# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # jQuery File Upload Plugin GAE Python Example # https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload # # Copyright 2011, Sebastian Tschan # https://blueimp.net # # Licensed under the MIT license: # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # from google.appengine.api import memcache, images import json import os import re import urllib import webapp2 DEBUG=os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Dev') WEBSITE = 'https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/' MIN_FILE_SIZE = 1 # bytes # Max file size is memcache limit (1MB) minus key size minus overhead: MAX_FILE_SIZE = 999000 # bytes IMAGE_TYPES = re.compile('image/(gif|p?jpeg|(x-)?png)') ACCEPT_FILE_TYPES = IMAGE_TYPES THUMB_MAX_WIDTH = 80 THUMB_MAX_HEIGHT = 80 THUMB_SUFFIX = '.'+str(THUMB_MAX_WIDTH)+'x'+str(THUMB_MAX_HEIGHT)+'.png' EXPIRATION_TIME = 300 # seconds # If set to None, only allow redirects to the referer protocol+host. # Set to a regexp for custom pattern matching against the redirect value: REDIRECT_ALLOW_TARGET = None class CORSHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def cors(self): headers = self.response.headers headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] =\ 'OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, DELETE' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] =\ 'Content-Type, Content-Range, Content-Disposition' def initialize(self, request, response): super(CORSHandler, self).initialize(request, response) self.cors() def json_stringify(self, obj): return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':')) def options(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class UploadHandler(CORSHandler): def validate(self, file): if file['size'] < MIN_FILE_SIZE: file['error'] = 'File is too small' elif file['size'] > MAX_FILE_SIZE: file['error'] = 'File is too big' elif not ACCEPT_FILE_TYPES.match(file['type']): file['error'] = 'Filetype not allowed' else: return True return False def validate_redirect(self, redirect): if redirect: if REDIRECT_ALLOW_TARGET: return REDIRECT_ALLOW_TARGET.match(redirect) referer = self.request.headers['referer'] if referer: from urlparse import urlparse parts = urlparse(referer) redirect_allow_target = '^' + re.escape( parts.scheme + '://' + parts.netloc + '/' ) return re.match(redirect_allow_target, redirect) return False def get_file_size(self, file): file.seek(0, 2) # Seek to the end of the file size = file.tell() # Get the position of EOF file.seek(0) # Reset the file position to the beginning return size def write_blob(self, data, info): key = urllib.quote(info['type'].encode('utf-8'), '') +\ '/' + str(hash(data)) +\ '/' + urllib.quote(info['name'].encode('utf-8'), '') try: memcache.set(key, data, time=EXPIRATION_TIME) except: #Failed to add to memcache return (None, None) thumbnail_key = None if IMAGE_TYPES.match(info['type']): try: img = images.Image(image_data=data) img.resize( width=THUMB_MAX_WIDTH, height=THUMB_MAX_HEIGHT ) thumbnail_data = img.execute_transforms() thumbnail_key = key + THUMB_SUFFIX memcache.set( thumbnail_key, thumbnail_data, time=EXPIRATION_TIME ) except: #Failed to resize Image or add to memcache thumbnail_key = None return (key, thumbnail_key) def handle_upload(self): results = [] for name, fieldStorage in self.request.POST.items(): if type(fieldStorage) is unicode: continue result = {} result['name'] = urllib.unquote(fieldStorage.filename) result['type'] = fieldStorage.type result['size'] = self.get_file_size(fieldStorage.file) if self.validate(result): key, thumbnail_key = self.write_blob( fieldStorage.value, result ) if key is not None: result['url'] = self.request.host_url + '/' + key result['deleteUrl'] = result['url'] result['deleteType'] = 'DELETE' if thumbnail_key is not None: result['thumbnailUrl'] = self.request.host_url +\ '/' + thumbnail_key else: result['error'] = 'Failed to store uploaded file.' results.append(result) return results def head(self): pass def get(self): self.redirect(WEBSITE) def post(self): if (self.request.get('_method') == 'DELETE'): return self.delete() result = {'files': self.handle_upload()} s = self.json_stringify(result) redirect = self.request.get('redirect') if self.validate_redirect(redirect): return self.redirect(str( redirect.replace('%s', urllib.quote(s, ''), 1) )) if 'application/json' in self.request.headers.get('Accept'): self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.response.write(s) class FileHandler(CORSHandler): def normalize(self, str): return urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(str), '') def get(self, content_type, data_hash, file_name): content_type = self.normalize(content_type) file_name = self.normalize(file_name) key = content_type + '/' + data_hash + '/' + file_name data = memcache.get(key) if data is None: return self.error(404) # Prevent browsers from MIME-sniffing the content-type: self.response.headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff' content_type = urllib.unquote(content_type) if not IMAGE_TYPES.match(content_type): # Force a download dialog for non-image types: content_type = 'application/octet-stream' elif file_name.endswith(THUMB_SUFFIX): content_type = 'image/png' self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type # Cache for the expiration time: self.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public,max-age=%d' \ % EXPIRATION_TIME self.response.write(data) def delete(self, content_type, data_hash, file_name): content_type = self.normalize(content_type) file_name = self.normalize(file_name) key = content_type + '/' + data_hash + '/' + file_name result = {key: memcache.delete(key)} content_type = urllib.unquote(content_type) if IMAGE_TYPES.match(content_type): thumbnail_key = key + THUMB_SUFFIX result[thumbnail_key] = memcache.delete(thumbnail_key) if 'application/json' in self.request.headers.get('Accept'): self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' s = self.json_stringify(result) self.response.write(s) app = webapp2.WSGIApplication( [ ('/', UploadHandler), ('/(.+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)', FileHandler) ], debug=DEBUG )