#!/bin/bash -f if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo usage: $0 repo_url nickname exit 1 fi if [[ $1 != *"//github.com/redmatrix"* && $3 != 'insecure' ]]; then echo ""; echo "This is NOT an official project repository."; echo "In order to protect you from unverified and"; echo "possibly malicious content, this repository"; echo "will not be linked to your site unless you"; echo "append the word 'insecure' to the command."; echo ""; exit 1 fi mkdir -p extend/addon/$2 mkdir addon > /dev/null 2>&1 git clone $1 extend/addon/$2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit $? fi filelist=(`ls extend/addon/$2`) cd addon for a in "${filelist[@]}" ; do base=`basename $a` if [ $base = '.git' ]; then # echo 'ignoring git' continue; fi if [ ! -d ../extend/addon/$2/$base ]; then # echo $a 'not a directory' continue; fi if [ -x $base ]; then # echo $base 'file exists' continue; fi echo linking $base ln -s ../extend/addon/$2/$base $base done