get_path(); $dbhost = notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])); $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbport']))); $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); require_once('include/dba/dba_driver.php'); unset($db); $db = dba_factory($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbdata, true); /*if(get_db_errno()) { unset($db); $db = dba_factory($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass, '', true); if(! get_db_errno()) { $r = q("CREATE DATABASE '%s'", dbesc($dbdata) ); if($r) { unset($db); $db = new dba($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbdata, true); } else { $a->data['db_create_failed']=true; } } else { $a->data['db_conn_failed']=true; return; } }*/ if(get_db_errno()) { $a->data['db_conn_failed']=true; } return; break; case 4: $urlpath = $a->get_path(); $dbhost = notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])); $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbport']))); $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $timezone = notags(trim($_POST['timezone'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); // connect to db $db = dba_factory($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbdata, true); $tpl = get_intltext_template('htconfig.tpl'); $txt = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$dbhost' => $dbhost, '$dbport' => $dbport, '$dbuser' => $dbuser, '$dbpass' => $dbpass, '$dbdata' => $dbdata, '$timezone' => $timezone, '$siteurl' => $siteurl, '$site_id' => random_string(), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$adminmail' => $adminmail )); $result = file_put_contents('.htconfig.php', $txt); if(! $result) { $a->data['txt'] = $txt; } $errors = load_database($db); if($errors) $a->data['db_failed'] = $errors; else $a->data['db_installed'] = true; return; break; } } function get_db_errno() { if(class_exists('mysqli')) return mysqli_connect_errno(); else return mysql_errno(); } function setup_content(&$a) { global $install_wizard_pass, $db; $o = ''; $wizard_status = ""; $install_title = t('Red Matrix Server - Setup'); if(x($a->data,'db_conn_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not connect to database.'); } if(x($a->data,'db_create_failed')) { $install_wizard_pass = 2; $wizard_status = t('Could not create table.'); } $db_return_text=""; if(x($a->data,'db_installed')) { $txt = '

'; $txt .= t('Your site database has been installed.') . EOL; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if(x($a->data,'db_failed')) { $txt = t('You may need to import the file "install/database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.') . EOL; $txt .= t('Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt".') . EOL ."

