<?php require_once('include/account.php'); function register_init(&$a) { $result = null; $cmd = ((argc() > 1) ? argv(1) : ''); switch($cmd) { case 'invite_check.json': $result = check_account_invite($_REQUEST['invite_code']); break; case 'email_check.json': $result = check_account_email($_REQUEST['email']); break; case 'password_check.json': $result = check_account_password($_REQUEST['password']); break; default: break; } if($result) { json_return_and_die($result); } } function register_post(&$a) { $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system','max_daily_registrations')); if($max_dailies) { $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day"); if($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) { notice( t('Maximum daily site registrations exceeded. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL); return; } } if(! x($_POST,'tos')) { notice( t('Please indicate acceptance of the Terms of Service. Registration failed.') . EOL); return; } $policy = get_config('system','register_policy'); switch($policy) { case REGISTER_OPEN: $flags = ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED; break; case REGISTER_APPROVE: $flags = ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED | ACCOUNT_BLOCKED | ACCOUNT_PENDING; break; default: case REGISTER_CLOSED: if(! is_site_admin()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL ); return; } $flags = ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED | ACCOUNT_BLOCKED; break; } if((! $_POST['password']) || ($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['password2'])) { notice( t('Passwords do not match.') . EOL); return; } $arr = $_POST; $arr['account_flags'] = $flags; $result = create_account($arr); if(! $result['success']) { notice($result['message']); return; } require_once('include/security.php'); $using_invites = intval(get_config('system','invitation_only')); $num_invites = intval(get_config('system','number_invites')); $invite_code = ((x($_POST,'invite_code')) ? notags(trim($_POST['invite_code'])) : ''); if($using_invites && $invite_code) { q("delete * from register where hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($invite_code)); set_pconfig($result['account']['account_id'],'system','invites_remaining',$num_invites); } if($policy == REGISTER_OPEN ) { $res = send_verification_email($result['email'],$result['password']); if($res) { info( t('Registration successful. Please check your email for validation instructions.') . EOL ) ; } } elseif($policy == REGISTER_APPROVE) { $res = send_reg_approval_email($result); if($res) { info( t('Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.') . EOL ) ; } else { notice( t('Your registration can not be processed.') . EOL); } goaway(z_root()); } authenticate_success($result['account'],true,false,true); if(! strlen($next_page = get_config('system','workflow_register_next'))) $next_page = 'new_channel'; $_SESSION['workflow'] = true; goaway(z_root() . '/' . $next_page); } function register_content(&$a) { if(get_config('system','register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) { notice("Permission denied." . EOL); return; } $max_dailies = intval(get_config('system','max_daily_registrations')); if($max_dailies) { $r = q("select count(account_id) as total from account where account_created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 1 day"); if($r && $r[0]['total'] >= $max_dailies) { logger('max daily registrations exceeded.'); notice( t('This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow.') . EOL); return; } } // Configurable terms of service link $tosurl = get_config('system','tos_url'); if(! $tosurl) $tosurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/help/TermsOfService'; $toslink = '<a href="' . $tosurl . '" >' . t('Terms of Service') . '</a>'; // Configurable whether to restrict age or not - default is based on international legal requirements // This can be relaxed if you are on a restricted server that does not share with public servers if(get_config('system','no_age_restriction')) $label_tos = sprintf( t('I accept the %s for this website'), $toslink); else $label_tos = sprintf( t('I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website'), $toslink); $enable_tos = 1 - intval(get_config('system','no_termsofservice')); $email = ((x($_REQUEST,'email')) ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['email'])) : "" ); $password = ((x($_REQUEST,'password')) ? trim($_REQUEST['password']) : "" ); $password2 = ((x($_REQUEST,'password2')) ? trim($_REQUEST['password2']) : "" ); $invite_code = ((x($_REQUEST,'invite_code')) ? strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['invite_code'])) : "" ); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('register.tpl'), array( '$title' => t('Registration'), '$registertext' => get_config('system','register_text'), '$invitations' => get_config('system','invitation_only'), '$invite_desc' => t('Membership on this site is by invitation only.'), '$label_invite' => t('Please enter your invitation code'), '$invite_code' => $invite_code, '$label_email' => t('Your email address'), '$label_pass1' => t('Choose a password'), '$label_pass2' => t('Please re-enter your password'), '$label_tos' => $label_tos, '$enable_tos' => $enable_tos, '$email' => $email, '$pass1' => $password, '$pass2' => $password2, '$submit' => t('Register') )); return $o; }