ZotSH - v.0.0.2 Client for browsing RedDAVs. Install ------- ZotSH requires 'requests'(1). Please refer to requests docs on how to install it (2) Extract somewere and launch zotsh.py Description ----------- ZotSH is a command line WebDAV client for RedMatrix. It knows how to magic-auth to remote hubs using Zot. ZotSH uses 'easywebdav' library (0) with small modifications to 'zotify' it. (See easywebdav/LICENSE) Commands -------- host <hostname> Authenticate to 'hostname' and switch to it cd <dirname|..> changhe remote dir ls [path] [-a] [-l] [-d] list remote files in current dir if 'path' not defined -a list all, show hidden dot-files -l list verbose -d list only dirs exists <path> Check existence of 'path' mkdir <name> Create directory 'name' mkdirs <path> Create parent directories to path, if they don't exists rmdir <name> Delete directory 'name' delete <path> Delete file 'path' upload <local_path> [remote_path] Upload local file 'local_paht' to 'remote_paht' download <remote_path> [local_path] Download remote file 'remote_path' and save it as 'local_path' cat <remote_paht> Print content of 'remote_path' pwd Print current path lcd lpwd lls Local file management quit help Config ------ Create a .zotshrc file in your home or in same folder with zotsh.py: [zotsh] host = https://yourhost.com/ username = your_username password = your_password Optionally adds verify_ssl = false to skip verification of ssl certs Changelog ---------- 0.0.2 Fix "CommandNotFound" exception, new 'cat' command 0.0.1 First release Links ----- _0 : https://github.com/amnong/easywebdav _1 : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ _2 : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/install/