" ; $txt .= "
".$a->data['db_failed'] . "
". EOL ; $db_return_text .= $txt; } if($db && $db->connected) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `account`"); if($r && count($r) && $r[0]['total']) { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => '', '$status' => t('Permission denied.'), '$text' => '', )); } } if(x($a->data,'txt') && strlen($a->data['txt'])) { $db_return_text .= manual_config($a); } if ($db_return_text!="") { $tpl = get_markup_template('install.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => "", '$text' => $db_return_text . what_next(), )); } switch ($install_wizard_pass){ case 1: { // System check $checks = array(); check_funcs($checks); check_htconfig($checks); check_smarty3($checks); check_keys($checks); if(x($_POST,'phpath')) $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); check_php($phpath, $checks); check_htaccess($checks); function check_passed($v, $c){ if ($c['required']) $v = $v && $c['status']; return $v; } $checkspassed = array_reduce($checks, "check_passed", true); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_checks.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('System check'), '$checks' => $checks, '$passed' => $checkspassed, '$see_install' => t('Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt".'), '$next' => t('Next'), '$reload' => t('Check again'), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), )); return $o; }; break; case 2: { // Database config $dbhost = ((x($_POST,'dbhost')) ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : 'localhost'); $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbport']))); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_db.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Database connection'), '$info_01' => t('In order to install Red we need to know how to connect to your database.'), '$info_02' => t('Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'), '$info_03' => t('The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => array('dbhost', t('Database Server Name'), $dbhost, ''), '$dbport' => array('dbport', t('Database Port'), $dbport, t('Communication port number or leave blank to use default'), '$dbuser' => array('dbuser', t('Database Login Name'), $dbuser, ''), '$dbpass' => array('dbpass', t('Database Login Password'), $dbpass, ''), '$dbdata' => array('dbdata', t('Database Name'), $dbdata, ''), '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$siteurl' => array('siteurl', t('Website URL'), z_root(), t('Please use SSL (https) URL if available.')), '$lbl_10' => t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$phpath' => $phpath, '$submit' => t('Submit'), )); return $o; }; break; case 3: { // Site settings require_once('datetime.php'); $dbhost = ((x($_POST,'dbhost')) ? notags(trim($_POST['dbhost'])) : 'localhost'); $dbport = intval(notags(trim($_POST['dbuser']))); $dbuser = notags(trim($_POST['dbuser'])); $dbpass = notags(trim($_POST['dbpass'])); $dbdata = notags(trim($_POST['dbdata'])); $phpath = notags(trim($_POST['phpath'])); $adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail'])); $siteurl = notags(trim($_POST['siteurl'])); $timezone = ((x($_POST,'timezone')) ? ($_POST['timezone']) : 'America/Los_Angeles'); $tpl = get_markup_template('install_settings.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => $install_title, '$pass' => t('Site settings'), '$status' => $wizard_status, '$dbhost' => $dbhost, '$dbport' => $dbport, '$dbuser' => $dbuser, '$dbpass' => $dbpass, '$dbdata' => $dbdata, '$phpath' => $phpath, '$adminmail' => array('adminmail', t('Site administrator email address'), $adminmail, t('Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel.')), '$siteurl' => array('siteurl', t('Website URL'), z_root(), t('Please use SSL (https) URL if available.')), '$timezone' => field_timezone('timezone', t('Please select a default timezone for your website'), $timezone, ''), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$submit' => t('Submit'), )); return $o; }; break; } } /** * checks : array passed to template * title : string * status : boolean * required : boolean * help : string optional */ function check_add(&$checks, $title, $status, $required, $help){ $checks[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'status' => $status, 'required' => $required, 'help' => $help, ); } function check_php(&$phpath, &$checks) { if (strlen($phpath)){ $passed = file_exists($phpath); } else { $phpath = trim(shell_exec('which php')); $passed = strlen($phpath); } $help = ""; if(!$passed) { $help .= t('Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.'). EOL; $help .= t("If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron.") . EOL; $help .= EOL . EOL ; $tpl = get_markup_template('field_input.tpl'); $help .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$field' => array('phpath', t('PHP executable path'), $phpath, t('Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation.')), )); $phpath=""; } check_add($checks, t('Command line PHP').($passed?" ($phpath)":""), $passed, false, $help); if($passed) { $str = autoname(8); $cmd = "$phpath install/testargs.php $str"; $result = trim(shell_exec($cmd)); $passed2 = $result == $str; $help = ""; if(!$passed2) { $help .= t('The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.'). EOL; $help .= t('This is required for message delivery to work.'); } check_add($checks, t('PHP register_argc_argv'), $passed, true, $help); } } function check_keys(&$checks) { $help = ''; $res = false; if(function_exists('openssl_pkey_new')) $res=openssl_pkey_new(array( 'digest_alg' => 'sha1', 'private_key_bits' => 4096, 'encrypt_key' => false )); // Get private key if(! $res) { $help .