<?php require_once('Photo.php'); function wall_upload_post(&$a) { if($a->argc > 1) { $nick = $a->argv[1]; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `nickname` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 LIMIT 1", dbesc($nick) ); if(! count($r)) return; } else return; $can_post = false; $visitor = 0; $page_owner_uid = $r[0]['uid']; $community_page = (($r[0]['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) ? true : false); if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $page_owner_uid)) $can_post = true; else { if($community_page && remote_user()) { $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(remote_user()), intval($page_owner_uid) ); if(count($r)) { $can_post = true; $visitor = remote_user(); } } } if(! $can_post) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL ); killme(); } if(! x($_FILES,'userfile')) killme(); $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $filename = basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $filesize = intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']); $maximagesize = get_config('system','maximagesize'); if(($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) { notice( t('Image exceeds size limit of ') . $maximagesize . EOL); @unlink($src); return; } $imagedata = @file_get_contents($src); $ph = new Photo($imagedata); if(! $ph->is_valid()) { echo ( t('Unable to process image.') . EOL); @unlink($src); killme(); } @unlink($src); $width = $ph->getWidth(); $height = $ph->getHeight(); $hash = photo_new_resource(); $smallest = 0; $r = $ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $hash, $filename, t('Wall Photos'), 0 ); if(! $r) { echo ( t('Image upload failed.') . EOL); killme(); } if($width > 640 || $height > 640) { $ph->scaleImage(640); $r = $ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $hash, $filename, t('Wall Photos'), 1 ); if($r) $smallest = 1; } if($width > 320 || $height > 320) { $ph->scaleImage(320); $r = $ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $hash, $filename, t('Wall Photos'), 2 ); if($r) $smallest = 2; } $basename = basename($filename); echo "<br /><br /><img src=\"".$a->get_baseurl(). "/photo/{$hash}-{$smallest}.jpg\" alt=\"$basename\" /><br /><br />"; killme(); return; // NOTREACHED }