'use strict' /* global browser, $, $$ */ /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ class FileUpload { get fileinput() { return $('.fileinput-button input') } get start() { return $('.fileupload-buttonbar .start') } get toggle() { return $('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle') } get remove() { return $('.fileupload-buttonbar .delete') } get processing() { return $$('.files .processing') } get uploads() { return $$('.files .template-upload') } get downloads() { return $$('.files .template-download') } get checked() { return $$('.files .toggle:checked') } /** * Opens the file upload form. * * @param {number} [timeout] Wait timeout * @returns {FileUpload} FileUpload object */ open(timeout) { browser.url('/') this.fileinput.waitForExist({ timeout }) return this } /** * Uploads files. * * @param {Array} files Files to upload * @param {number} [timeout] Wait timeout * @returns {FileUpload} FileUpload object */ upload(files, timeout) { this.fileinput.addValue(files.join('\n')) browser.waitUntil(() => !this.processing.length, { timeout }) this.start.click() browser.waitUntil(() => !!this.downloads.length, { timeout }) browser.waitUntil(() => !this.uploads.length, { timeout }) return this } /** * Deletes uploaded files. * * @param {number} [timeout] Wait timeout * @returns {FileUpload} FileUpload object */ delete(timeout) { this.toggle.click() browser.waitUntil(() => this.downloads.length === this.checked.length, { timeout }) this.remove.click() browser.waitUntil(() => !this.downloads.length, { timeout }) return this } } module.exports = new FileUpload()