<?php /** * this file contains tests for the template engine * * @package test.util */ /** required, it is the file under test */ require_once('include/template_processor.php'); require_once('include/text.php'); class TemplateMockApp { public $theme_info=array(); } if(!function_exists('current_theme')) { function current_theme() { return 'clean'; } } if(!function_exists('x')) { function x($s,$k = NULL) { return false; } } /** * TestCase for the template engine * * @author Alexander Kampmann * @package test.util */ class TemplateTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function setUp() { global $t; $t=new Template; } public function testListToShort() { @list($first, $second)=array('first'); $this->assertTrue(is_null($second)); } public function testSimpleVariableString() { $tpl='Hello $name!'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$name'=>'Anna')); $this->assertEquals('Hello Anna!', $text); } public function testSimpleVariableInt() { $tpl='There are $num new messages!'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$num'=>172)); $this->assertEquals('There are 172 new messages!', $text); } public function testConditionalElse() { $tpl='There{{ if $num!=1 }} are $num new messages{{ else }} is 1 new message{{ endif }}!'; $text1=replace_macros($tpl, array('$num'=>1)); $text22=replace_macros($tpl, array('$num'=>22)); $this->assertEquals('There is 1 new message!', $text1); $this->assertEquals('There are 22 new messages!', $text22); } public function testConditionalNoElse() { $tpl='{{ if $num!=0 }}There are $num new messages!{{ endif }}'; $text0=replace_macros($tpl, array('$num'=>0)); $text22=replace_macros($tpl, array('$num'=>22)); $this->assertEquals('', $text0); $this->assertEquals('There are 22 new messages!', $text22); } public function testConditionalFail() { $tpl='There {{ if $num!=1 }} are $num new messages{{ else }} is 1 new message{{ endif }}!'; $text1=replace_macros($tpl, array()); //$this->assertEquals('There is 1 new message!', $text1); } public function testSimpleFor() { $tpl='{{ for $messages as $message }} $message {{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>array('message 1', 'message 2'))); $this->assertEquals(' message 1 message 2 ', $text); } public function testFor() { $tpl='{{ for $messages as $message }} from: $message.from to $message.to {{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>array(array('from'=>'Mike', 'to'=>'Alex'), array('from'=>'Alex', 'to'=>'Mike')))); $this->assertEquals(' from: Mike to Alex from: Alex to Mike ', $text); } public function testKeyedFor() { $tpl='{{ for $messages as $from=>$to }} from: $from to $to {{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>array('Mike'=>'Alex', 'Sven'=>'Mike'))); $this->assertEquals(' from: Mike to Alex from: Sven to Mike ', $text); } public function testForEmpty() { $tpl='messages: {{for $messages as $message}} from: $message.from to $message.to {{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>array())); $this->assertEquals('messages: ', $text); } public function testForWrongType() { $tpl='messages: {{for $messages as $message}} from: $message.from to $message.to {{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>11)); $this->assertEquals('messages: ', $text); } public function testForConditional() { $tpl='new messages: {{for $messages as $message}}{{ if $message.new }} $message.text{{endif}}{{ endfor }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>array( array('new'=>true, 'text'=>'new message'), array('new'=>false, 'text'=>'old message')))); $this->assertEquals('new messages: new message', $text); } public function testConditionalFor() { $tpl='{{ if $enabled }}new messages:{{for $messages as $message}} $message.text{{ endfor }}{{endif}}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$enabled'=>true, '$messages'=>array( array('new'=>true, 'text'=>'new message'), array('new'=>false, 'text'=>'old message')))); $this->assertEquals('new messages: new message old message', $text); } public function testFantasy() { $tpl='Fantasy: {{fantasy $messages}}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$messages'=>'no no')); $this->assertEquals('Fantasy: {{fantasy no no}}', $text); } public function testInc() { $tpl='{{inc field_input.tpl with $field=$myvar}}{{ endinc }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$myvar'=>array('myfield', 'label', 'value', 'help'))); $this->assertEquals(" \n" ." <div class='field input'>\n" ." <label for='id_myfield'>label</label>\n" ." <input name='myfield' id='id_myfield' value=\"value\">\n" ." <span class='field_help'>help</span>\n" ." </div>\n", $text); } public function testIncNoVar() { $tpl='{{inc field_input.tpl }}{{ endinc }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$field'=>array('myfield', 'label', 'value', 'help'))); $this->assertEquals(" \n <div class='field input'>\n <label for='id_myfield'>label</label>\n" ." <input name='myfield' id='id_myfield' value=\"value\">\n" ." <span class='field_help'>help</span>\n" ." </div>\n", $text); } public function testDoubleUse() { $tpl='Hello $name! {{ if $enabled }} I love you! {{ endif }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$name'=>'Anna', '$enabled'=>false)); $this->assertEquals('Hello Anna! ', $text); $tpl='Hey $name! {{ if $enabled }} I hate you! {{ endif }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$name'=>'Max', '$enabled'=>true)); $this->assertEquals('Hey Max! I hate you! ', $text); } public function testIncDouble() { $tpl='{{inc field_input.tpl with $field=$var1}}{{ endinc }}' .'{{inc field_input.tpl with $field=$var2}}{{ endinc }}'; $text=replace_macros($tpl, array('$var1'=>array('myfield', 'label', 'value', 'help'), '$var2'=>array('myfield2', 'label2', 'value2', 'help2'))); $this->assertEquals(" \n" ." <div class='field input'>\n" ." <label for='id_myfield'>label</label>\n" ." <input name='myfield' id='id_myfield' value=\"value\">\n" ." <span class='field_help'>help</span>\n" ." </div>\n" ." \n" ." <div class='field input'>\n" ." <label for='id_myfield2'>label2</label>\n" ." <input name='myfield2' id='id_myfield2' value=\"value2\">\n" ." <span class='field_help'>help2</span>\n" ." </div>\n", $text); } }