<?php function po2php_run($argc,$argv) { if ($argc < 2) { print "Usage: ".$argv[0]." <file.po>\n\n"; return; } $rtl = false; $pofile = $argv[1]; $outfile = dirname($pofile)."/hstrings.php"; if($argc > 2) { if($argv[2] === 'rtl') $rtl = true; } if(strstr($outfile,'util')) $lang = 'en'; else $lang = str_replace('-','_',basename(dirname($pofile))); if (!file_exists($pofile)){ print "Unable to find '$pofile'\n"; return; } print "Out to '$outfile'\n"; $out="<?php\n\n"; $infile = file($pofile); $k=""; $v=""; $ctx=""; $arr = False; $ink = False; $inv = False; $escape_s_exp = '|[^\\\\]\$[a-z]|'; function escape_s($match){ return str_replace('$','\$',$match[0]); } foreach ($infile as $l) { $l = str_replace(array('$projectname','$Projectname'),array('\$projectname','\$Projectname'),$l); $len = strlen($l); if ($l[0]=="#") $l=""; if (substr($l,0,15)=='"Plural-Forms: '){ $match=Array(); preg_match("|nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*)[;\\\\]|", $l, $match); $cond = str_replace('n','$n',$match[2]); $out .= 'if(! function_exists("' . 'string_plural_select_' . $lang .'")) {' . "\n"; $out .= 'function string_plural_select_' . $lang . '($n){'."\n"; $out .= ' return '.$cond.';'."\n"; $out .= '}}'."\n"; $out .= 'App::$rtl = ' . intval($rtl) . ";\n" ; $out .= 'App::$strings["plural_function_code"] = "return ' . str_replace("$", "", $cond) . ';"'; } if ($k!="" && substr($l,0,7)=="msgstr "){ if ($ink) { $ink = False; $out .= 'App::$strings["'.$k.'"] = '; } if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } $v = substr($l,8,$len-10); $v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$v); $inv = True; //$out .= $v; } if ($k!="" && substr($l,0,7)=="msgstr["){ if ($ink) { $ink = False; $out .= 'App::$strings["'.$k.'"] = '; } if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } if (!$arr) { $arr=True; $out .= "array(\n"; } $match=Array(); preg_match("|\[([0-9]*)\] (.*)|", $l, $match); $out .= "\t". preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$match[1]) ." => " .preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$match[2]) .",\n"; } if (substr($l,0,6)=="msgid_") { $ink = False; $out .= 'App::$strings["'.$k.'"] = '; } if ($ink) { $k .= trim_message($l); $k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$k); //$out .= 'App::$strings['.$k.'] = '; } if (substr($l,0,6)=="msgid "){ if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } if ($k!="") $out .= $arr?");\n":";\n"; $arr=False; $k = str_replace("msgid ","",$l); $k = trim_message($k); $k = $ctx.$k; // echo $ctx ? $ctx."\nX\n":""; $k = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$k); $ctx = ""; $ink = True; } if ($inv && substr($l,0,6)!="msgstr" && substr($l,0,7)!="msgctxt") { $v .= trim_message($l); $v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$v); //$out .= 'App::$strings['.$k.'] = '; } if (substr($l,0,7)=="msgctxt") { $ctx = str_replace("msgctxt ","",$l); $ctx = trim_message($ctx); $ctx = "__ctx:".$ctx."__ "; $ctx = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$ctx); } } if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } if ($k!="") $out .= $arr?");\n":";\n"; file_put_contents($outfile, $out); } function trim_message($str) { // Almost same as trim("\"\r\n") except that escaped quotes are preserved $str = trim($str, "\r\n"); $str = ltrim($str, "\""); $str = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\)"+$/', '', $str); return $str; } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ po2php_run($argc,$argv); }