<?php namespace Zotlabs\Tests\Unit\includes; //use Zotlabs\Photo\PhotoGd; use Zotlabs\Tests\Unit\UnitTestCase; //use phpmock\phpunit\PHPMock; /** * @brief Unit Test cases for include/photo/photo_driver.php file. */ class PhotodriverTest extends UnitTestCase { //use PHPMock; public function testPhotofactoryReturnsNullForUnsupportedType() { // php-mock can not mock global functions which is called by a global function. // If the calling function is in a namespace it would work. //$logger = $this->getFunctionMock(__NAMESPACE__, 'logger'); //$logger->expects($this->once()); //$ph = \photo_factory('', 'image/bmp'); //$this->assertNull($ph); $this->markTestIncomplete('Need to mock logger(), otherwise not unit testable.'); } public function testPhotofactoryReturnsPhotogdIfConfigIgnore_imagickIsSet() { // php-mock can not mock global functions which is called by a global function. // If the calling function is in a namespace it would work. //$gc = $this->getFunctionMock(__NAMESPACE__, 'get_config'); // simulate get_config('system', 'ignore_imagick') configured //$gc->expects($this->once())->willReturn(1) //$ph = \photo_factory(file_get_contents('images/hz-16.png'), 'image/png'); //$this->assertInstanceOf(PhotoGd::class, $ph); $this->markTestIncomplete('Need to mock get_config(), otherwise not unit testable.'); } }