db->oauth_access_tokens->insertOne(array( 'access_token' => "testtoken", 'client_id' => "Some Client" )); $db->oauth_authorization_codes->insertOne(array( 'authorization_code' => "testcode", 'client_id' => "Some Client" )); $db->oauth_users->insertOne(array( 'username' => 'testuser', 'password' => 'password', 'email' => '', 'email_verified' => true, )); $db->oauth_keys->insertOne(array( 'client_id' => null, 'public_key' => $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'private_key' => $this->getTestPrivateKey(), 'encryption_algorithm' => 'RS256' )); $db->oauth_jwt->insertOne(array( 'client_id' => 'oauth_test_client', 'key' => $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'subject' => 'test_subject', )); } public function removeMongoDB(\MongoDB\Database $db) { $db->drop(); } private function createRedisDb(Redis $storage) { $storage->setClientDetails("oauth_test_client", "testpass", "", 'implicit password'); $storage->setAccessToken("testtoken", "Some Client", '', time() + 1000); $storage->setAuthorizationCode("testcode", "Some Client", '', '', time() + 1000); $storage->setUser("testuser", "password"); $storage->setScope('supportedscope1 supportedscope2 supportedscope3 supportedscope4'); $storage->setScope('defaultscope1 defaultscope2', null, 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3', 'Test Client ID 2'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Client ID 2', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Default Scope Client ID'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2', 'Test Default Scope Client ID', 'default'); $storage->setScope('clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3', 'Test Default Scope Client ID 2'); $storage->setScope('clientscope3', 'Test Default Scope Client ID 2', 'default'); $storage->setClientKey('oauth_test_client', $this->getTestPublicKey(), 'test_subject'); } public function getTestPublicKey() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../../../config/keys/'); } private function getTestPrivateKey() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../../../config/keys/id_rsa'); } public function getDynamoDbStorage() { if (!$this->dynamodb) { // only run once per travis build if (true == $this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS')) { if (self::DYNAMODB_PHP_VERSION != $this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION')) { $this->dynamodb = new NullStorage('DynamoDb', 'Skipping for - only run once per build'); return; } } if (class_exists('\Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient')) { if ($client = $this->getDynamoDbClient()) { // travis runs a unique set of tables per build, to avoid conflict $prefix = ''; if ($build_id = $this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER')) { $prefix = sprintf('build_%s_', $build_id); } else { if (!$this->deleteDynamoDb($client, $prefix, true)) { return $this->dynamodb = new NullStorage('DynamoDb', 'Timed out while waiting for DynamoDB deletion (30 seconds)'); } } $this->createDynamoDb($client, $prefix); $this->populateDynamoDb($client, $prefix); $config = array( 'client_table' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'access_token_table' => $prefix.'oauth_access_tokens', 'refresh_token_table' => $prefix.'oauth_refresh_tokens', 'code_table' => $prefix.'oauth_authorization_codes', 'user_table' => $prefix.'oauth_users', 'jwt_table' => $prefix.'oauth_jwt', 'scope_table' => $prefix.'oauth_scopes', 'public_key_table' => $prefix.'oauth_public_keys', ); $this->dynamodb = new DynamoDB($client, $config); } elseif (!$this->dynamodb) { $this->dynamodb = new NullStorage('DynamoDb', 'unable to connect to DynamoDB'); } } else { $this->dynamodb = new NullStorage('DynamoDb', 'Missing DynamoDB library. Please run "composer.phar require aws/aws-sdk-php:dev-master'); } } return $this->dynamodb; } private function getDynamoDbClient() { $config = array(); // check for environment variables if (($key = $this->getEnvVar('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')) && ($secret = $this->getEnvVar('AWS_SECRET_KEY'))) { $config['key'] = $key; $config['secret'] = $secret; } else { // fall back on ~/.aws/credentials file // @see if (!file_exists($this->getEnvVar('HOME') . '/.aws/credentials')) { $this->dynamodb = new NullStorage('DynamoDb', 'No aws credentials file found, and no AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable set'); return; } // set profile in AWS_PROFILE environment variable, defaults to "default" $config['profile'] = $this->getEnvVar('AWS_PROFILE', 'default'); } // set region in AWS_REGION environment variable, defaults to "us-east-1" $config['region'] = $this->getEnvVar('AWS_REGION', \Aws\Common\Enum\Region::US_EAST_1); return \Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient::factory($config); } private function deleteDynamoDb(\Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient $client, $prefix = null, $waitForDeletion = false) { $tablesList = explode(' ', 'oauth_access_tokens oauth_authorization_codes oauth_clients oauth_jwt oauth_public_keys oauth_refresh_tokens oauth_scopes oauth_users'); $nbTables = count($tablesList); // Delete all table. foreach ($tablesList as $key => $table) { try { $client->deleteTable(array('TableName' => $prefix.$table)); } catch (\Aws\DynamoDb\Exception\DynamoDbException $e) { // Table does not exist : nothing to do } } // Wait for deleting if ($waitForDeletion) { $retries = 5; $nbTableDeleted = 0; while ($nbTableDeleted != $nbTables) { $nbTableDeleted = 0; foreach ($tablesList as $key => $table) { try { $result = $client->describeTable(array('TableName' => $prefix.$table)); } catch (\Aws\DynamoDb\Exception\DynamoDbException $e) { // Table does not exist : nothing to do $nbTableDeleted++; } } if ($nbTableDeleted != $nbTables) { if ($retries < 0) { // we are tired of waiting return false; } sleep(5); echo "Sleeping 5 seconds for DynamoDB ($retries more retries)...