ZotSH - v.0.0.2 Client for browsing RedDAVs. Install ------- ZotSH requires 'requests'(1). Please refer to requests docs on how to install it (2) Extract somewere and launch zotsh.py Description ----------- ZotSH is a command line WebDAV client for Hubzilla. It knows how to magic-auth to remote hubs using Zot. ZotSH uses 'easywebdav' library (0) with small modifications to 'zotify' it. (See easywebdav/LICENSE) Commands -------- host Authenticate to 'hostname' and switch to it cd changhe remote dir ls [path] [-a] [-l] [-d] list remote files in current dir if 'path' not defined -a list all, show hidden dot-files -l list verbose -d list only dirs exists Check existence of 'path' mkdir Create directory 'name' mkdirs Create parent directories to path, if they don't exists rmdir Delete directory 'name' delete Delete file 'path' upload [remote_path] Upload local file 'local_paht' to 'remote_paht' download [local_path] Download remote file 'remote_path' and save it as 'local_path' cat Print content of 'remote_path' pwd Print current path lcd lpwd lls Local file management quit help Config ------ Create a .zotshrc file in your home or in same folder with zotsh.py: [zotsh] host = https://yourhost.com/ username = your_username password = your_password Optionally adds verify_ssl = false to skip verification of ssl certs Changelog ---------- 0.0.2 Fix "CommandNotFound" exception, new 'cat' command 0.0.1 First release Links ----- _0 : https://github.com/amnong/easywebdav _1 : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ _2 : http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/install/