userClaimsStorage = $userClaimsStorage; $this->publicKeyStorage = $publicKeyStorage; if (is_null($encryptionUtil)) { $encryptionUtil = new Jwt(); } $this->encryptionUtil = $encryptionUtil; if (!isset($config['issuer'])) { throw new \LogicException('config parameter "issuer" must be set'); } $this->config = array_merge(array( 'id_lifetime' => 3600, ), $config); } public function getAuthorizeResponse($params, $userInfo = null) { // build the URL to redirect to $result = array('query' => array()); $params += array('scope' => null, 'state' => null, 'nonce' => null); // create the id token. list($user_id, $auth_time) = $this->getUserIdAndAuthTime($userInfo); $userClaims = $this->userClaimsStorage->getUserClaims($user_id, $params['scope']); $id_token = $this->createIdToken($params['client_id'], $userInfo, $params['nonce'], $userClaims, null); $result["fragment"] = array('id_token' => $id_token); if (isset($params['state'])) { $result["fragment"]["state"] = $params['state']; } return array($params['redirect_uri'], $result); } public function createIdToken($client_id, $userInfo, $nonce = null, $userClaims = null, $access_token = null) { // pull auth_time from user info if supplied list($user_id, $auth_time) = $this->getUserIdAndAuthTime($userInfo); $token = array( 'iss' => $this->config['issuer'], 'sub' => $user_id, 'aud' => $client_id, 'iat' => time(), 'exp' => time() + $this->config['id_lifetime'], 'auth_time' => $auth_time, ); if ($nonce) { $token['nonce'] = $nonce; } if ($userClaims) { $token += $userClaims; } if ($access_token) { $token['at_hash'] = $this->createAtHash($access_token, $client_id); } return $this->encodeToken($token, $client_id); } protected function createAtHash($access_token, $client_id = null) { // maps HS256 and RS256 to sha256, etc. $algorithm = $this->publicKeyStorage->getEncryptionAlgorithm($client_id); $hash_algorithm = 'sha' . substr($algorithm, 2); $hash = hash($hash_algorithm, $access_token, true); $at_hash = substr($hash, 0, strlen($hash) / 2); return $this->encryptionUtil->urlSafeB64Encode($at_hash); } protected function encodeToken(array $token, $client_id = null) { $private_key = $this->publicKeyStorage->getPrivateKey($client_id); $algorithm = $this->publicKeyStorage->getEncryptionAlgorithm($client_id); return $this->encryptionUtil->encode($token, $private_key, $algorithm); } private function getUserIdAndAuthTime($userInfo) { $auth_time = null; // support an array for user_id / auth_time if (is_array($userInfo)) { if (!isset($userInfo['user_id'])) { throw new \LogicException('if $user_id argument is an array, user_id index must be set'); } $auth_time = isset($userInfo['auth_time']) ? $userInfo['auth_time'] : null; $user_id = $userInfo['user_id']; } else { $user_id = $userInfo; } if (is_null($auth_time)) { $auth_time = time(); } // userInfo is a scalar, and so this is the $user_id. Auth Time is null return array($user_id, $auth_time); } }