\n"; $retries--; } } } return true; } private function createDynamoDb(\Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient $client, $prefix = null) { $tablesList = explode(' ', 'oauth_access_tokens oauth_authorization_codes oauth_clients oauth_jwt oauth_public_keys oauth_refresh_tokens oauth_scopes oauth_users'); $nbTables = count($tablesList); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_access_tokens', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'access_token','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'access_token','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_authorization_codes', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'authorization_code','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'authorization_code','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_jwt', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','AttributeType' => 'S'), array('AttributeName' => 'subject','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','KeyType' => 'HASH'), array('AttributeName' => 'subject','KeyType' => 'RANGE') ), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_public_keys', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'client_id','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_refresh_tokens', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'refresh_token','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'refresh_token','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_scopes', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array( array('AttributeName' => 'scope','AttributeType' => 'S'), array('AttributeName' => 'is_default','AttributeType' => 'S') ), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'scope','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes' => array( array( 'IndexName' => 'is_default-index', 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'is_default', 'KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'Projection' => array('ProjectionType' => 'ALL'), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) ), ), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); $client->createTable(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_users', 'AttributeDefinitions' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'username','AttributeType' => 'S')), 'KeySchema' => array(array('AttributeName' => 'username','KeyType' => 'HASH')), 'ProvisionedThroughput' => array('ReadCapacityUnits' => 1,'WriteCapacityUnits' => 1) )); // Wait for creation $nbTableCreated = 0; while ($nbTableCreated != $nbTables) { $nbTableCreated = 0; foreach ($tablesList as $key => $table) { try { $result = $client->describeTable(array('TableName' => $prefix.$table)); if ($result['Table']['TableStatus'] == 'ACTIVE') { $nbTableCreated++; } } catch (\Aws\DynamoDb\Exception\DynamoDbException $e) { // Table does not exist : nothing to do $nbTableCreated++; } } if ($nbTableCreated != $nbTables) { sleep(1); } } } private function populateDynamoDb($client, $prefix = null) { // set up scopes foreach (explode(' ', 'supportedscope1 supportedscope2 supportedscope3 supportedscope4 clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3') as $supportedScope) { $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_scopes', 'Item' => array('scope' => array('S' => $supportedScope)) )); } foreach (array('defaultscope1', 'defaultscope2') as $defaultScope) { $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_scopes', 'Item' => array('scope' => array('S' => $defaultScope), 'is_default' => array('S' => "true")) )); } $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Test Client ID'), 'client_secret' => array('S' => 'TestSecret'), 'scope' => array('S' => 'clientscope1 clientscope2') ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Test Client ID 2'), 'client_secret' => array('S' => 'TestSecret'), 'scope' => array('S' => 'clientscope1 clientscope2 clientscope3') ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Test Default Scope Client ID'), 'client_secret' => array('S' => 'TestSecret'), 'scope' => array('S' => 'clientscope1 clientscope2') ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_clients', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'oauth_test_client'), 'client_secret' => array('S' => 'testpass'), 'grant_types' => array('S' => 'implicit password') ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_access_tokens', 'Item' => array( 'access_token' => array('S' => 'testtoken'), 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Some Client'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_access_tokens', 'Item' => array( 'access_token' => array('S' => 'accesstoken-openid-connect'), 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Some Client'), 'user_id' => array('S' => 'testuser'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_authorization_codes', 'Item' => array( 'authorization_code' => array('S' => 'testcode'), 'client_id' => array('S' => 'Some Client'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_users', 'Item' => array( 'username' => array('S' => 'testuser'), 'password' => array('S' => 'password'), 'email' => array('S' => ''), 'email_verified' => array('S' => 'true'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_public_keys', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'ClientID_One'), 'public_key' => array('S' => 'client_1_public'), 'private_key' => array('S' => 'client_1_private'), 'encryption_algorithm' => array('S' => 'RS256'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_public_keys', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'ClientID_Two'), 'public_key' => array('S' => 'client_2_public'), 'private_key' => array('S' => 'client_2_private'), 'encryption_algorithm' => array('S' => 'RS256'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_public_keys', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => '0'), 'public_key' => array('S' => $this->getTestPublicKey()), 'private_key' => array('S' => $this->getTestPrivateKey()), 'encryption_algorithm' => array('S' => 'RS256'), ) )); $client->putItem(array( 'TableName' => $prefix.'oauth_jwt', 'Item' => array( 'client_id' => array('S' => 'oauth_test_client'), 'subject' => array('S' => 'test_subject'), 'public_key' => array('S' => $this->getTestPublicKey()), ) )); } public function cleanupTravisDynamoDb($prefix = null) { if (is_null($prefix)) { // skip this when not applicable if (!$this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS') || self::DYNAMODB_PHP_VERSION != $this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION')) { return; } $prefix = sprintf('build_%s_', $this->getEnvVar('TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER')); } $client = $this->getDynamoDbClient(); $this->deleteDynamoDb($client, $prefix); } private function getEnvVar($var, $default = null) { return isset($_SERVER[$var]) ? $_SERVER[$var] : (getenv($var) ?: $default); } }