one tab preserved
empty line above';
$this->assertEquals($htmlbr, purify_html($htmlbr));
// HTML5 is not supported by HTMLPurifier yet, test our own configuration
$html5elements = '';
$this->assertEquals($html5elements, purify_html($html5elements));
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html(''));
// unsupported HTML5 elements
$this->assertEquals('Your HTML parser does not support HTML5 video.', purify_html(''));
$this->assertEquals('Your HTML parser does not support HTML5 audio.', purify_html(''));
// preserve f6 and bootstrap additional data attributes from our own configuration
', purify_html('
', purify_html('
', purify_html('
* @covers ::purify_html
public function testPurifyHTML_html() {
ids und classes
', purify_html('
ids und classes
close missing tags
', purify_html('
close missing tags'));
deprecated tag
', purify_html('
deprecated tag
illegal nesting
', purify_html('
illegal nesting
$this->assertEquals('link with target', purify_html('link with target'));
$this->assertEquals('link with rel="nofollow"', purify_html('link with rel="nofollow"'));
$this->assertEquals('a b', purify_html('a b'));
$this->assertEquals('ä ä € €', purify_html('ä ä € €'));
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html(''));
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html(''));
* @covers ::purify_html
public function testPurifyHTML_js() {
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html('
$this->assertEquals('link', purify_html('link'));
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html(''));
$this->assertEquals('', purify_html(''));
* @covers ::purify_html
public function testPurifyHTML_css() {
', purify_html('
invalid color
', purify_html('
invalid color
invalid style
', purify_html('
invalid style
// test our own CSS configuration
position removed
', purify_html('
position removed
position preserved
', purify_html('
position preserved
', true));
invalid position removed
', purify_html('
invalid position removed
', true));
position removed
', purify_html('
position removed
position preserved
', purify_html('
position preserved
', true));
invalid position removed
', purify_html('
invalid position removed
', true));
* @dataProvider notagsProvider
public function testNotags($string, $expected) {
$this->assertEquals($expected, notags($string));
public function notagsProvider() {
return [
'empty string' => ['', ''],
'simple tag' => ['', '[value]'],
'tag pair' => ['text', '[b]text[/b]'],
'double angle bracket' => ['< ['>', '>']
* @dataProvider sanitise_aclProvider
public function testSanitise_acl($string, $expected) {
$this->assertEquals($expected, $string);
public function sanitise_aclProvider() {
return [
'text' => ['value', ''],
'text with angle bracket' => ['', '<[value]>'],
'comma separated acls' => ['value1,value2', '']
public function testUnsetSanitise_acl() {
$empty = '';
$this->assertTrue(isset($empty)); // unset() not working? Would expect false