= t('Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys'). EOL; $help .= t('If running under Windows, please see "".'); } check_add($checks, t('Generate encryption keys'), $res, true, $help); } function check_funcs(&$checks) { $ck_funcs = array(); check_add($ck_funcs, t('libCurl PHP module'), true, true, ""); check_add($ck_funcs, t('GD graphics PHP module'), true, true, ""); check_add($ck_funcs, t('OpenSSL PHP module'), true, true, ""); check_add($ck_funcs, t('mysqli PHP module'), true, true, ""); check_add($ck_funcs, t('mb_string PHP module'), true, true, ""); check_add($ck_funcs, t('mcrypt PHP module'), true, true, ""); if(function_exists('apache_get_modules')){ if (! in_array('mod_rewrite',apache_get_modules())) { check_add($ck_funcs, t('Apache mod_rewrite module'), false, true, t('Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.')); } else { check_add($ck_funcs, t('Apache mod_rewrite module'), true, true, ""); } } if((! function_exists('proc_open')) || strstr(ini_get('disable_functions'),'proc_open')) { check_add($ck_funcs, t('proc_open'), false, true, t('Error: proc_open is required but is either not installed or has been disabled in php.ini')); } else { check_add($ck_funcs, t('proc_open'), true, true, ""); } if(! function_exists('curl_init')){ $ck_funcs[0]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[0]['help']= t('Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.'); } if(! function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')){ $ck_funcs[1]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[1]['help']= t('Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.'); } if(! function_exists('openssl_public_encrypt')) { $ck_funcs[2]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[2]['help']= t('Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.'); } if(! function_exists('mysqli_connect')){ $ck_funcs[3]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[3]['help']= t('Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed.'); } if(! function_exists('mb_strlen')){ $ck_funcs[4]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[4]['help']= t('Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed.'); } if(! function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')){ $ck_funcs[4]['status']= false; $ck_funcs[4]['help']= t('Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed.'); } $checks = array_merge($checks, $ck_funcs); } function check_htconfig(&$checks) { $status = true; $help = ""; if( (file_exists('.htconfig.php') && !is_writable('.htconfig.php')) || (!file_exists('.htconfig.php') && !is_writable('.')) ) { $status=false; $help = t('The web installer needs to be able to create a file called ".htconfig.php" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.') .EOL; $help .= t('This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.').EOL; $help .= t('At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Red top folder.').EOL; $help .= t('You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt" for instructions.').EOL; } check_add($checks, t('.htconfig.php is writable'), $status, false, $help); } function check_smarty3(&$checks) { $status = true; $help = ""; if( !is_writable('view/tpl/smarty3') ) { $status=false; $help = t('Red uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering.') .EOL; $help .= t('In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/tpl/smarty3/ under the Red top level folder.').EOL; $help .= t('Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder.').EOL; $help .= t('Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/tpl/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains.').EOL; } check_add($checks, t('view/tpl/smarty3 is writable'), $status, true, $help); } function check_htaccess(&$checks) { $a = get_app(); $status = true; $help = ""; if (function_exists('curl_init')){ $test = z_fetch_url($a->get_baseurl()."/setup/testrewrite"); if(! $test['success']) { if(strstr($a->get_baseurl(),'https://')) { $test = z_fetch_url($a->get_baseurl() . "/setup/testrewrite",false,0,array('novalidate' => true)); if($test['success']) { check_add($checks, t('SSL certificate validation'),false,true, t('SSL certificate cannot be validated. Fix certificate or disable https access to this site.')); } } } if ((! $test['success']) || ($test['body'] != "ok")) { $status = false; $help = t('Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration.'); } check_add($checks, t('Url rewrite is working'), $status, true, $help); } else { // cannot check modrewrite if libcurl is not installed } } function manual_config(&$a) { $data = htmlentities($a->data['txt']); $o = t('The database configuration file ".htconfig.php" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root.'); $o .= ""; return $o; } function load_database_rem($v, $i){ $l = trim($i); if (strlen($l)>1 && ($l[0]=="-" || ($l[0]=="/" && $l[1]=="*"))){ return $v; } else { return $v."\n".$i; } } function load_database($db) { $str = file_get_contents('install/database.sql'); $arr = explode(';',$str); $errors = false; foreach($arr as $a) { if(strlen(trim($a))) { $r = @$db->q(trim($a)); if(! $r) { $errors .= t('Errors encountered creating database tables.') . $a . EOL; } } } return $errors; } function what_next() { $a = get_app(); $baseurl = $a->get_baseurl(); return t('

What next

') ."

".t('IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller.') .t('Please see the file "install/INSTALL.txt".') ."

" .t("Go to your new Red node registration page and register as new user. Remember to use the same email you have entered as administrator email. This will allow you to enter the site admin panel.") ."

"; }