*/ class AuthorizationCode implements AuthorizationCodeInterface { protected $storage; protected $config; public function __construct(AuthorizationCodeStorageInterface $storage, array $config = array()) { $this->storage = $storage; $this->config = array_merge(array( 'enforce_redirect' => false, 'auth_code_lifetime' => 30, ), $config); } public function getAuthorizeResponse($params, $user_id = null) { // build the URL to redirect to $result = array('query' => array()); $params += array('scope' => null, 'state' => null); $result['query']['code'] = $this->createAuthorizationCode($params['client_id'], $user_id, $params['redirect_uri'], $params['scope']); if (isset($params['state'])) { $result['query']['state'] = $params['state']; } return array($params['redirect_uri'], $result); } /** * Handle the creation of the authorization code. * * @param $client_id * Client identifier related to the authorization code * @param $user_id * User ID associated with the authorization code * @param $redirect_uri * An absolute URI to which the authorization server will redirect the * user-agent to when the end-user authorization step is completed. * @param $scope * (optional) Scopes to be stored in space-separated string. * * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4 * @ingroup oauth2_section_4 */ public function createAuthorizationCode($client_id, $user_id, $redirect_uri, $scope = null) { $code = $this->generateAuthorizationCode(); $this->storage->setAuthorizationCode($code, $client_id, $user_id, $redirect_uri, time() + $this->config['auth_code_lifetime'], $scope); return $code; } /** * @return * TRUE if the grant type requires a redirect_uri, FALSE if not */ public function enforceRedirect() { return $this->config['enforce_redirect']; } /** * Generates an unique auth code. * * Implementing classes may want to override this function to implement * other auth code generation schemes. * * @return * An unique auth code. * * @ingroup oauth2_section_4 */ protected function generateAuthorizationCode() { $tokenLen = 40; if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { $randomData = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(100); } elseif (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) { $randomData = mcrypt_create_iv(100, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM); } elseif (@file_exists('/dev/urandom')) { // Get 100 bytes of random data $randomData = file_get_contents('/dev/urandom', false, null, 0, 100) . uniqid(mt_rand(), true); } else { $randomData = mt_rand() . mt_rand() . mt_rand() . mt_rand() . microtime(true) . uniqid(mt_rand(), true); } return substr(hash('sha512', $randomData), 0, $tokenLen); } }